Dare Or Dare

Don't Touch Others, Pabo


“Saeng-il chukha hamnida,

Saeng-il chukha hamnida,

Saranghaneun Min Yoon Gi,

Saeng-il chukha hamnida~”

Wishes were made, candles were blown, and heavy slaps were delivered onto Yoongi’s back. (A/N: It’s a Korean tradition on birthdays I think)

“Yah, that’s enough hitting!” Yoongi exclaimed with a laugh. “Can we cut the cake now?”


It was March 9th, the birthdate of Bangtan’s Daegu rapper, Min Yoongi aka Suga. Since they had no schedules for the whole week, the other members decided to plan a surprise party for the grandpa of the group. Everyone made preparations when the hardworking rapper was out working on a newly composed song in the studio. Jin and Namjoon were in charge of shopping for snacks and picking out a birthday cake, whereas the others took care of decorating the house with colourful balloons and streamers.

Yoongi returned from the studio at 11pm and was prepared for a good night’s sleep, but as he opened the door, the dorm was unusually dark with no lights switched on. The members usually kept the lights of the living room on even when they slept, as Taehyung always complained that ghosts would wander around if the dorm was too dark.

“I’m home~” the rapper said quietly as he thought all of the members were asleep. But as he switched on the lights, party horns were blown, confetti was falling all over him, and everyone started to sing their self-made celebration song.



Congratulation-lation-lation-lation bap-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap, bap!”

“Jinjja, I’ve forgotten about my own birthday,” was his dumbstruck comment as the members gave him a bone-crushing group hug. The group hug was broken by the sound of an angrily growling stomach.

“Um, is it time to eat the cake now?” asked alien Tae and they all broke into laughter.


“It ain’t a party without some wine!” Hoseok said cheerfully as he popped a bottle of wine open. The others looked at him questioningly as no one knew where or when he bought the expensive-looking wine.

“Yah, some of us here are still underage,” the leader of Bangtan said as he eyed the maknae-line.

“Stop being a leader just for a day and let it slide okay?” Hoseok said as he poured some wine into a glass and handed it to Namjoon. “Or are you just a loser who can’t handle alcohol?” he taunted with a smirk. Apparently the taunt worked as Namjoon swiftly took the glass of wine from Hoseok and downed it in a gulp.

“That’s what I’m talking about,” he said satisfyingly as he handed drinks to everyone.

“I’m fine with everyone else drinking wine, but I’m just worried about our little maknae here,” Jin, the eomma of the group said as he looked at Bangtan’s maknae with a worried frown. “You’re just a little too young to dri—”

“Aw, don’t be a party pooper Jin-hyung, let Kookie do whatever he wants.” A little jealous of the attention his supposed boyfriend was giving to his dongsaeng, Taehyung interrupted Jin as he back-hugged Jungkook and rested his head on the maknae’s shoulder.

Taehyung could feel Jimin staring daggers at him and he smirked inwardly. If glares could kill, Taehyung would be dead by now.

Jin uncomfortably averted his eyes away from the sight of his boyfriend being intimate with the maknae, but worry overcame his feelings of jealousy as he said to Jungkook, “You don’t have to drink it if you don’t want to.”

“It’s fine hyung, I’m not a baby, I know my limit,” Jungkook quickly replied as he didn’t want his youngest hyung disliking him because of this.

He took the glass from Hoseok and took a tiny sip of it. The unfamiliar and bitter taste of wine made him scrunch his nose up.

"Ngaw, you look like a cute chipmunk when you do that, Kookie stop being illegal!" Taehyung squealed, hugging Jungkook even tighter.

"Yah, that's enough hugging, you're making me cringe," said a jealous Jimin as he tried splitting the two up.


“Let’s play a game, ‘Dare or Dare’!” Hoseok said enthusiastically as he gestured everyone to sit in a circle.

“Dare or dare? Isn’t it supposed to be ‘Truth or Dare’?” Yoongi asked as he took a sip of his wine.

“We practically know everything about each other so it’s pointless to play it like that,” Hoseok replied as he took an empty bottle and placed it in the middle of the circle.

“Before we start the game, there are some rules to follow,” whines were made by some of the members but Hoseok quickly shushed them, “Rule number 1: no wimping out on the dare. If you don’t do it, you’re not a man. Rule number 2: no helping others out. Everyone clear?”

“Yes leader Jung,” Jimin jokingly said as he returned from the kitchen and squeezed into the seat next to Jungkook.

“I’ll start!” A drunken Namjoon said as he wobbly reached his hand out to the bottle and spun it. Everyone held their breaths in excitement as the bottle kept spinning and spinning. It finally came to a stop and the victim was none other than their precious maknae, Jungkook.

“What? Me?” Jungkook stared at the bottle and pointed to himself disbelievingly. Everyone else was clapping and cheering, happy that they weren’t chosen, whereas Jimin was inwardly squealing at how cute his crush looked when he was surprised.

“Jeon Jungkook, I dare you to finish this entire bottle within 30 seconds,” Namjoon said as he swung an unopened bottle of wine in front of Jungkook. Everyone was shocked upon hearing the usually smart and responsible leader's words, they didn’t think that he'd come up with this kind of dare.

“Woah, how could you tell Kookie to do that? It’s his first time drinking and he’s still underage!” Jin exclaimed in shock.

“Jin eomma, can’t you just let it slide for tonight?” Namjoon replied drunkenly as he downed another glass of wine.

“Namjoon, I think you’ve had too much to drink for tonight,” Yoongi said and turned to look at Jungkook, “I don’t approve of you doing this but, rules aren’t rules if you don’t follow them,” he said with a shrug.

