I Don’t Know. Maybe. Yes.

Don't Touch Others, Pabo


After taking a long and refreshing shower, Jungkook decided to look for Jimin as he could finally spend some time with him since Taehyung’s plan was over. He looked all over the dorm, but the only person he could find was a very hungover Namjoon.

“Namjoon-hyung is here, Jin-hyung and Taehyung-hyung are out on a date, Yoongi-hyung must’ve gone to the studio, so that leaves Hoseok-hyung and Jimin-hyung. Where are they?” Jungkook wondered aloud as he took a bite of the apple he got from the fridge. In the end, he decided to head over to the dance studio to polish up his dance moves as he was a bit rusty for not practicing for quite a long time.


On his way to the dance studio, Jungkook thought about a lot of things, but mostly things about Jimin. His mind kept replaying the kiss that Jimin had planted on his lips, and he’d find himself unconsciously touching his own lips, and blushed at that fact. He didn’t feel disgusted by the kiss, in fact, he was okay with it, and this made him even more confused about himself.

‘Hyungs aren’t supposed to kiss their dongsaengs like that, right? So why am I okay with it? Shouldn’t I feel weirded out? What’s wrong with me?’

He was also constantly reminded of the words Jimin had said before he left his room. He remembered how Jimin’s hot breath felt against his skin and how his voice was unusually deep and full of emotion when he spoke, and that made Jungkook’s heart pound wildly against his chest.

‘He said he’d get jealous if I touch others. Taehyung-hyung told me that I...touched Yoongi-hyung’s abs,’ he cringed at the thought of that, ‘so does that mean he was...jealous at Yoongi-hyung? That’s why he said that last night? But jealousy means that you’re in love. So...does Jimin-hyung love me?’

Jungkook unconsciously walked into a street lamp and hit his forehead with a thump. He rubbed his bruised forehead and looked around, and realized he had already walked past the dance studio. He jogged back the way he came from and stopped in front of the familiar sign of the dance studio.

Jungkook walked in, went up the stairs, and suddenly, he heard a loud thump, followed by a series of familiar laughter. He ran up the remaining fleet of stairs and looked through the glass door of the dance practice room. And his suspicions were right, it was indeed Hoseok's and Jimin's laughter that he’d heard just now. But what made him stop himself from going in was the awkward position they were in; Jimin was lying on the floor with Hoseok on top of him, head resting on his chest.

Jungkook felt a pang of jealousy as he watched his hyungs laughing together. ‘Wait, jealousy? I’m...I'm jealous of Hoseok-hyung? But jealousy means that you’re in love. Does this mean I’m…in love? In love with Jimin-hyung?’ He walks away confused, the thought of practicing leaving his mind.


“Hey, isn’t that Jungkookie? Why didn’t he come in to practice with us?” Hoseok said as he lifted himself from Jimin and saw the maknae’s back reflecting in the mirror. Everyone in Bangtan could recognize his trademark red coat that he’d always wear and Hoseok was certain that it was his youngest dongsaeng who had just left.

“What? Kookie’s here?” Jimin exclaimed as he looked towards the glass door.

“Well, he just left. Yah! Park Jimin, where are you going?” Hoseok asked as Jimin immediately got up and paced towards the door.

“I just, um, I have to get back to the dorm, to uh, take care of something,” Jimin replied with a lame excuse as he stopped to look back at his hyung.

“Take care of what? Wait. Oh, I get it,” Hoseok said with a wink after he came to some sort of understanding.

‘It must have something to do with Jungkookie, maybe he's gonna confess,’ Hoseok thought as he also knew about Jimin’s obvious crush on their maknae.

“Take your time, I’ll be waiting here for some good news~” he said as he wriggled his eyebrows at a confused Jimin. Jimin was too much in a hurry to question what his hyung meant and just waved him off with a ‘see you later, hyung’.


