You’re Gonna Make Me Jealous

Don't Touch Others, Pabo


“Jungkookie, you’re the cutest for me!” Taehyung said as he rubbed his cheek against Jungkook’s lovingly.

“Hyung, stop it~” Jungkook whined sleepily as he tried to pry his hyung’s arms away from his waist.

Taehyung saw Jin shift uneasily in his seat and was satisfied at his reaction. He was proud of himself for making Jimin jealous too as Jimin tried to pull his arms away from Jungkook with an annoyed expression.

“Okay okay, stop it maknae-line. Tae, it’s your turn to spin it,” said Yoongi. Taehyung finally released Jungkook from his grasp, to the relief of Jin and Jimin, and spun the bottle. This time, the victim was the birthday boy himself.

“Aish jinjja,” Yoongi whined as he didn’t want to know what crazy and outrageous dare Bangtan’s alien was going to come up with.

“Min Suga-hyung! I dare you to do a body roll with your shirt lifted up!” Taehyung ordered excitedly as the other members laughed at his silly dare, excluding Jin as he was still feeling slightly jealous that his boyfriend kissed another person, and to make things worse, that person had to be his favourite dongsaeng. Jin’s quietness didn’t go unnoticed by Taehyung and he started to feel guilty for making Jin react this way when everyone should be happily enjoying the game.

To the other members, especially the dance-line, Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook, this would’ve been an easy dare to complete, but it was hard for Yoongi as he didn’t like exposing his blindingly white skin to others. His pale skin made him feel like he wasn’t a man.

‘Ah, it, I don’t give a ,’ he thought as he stood up, slowly lifted his shirt up and did an okay body roll. Everyone started to cheer and whistle at him as he continued with his awkward body roll.

Jungkook, awaken from his sleep due to the noisiness of his hyungs, released his arms from Jimin’s waist and, still very drunk and unconscious of what he was doing, started to crawl towards Yoongi. Everyone was shocked by what he did next: he started slapping his hyung’s abs with both hands and said, “Hyung~ your skin is so smooth and pale, it’s so nice to touch, heh.” Hoseok and Taehyung started laughing hysterically whereas Jin and Jimin shockingly looked at the maknae.

“Kook-Kookie-yah, what-what are you doing?” Yoongi stuttered as he grabbed his youngest dongsaeng’s hands away from his pale stomach and knelt in front of him. He pushed Jungkook’s bangs back and placed his right hand on Jungkook's forehead, his left hand cupping the maknae's cheek. Jungkook was burning hot. His cheeks were flushed a deep shade of red and his eyelids drooped tiredly. He was indeed VERY drunk at the moment.

Jimin was jealous at Yoongi for touching his Kookie so much and glared at him angrily. Yoongi, noticing Jimin staring at him from the corner of his eye, immediately retracted his hands from Jungkook. Jimin was always cheerful, rarely angry, but everyone knew that he'd turn into an overly-protective and possessive beast when it came to Jungkook.

“Jimin-ah, can you take Kookie to his bed, he’s very drunk and needs sleep,” Yoongi told Jimin cautiously.

“Of course, hyung.” Jimin immediately got up from his seat and lifted Jungkook into his arms. Jungkook may be heavy because of his well-toned body, but Jimin was not called muscular for nothing as he princess-carried Jungkook into the maknae's bedroom.

Once he set Jungkook down onto his bed, he was already sound asleep and snoring softly. Jimin sat on the bed and watched as Jungkook's chest moved up and down at a steady pace, his mouth slightly open for easy breathing due to his rhinitis. He seemed so child-like and defenseless when he was asleep, Jimin just wanted to stay by his side and protect him as he slept. He bent down, caressed Jungkook’s cheek lovingly, and planted a small kiss on his lips.

“Don’t touch others, pabo. You’re gonna make me jealous.”

Jimin got up from the bed and walked out of the room, not forgetting to close the door quietly. What he didn't know was that the feeling of something foreign on his lips woke Jungkook up and he blushed furiously at what his hyung had just said.


Jungkook was awoken by the sound of Taehyung’s ecstatic shouting and laughing. He tried to get up but immediately regretted as he felt a sharp pain pierce through his skull. His head was throbbing painfully and he felt really thirsty.

‘Is this what it feels like to have a hangover?’ Jungkook thought as he contemplated whether to continue sleeping or grab a glass of water to quench his thirst. He decided with the latter and reluctantly got up from his bed to head to the kitchen.

After drinking several glasses of water, Jungkook’s headache finally died down. As he walked out of the kitchen, he saw Taehyung clutching onto Jin’s arm like a happy child as they headed towards the door of the dorm, ready to go out.

“Hyung!” Jungkook called out, and both Jin and Taehyung turned to face him. “I mean, Taehyung-hyung.”

“Wait for a sec, hyung. I need to speak to Kookie for a while~” Taehyung told Jin as he pecked his cheek lightly.

Jungkook cringed at his hyungs’ public display of affection, he wasn’t used to seeing them being lovey-dovey to each other. 

Taehyung pulled Jungkook into the kitchen and started talking about the happenings of last night that Jungkook either couldn’t remember, or wasn’t there to see it. “After you passed out and Jiminnie-hyung carried you into your bedroom, Yoongi-hyung—”

“Wait, wait, Jimin-hyung carried me to bed?” Jungkook felt his face flush at the thought of Jimin carrying him. ‘I guess that’s why he was…in my room…’ Jungkook’s face turned an impossibly darker shade of red as his mind clearly replayed the only thing he could remember from last night. He remembered how Jimin’s soft lips felt against his own, and the words that Jimin whispered before he left his room kept replaying like a broken record in his mind.