Jimin immediately came to Jungkook’s defense as he put his arm around Jungkook and whispered into his ear, “Don’t worry Kookie, if you don’t want to do it, I’ll help you.”

Jungkook could feel his face heat up when he felt Jimin’s warm breath against his sensitive ear. He was confused as to why he’d feel embarrassed now when they had always whispered to one another during fan meetings or concerts.

“But Jimin, the rules don’t allow it,” Hoseok whined in protest.

“Jinjja! Do we HAVE to follow the rules?!” Jimin exclaimed in frustration. He didn’t want his pure and innocent Kookie to be tainted by alcohol.

“A dare’s a dare, you have to do it~” Namjoon said, followed by a series of hiccups.

Jungkook lifted the bottle to his mouth uncertainly, wincing at the smell of wine. After a few seconds of silence, he bravely consumed his drink, trying to ignore the unpleasant taste of wine that he still wasn’t used to yet. He could feel his body heat slowly rising, as if there was a pit of fire burning in his stomach. He finished it and released the bottle from his mouth with a pop, wiping away the trail of wine dripping from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand. He then proceeded to away the wine from his hand like a cat its paw. If Jimin wasn’t busy worrying about his crush, he would’ve thought this scene was y as hell with wine dripping down Jungkook’s neck, tainting a shade of red on his over-sized white T-shirt.

Everyone wowed and clapped as Jungkook completed his dare, impressed and convinced that the maknae wasn’t a young boy anymore. It was Jungkook’s turn to spin the bottle, and this time it pointed to Hoseok.

“Hoseok-hyung, I dare you to...to…” Before he could finish his sentence, Jungkook’s head fell onto Jimin’s shoulder and he began to snore softly.

“Aw, he fell asleep, how cute~” Taehyung cooed. Everyone chuckled at their cute maknae except for Jimin, who became stiff when he felt Jungkook’s arms snaking around his waist to hug him closer. Jungkook was so close to him that he could feel heat radiating from the younger’s body, and it made his heart thump wildly against his chest. Jimin took this moment to steal a glance at the sleeping maknae, he looked so cute and at peace when he slept.

“Yay, my turn to spin the bottle~” Hoseok hummed cheerfully and reached for the bottle but was stopped by Yoongi.

“But you haven’t done a dare yet! Since Kookie fell asleep, we should help him come up with a dare.”

“No no no, you can’t help others! It’s against the rules!”

“I thought that rule was only applied for helping others to complete their dare!” (A/N: Idk this sentence feels weird hope you guys understand what I mean ㅠㅠ)

“I didn’t restrict it to only that, right?” Hoseok replied with a sly smile.

Feeling defeated, Yoongi ended their debate with a mumbled ‘fine’ and crossed his arms with a huff. Hoseok began to spin the bottle and it pointed to Taehyung, who was excited rather than worried for his dare.

“Kim Taehyung, I dare you to kiss the person you find cutest among all of us!” Hoseok declared as he pointed at Taehyung.

“Wait a minute! Isn’t that too much?” Jin asked alarmingly as he eyed his boyfriend worriedly. Expecting that person to be him, he was worried that his beloved Tae Tae would feel too bothered to kiss him in front of everyone.

“I meant a kiss on the cheek, hyung. What did you think I meant?” Hoseok asked teasingly as he wriggled his eyebrows at Jin.

Jin sighed in relief at Hoseok’s answer. Taehyung started to crawl towards Jin slowly, as he was sitting opposite of him, while gazing at him. If they weren’t in the living room but instead in bed, Jin would’ve devoured him right away at how incredibly seductive he looked.

‘Isn’t this embarrassing for him?’ Jin thought as he watched Taehyung crawl closer and closer towards him. He leaned forward a little so that his boyfriend could kiss his cheek more easily, but instead of feeling Taehyung’s warm lips on his cheek, he saw him turn towards Jungkook, who was sleeping on Jimin’s shoulder next to him and gave the maknae a slight peck on his cheek before hugging his waist tightly.


A/N: Hello lovely readers~ Thanks for not dropping this kinda okay fanfic of mine. And thank you so much for the new subs and comments, I feel so embarrassed that I've wrote this, but the 2 lovely comments made me feel better about myself lol. Anyways there are several things that I’d like to clarify here:

  1. The slapping tradition was from Jungkook’s birthday surprise vid, which you can watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uav5suskIZM Saw in the comments that it was a Korean tradition, not sure if it's true tho.
  2. The ‘Congratulation’ song is real lol. It's at 3:11 in BTS’ 100 days anniversary vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVwdEr4pJyw Maybe Namjoon came up with it ㅋㅋㅋ
  3. I’m not sure about the legal drinking age in Korea so let’s just pretend that the maknae-line's not old enough to drink heh.

Kamsahamnida once again for dropping by and stay tuned for more updates~

Criticism and comments are much appreciated and loved~

P.S. I’m so embarrassed at the suggestiveness ㅠㅠ *hides behind a rock*

~ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

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Forte101 #1
Chapter 4: Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→
Chapter 4: This was such a cute story! I loved it. JiKook is just a cute couple.
Chapter 4: Omggg this story was just so cute
Chapter 2: Tawhyung am ginna effin kill you
Chapter 4: aww so cute ^-^
belinha1045 #6
Chapter 6: I LOVE IT!!!!!
I'm going to read the sequel right now*--*
Juliabeauchamp #7
Chapter 4: This was really good!!!!!! Wow!!
Suga_my_neckpillow #8
Chapter 6: This was beautiful~ I found the ual first glad I'm reading this before!
BluebutterflyKPop #9
Chapter 5: Thank you so much for this really great JiKook fanfic ;-) I will read the sequel tomorrow ^^
poppoppoppop #10
Chapter 4: Hobi is so cute