The strong, cold wind brushed against him as he hurried back to the dorm. Jimin didn’t know why he was so worried. He was afraid that Jungkook might get the wrong idea after seeing them in an awkward postion, but he was certain that Jungkook was straight and wasn’t even infatuated by him, so why in the world would Kookie even care? So what if he misunderstood? Jungkook wasn't even his boyfriend to begin with, it wasn't like he'd get jealous or anything.

Noticing he had already walked past the dorm, he retraced his steps and went up the steps to the door. He placed his hand on the cold doorknob, contemplating on whether to open the door or not.

‘Face it Park Jimin, you’re in a helpless one-sided love.’

He retracted his hand from the doorknob and decided that it was silly of him to think that Jungkook might misunderstand the situation and get jealous. It wasn’t like the maknae viewed their relationship on a more intimate level than friends. He put his hands back into his pockets and prepared to head back to the dance studio when the door suddenly opened.

In front of him stood a sleepy yet well-dressed Namjoon, hopping on one leg to wear his shoe. “Jimin! Back so soon? Where’s Hoseok? You guys done practicing?”

Jimin was surprised as he thought Namjoon wasn’t listening when they told him they were headed out to the dance studio. He was still dealing with his hangover when they told him about it.

“I just needed to…get something from my room. Where are you going hyung?”

“To the studio. Yoongi-hyung wanted me to help out on his song,” Namjoon replied, stretching his back after he finally managed to put on his shoe. He walked out of the door and patted Jimin on the shoulder as he whispered, “Seems like Kookie’s a little moody in there, cheer him up a bit will ya?”

“Kookie’s in a bad mood? Why?”

“Who knows? Probably hormones. He might be having a ‘War of Hormone’ right now,” Namjoon said and inwardly chuckled at his own joke. Seeing no response for his lame joke from the younger, he continued with a sigh, “Anyways gotta go. Good luck trying to cheer the brat up,” and with that he left Jimin to stand alone in front of the door.


Jimin cautiously entered the dorm and saw Jungkook seated on the floor with his back against the sofa, playing ‘The King of Fighters’ on their PlayStation. If Jimin didn’t know Jungkook so well, it would’ve looked like he was very concentrated on his game, but Jimin knew there was something bothering the gamer with the unfamiliar look in his eyes.

He made his way to Jungkook and sat next to him, the maknae shifting away a little with furrowed brows.

“Jungkook, are you…are you okay?” Jimin ask uncertainly.

Jungkook noticed that Jimin used his real name instead of his nickname. When his hyungs refrained from using the cute nickname they came up for him, it usually meant he was in big trouble or they were being serious.

“I’m fine, why?” he said, not sparing a glance at his hyung, eyes still plastered to the TV screen.

“Are you angry? At me?” Jimin continued to ask.

“No, why would I be?” Jungkook answered, thumbs pushing at the buttons of his controller even more violently.

“But your tone indicates you are.”

“My tone does NOT indicate that I’m angry,” he huffed and slid his controller across the carpeted floor, disappointed that his character got K.O-ed by his opponent. He slid his hand up his forehead, pushing his bangs back in frustration.

“I can tell when you’re lying, Jungkook. When you’re happy, you tend to rub the back of your neck. When you’re depressed, you space out a lot. And when you’re angry, your voice gets a pitch higher. I know everything about you, Jeon Jungkook.” Jimin knew he sounded like a total creep for knowing so much about the maknae, but this just showed how he was hopelessly in love with him to spend so much time studying his crush.

“You know everything about me, but I don’t even know myself!” Jungkook exclaimed as he finally turned to face Jimin and looked him straight in the eye. “I always thought that I was straight, but I wasn’t even bothered by your kiss last night! In fact, I can’t stop thinking about it! And every time I remember your words from last night, my heart would always skip a beat and my face would heat up for no reason. Whenever I see you hanging out with Hoseok hyung, I’d feel my heart start to ache and I’d get angry, even if I knew I shouldn’t be since it was my fault for spending so little time with you.” Jungkook felt his vision started to blur as tears welled up in his eyes, threatening to fall. “And when you—”

“Are you in love with me?” Jimin interrupted. He didn’t even bother to ask about how Jungkook knew of the kiss he secretly stole from him last night.