“Yes, he did. Now let me finish. Yoongi-hyung ended the game right after that and decided to call it a night since it was pretty late already. Then Jin-hyung suddenly pulled me into his room and pinned me against the wall. I was pretty terrified, because Jin-hyung never got mad at me, but I was also at the same time. Maybe I’m a masochist, who knows?”

Jungkook cringed again at what Taehyung said. “You don’t have to be so detailed, hyung.”

“Ah, sorry Kookie. I shouldn’t ruin your innocence,” Taehyung smiled as he ruffled his dongsaeng’s hair affectionately. “Anyways, Jin-hyung told me he was jealous because I kissed you—”

“You kissed me?! Hyung!” Jungkook whined as he was frustrated in himself for not stopping his hyung last night and for not remembering anything about the kiss. He did remember another kiss though, from— 

Jungkook patted his cheeks to stop himself from thinking about it, he didn't want to blush in front of Taehyung again.

“Hey, I had to pick the cutest person among everyone and I’d be a liar if I didn’t choose you. Don’t worry, Kookie-yah, it was just on the cheek. I didn’t steal your first kiss away from Jiminnie-hyung~” Taehyung said teasingly, satisfied at how Jungkook's cheeks blushed a pretty shade of red as he tried denying his statement about how his first kiss was meant for Jimin.

“After Jin-hyung finished complaining about me spending more time with you than with him, I told him that I didn’t pick him as the cutest because YOU were the cutest, and he was the most handsome, not cutest. After that everything was a blur.” He finished off with a cliffhanger.

“What do you mean by everything was a blur?” Jungkook asked with his head slightly tilted to the side in confusion.

“Yah, Kookie! Stop being so cute!” Taehyung exclaimed as he pulled Jungkook in for a hug. Jungkook looked so much like a lost puppy when he tilted his head like that. “I didn’t want to tell you this because it would ruin your innocence, but your aegyo skills are too strong! What I meant was, we made out, he started touching me, we took off our clothes, he laid me down on the bed, I made some weird noises—”

“Yah! I told you not to be so detailed!” Jungkook interrupted and pushed him away, mortified at the explicit details his hyung was giving him. He didn’t want to imagine what his two hyungs would look like when they did ‘the thing’.

“Oops, sorry Kookie,” Taehyung said with a playful smile. “Anyways, we managed to make Jiminnie-hyung jealous too! I can still remember that jealous look on his face when you slapped Yoongi-hyung’s abs. He probably thought, ‘That should be me, not Yoongi—”

“I DID WHAT?!” Jungkook exclaimed in mortification. ‘What the hell was wrong with me last night?!’ was what he thought as he mentally slapped himself.

“It’s okay, Kookie-yah. You were really drunk that time. You shouldn’t blame yourself, it was all Namjoonie-hyung’s fault! He has a really bad hangover now though, so I guess he received his punishment for making our precious maknae do such a horrible thing,” Taehyung said as he gestured to the sofa where Bangtan’s leader was growling in pain with an ice-pack on his forehead.

“You really don’t remember anything from last night?” Taehyung questioned with a pout.

‘I do remember a few things…’ Jungkook thought as he felt his face slowly heat up again.

“It’s okay if you don't have any memory of last night, because we killed two birds with one stone with this awesome plan of mine! Wow, did I just use an idiom? Anyways, I have to go now, Jin-hyung has waited long enough. We’re gonna watch ‘The Last: Naruto the Movie’ then go grocery shopping later,” Taehyung said dreamily.

‘Is grocery shopping that romantic?’ Jungkook thought as he shaked his head with a chuckle at his silly hyung.

“Bye Kookie! Good luck with Jiminnie-hyung!” Taehyung shouted as Jin held his hand and lead him out of the door.

“Yah, what’s that supposed to mean!” Jungkook shouted back in embarrassment.


A/N: Hello again everyone~ Yay chapter 3 is done! The next chapter will be the last ㅠㅠ And thanks so much for the new subbies and comments! Everytime I read the comments I feel embarrassed and happy at the same time haha. Just gonna leave some extra info below~

  1. The phrase ‘ it, I don’t give a ’ from Yoongi is from, as I believe most of you already know, BTS’ ‘So 4 More’. If you haven’t listened to it, you’ve been missing out on one of the best BTS songs brah (though all of their songs are the best ♥ ). You can listen to it here:
  2. The abs slapping thing (lol so embarrassed for including this in my fic) is from one of my favourite Bangtan Bombs (THE JIKOOK IS STRONG IN THIS ONE):

Gomawo for wasting your time on this fanfic, you da real MVP 

Criticism and comments are much appreciated and loved~

P.S. I love making the hyungs baby their maknae Kookie, that’s why I tend to make Tae comment about his cuteness~

P.P.S. If anyone was wondering why Namjoonie has so little lines during the party, it’s because he passed out after giving his dare lol.

~ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ 

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Forte101 #1
Chapter 4: Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→
Chapter 4: This was such a cute story! I loved it. JiKook is just a cute couple.
Chapter 4: Omggg this story was just so cute
Chapter 2: Tawhyung am ginna effin kill you
Chapter 4: aww so cute ^-^
belinha1045 #6
Chapter 6: I LOVE IT!!!!!
I'm going to read the sequel right now*--*
Juliabeauchamp #7
Chapter 4: This was really good!!!!!! Wow!!
Suga_my_neckpillow #8
Chapter 6: This was beautiful~ I found the ual first glad I'm reading this before!
BluebutterflyKPop #9
Chapter 5: Thank you so much for this really great JiKook fanfic ;-) I will read the sequel tomorrow ^^
poppoppoppop #10
Chapter 4: Hobi is so cute