Jungkook didn’t hold his tears back as he let them fall freely onto his cheeks. “I don’t know. Maybe. Yes.” His voice trailed off as he looked away from Jimin, a light blush colouring his cheeks.

Jimin placed one hand on Jungkook’s cheek and turned his head to face him, his thumb wiping away the tears that stained the maknae's cheeks wet. They stared at each other for a moment, no words exchanged, before Jimin slowly pulled him in for a kiss.

Jungkook didn't push him away when Jimin softly placed his lips onto his. ‘His lips feel the same,’ he thought as he closed his eyes and put his arms around Jimin’s neck, slowly getting lost in the moment. Jimin s his arms around his lover’s waist, pulling him to straddle his lap.

What was supposed to be a short and innocent kiss started to grow more heated and passionate as Jimin softly nibbled at Jungkook’s bottom lip, his tongue poking at his sealed lips, asking permission to deepen their kiss. Jungkook gasped at Jimin’s actions, giving Jimin the opportunity to explore and taste every part of his lover’s hot cavern. Jimin easily dominated the younger as Jungkook was inexperienced and new to this, guiding him and pulling him closer, making Jungkook moan into the kiss.

Jungkook pushed at Jimin’s chest lightly, breaking their kiss as he gasped for air. He rested his forehead on Jimin’s, looking at him lovingly and giving him a small smile.

“I love you, Jeon Jungkook, for about a year and a half now,” Jimin said, giving him his trademark eye-smile as he hugged his lover closer.

“For so long? Sorry it took me so long to realize my feelings for you,” Jungkook said, feeling a little guilty for making his hyung wait for such a long time.

“It’s okay, Kookie-yah, it took me some time too,” Jimin said as he pinched his Kookie’s cheeks playfully. “And sorry about just now, Hoseok-hyung lost his footing and pulled me down with him, hence the awkward position we were in when you saw us.”

“You don’t have to apologize, hyung,” Jungkook said as he leaned in for another kiss. Jimin slipped his hand under Jungkook’s shirt and caressed his sides as Jungkook ran his long fingers in Jimin’s hair.

“Just don’t touch others, pabo. You’re gonna make me jealous.”


"What's taking him so long? Was I already forgotten?!" A poor Hoseok stood alone in the practice room, waiting for his dongsaeng's arrival.



A/N: Aaaaaand it's done! I sincerely thank all of the readers who read and supported this fanfic of mine, you guys are daebak! The subscribers and comments may be little compared to all the other awesome JiKook fanfics out there, but I'm still happy and touched nonetheless ♥ It's really nice to know that some people out there liked this fanfic when I had been so embarrassed writing it haha :)

Everyone gets a Kookie for being so fabulous!

Criticism and comments are much appreciated and loved~

P.S. It was my first time writing a kiss scene, mianhae if it made you go 'ew' ㅠㅠ

Okay bye c:

~ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

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Forte101 #1
Chapter 4: Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→
Chapter 4: This was such a cute story! I loved it. JiKook is just a cute couple.
Chapter 4: Omggg this story was just so cute
Chapter 2: Tawhyung am ginna effin kill you
Chapter 4: aww so cute ^-^
belinha1045 #6
Chapter 6: I LOVE IT!!!!!
I'm going to read the sequel right now*--*
Juliabeauchamp #7
Chapter 4: This was really good!!!!!! Wow!!
Suga_my_neckpillow #8
Chapter 6: This was beautiful~ I found the ual first glad I'm reading this before!
BluebutterflyKPop #9
Chapter 5: Thank you so much for this really great JiKook fanfic ;-) I will read the sequel tomorrow ^^
poppoppoppop #10
Chapter 4: Hobi is so cute