Aww, My Baby Kookie Is In Love~

Don't Touch Others, Pabo


“Yay I won again!” Jungkook cheered as he pumped his fists up into the air. “I knew K’ was the best choice!” Jungkook and Jimin were playing ‘The King of Fighters’ on their PS3 and apparently, Jimin’s character, Terry Bogard, lost to K’, Jungkook’s favourite character in the game.

“Calm down, Kookie-yah, it’s not like you won the lottery,” Jin laughed. He was reading the newspaper on the sofa, a hot steaming coffee in hand.

“Hyung, did you see the finishing move I used on Jiminnie-hyung? It works 99.99% of the time!”

As Jungkook continued babbling to Jin about how using K’ would always lead him to victory, Jimin silently observed his youngest dongsaeng with a small smile plastered on his face. He didn’t mind losing; he liked the way Jungkook would smile ever so brightly and clap his hands like a child whenever he won. Jimin would even purposely lose just so he could see Jungkook’s perfect smile. His nose would scrunch up and perfect eye smiles would appear on his flawless face, it made him look like a cute chipmunk. The way his lips curved upwards to reveal his perfect teeth, it always made Jimin’s heart flutter. His mesmerizing and irresistible lips always made Jimin unconsciously stare at them whenever Jungkook talked to him, but the oblivious maknae never noticed it.

‘Jinjja, he’s too beautiful, I can’t keep it in anymore, I have to tell him now,’ Jimin thought as he worked up his courage to tell Jungkook how he had always felt about him. Ever since they were trainees, Jungkook would always grab his attention by the way he sang, danced or even ate, every single thing he did was so mesmerizing. Jimin knew they were best friends, and he tried to dismiss the weird feelings he’d get just by looking at Jungkook, but he was just too cute to handle and every cute antic he did would make Jimin die a little on the inside.

After months of being in denial, he finally accepted the fact that he was deeply in love with Bangtan’s precious maknae. All of the members knew how Jimin felt towards their maknae because of his obvious flirting and constant staring, but the dense Jungkook just dismissed his actions as an act of friendly teasing. Jimin was also very obsessed with said maknae and heck, he would even feel jealous and possessive if Jungkook played video games with Taehyung or the other hyungs.

Speaking of Taehyung, nowadays they’ve spent so much time together it was making Jimin annoyed and frustrated. But his feelings of annoyance dissipated when Jungkook asked him to play a video game with him. And that led to Jimin purposely losing the game just to see Jungkook’s mesmerizing smile.

Jimin thought it was a good time to confess to him as Jungkook started to pipe down from his excitement. Inhaling deeply, he grabbed Jungkook’s arm to catch his attention. “Jungkook-ah, there’s something I want to tell y—”

“Jeon Jungkookie! Go out with me!”

Jimin was interrupted mid-sentence by an ever so hyperactive Taehyung, jotting out of his room and towards the living room.

‘Speak of the devil, he just had to appear when I’m about to confess. What did he say again? Oh yeah, he wants Kookie to—’

Wait, what?

He’s asking Kookie to go out with him?!

“Taehyung, what did you just say?!” Jimin exclaimed out loud.

“Let’s go to the arcade!” Taehyung ignored him as he gave a bone-crushing back hug to Jungkook.

‘Oh, he was just asking him to go to the arcade,’ Jimin thought as he released a breath that he was unconsciously holding and laid back on the sofa to listen to their conversation.

“But hyung, I’m in the middle of a game~” Jungkook whined as he tried to pry himself out of Taehyung’s hug. “And can’t we just play on the PS?”

“Let’s go to the new anime shop next to the arcade after that, they have some limited edition GinTama figurines that I want to buy!” Taehyung replied with his trademark rectangular smile and stole a quick glance at Jin that didn’t go unnoticed by Jungkook.

‘Come on, get jealous and ask me out instead!’

But Jin continued to read the newspaper, seemingly deaf to their conversation. This just increased Taehyung’s resolve to get his attention.

“Come on, Kookie-yah. Let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go—”

“Okay, okay, fine hyung,” Jungkook laughed in defeat and got up from the sofa. Before he walked out of the door with Taehyung, he turned to Jimin and asked, “Oh yeah, hyung, what did you want to tell me?”

“Nah, it was nothing, enjoy your time at the arcade!” Jimin faked his smile as he waved goodbye to his crush and possible rival-in-love.

When the door was closed, Jimin let out a big sigh and slumped onto the sofa. “Aish jinjja! Why does Tae keep spending so much time with Kookie?” he said in annoyance.

“Why don’t you just confess to him so that he’ll put all of his attention on you?” Jin questioned as he set his newspaper down onto the table.

“I wanted to but Tae just had to inter—” Jimin slapped a hand over his mouth as he just noticed he revealed too much.

“Wait, I mean—”

“It’s okay, Jimin. Everyone knows about your ginormous crush on Kookie,” Jin said with a small smile as he took a sip of his coffee.

“What? Ginormous crush? It’s just a tiny crush—” Realizing what he had just said, he face-palmed himself in defeat. “Ah who am I kidding, I knew everyone would find out at some point. Anyways, shouldn’t you be jealous or at least a little bit annoyed at the fact that your boyfriend is spending so much time with someone other than you?”

Jin choked on his coffee at Jimin’s sudden question. When he finally stopped himself from coughing and composed himself, he asked, “How did you know about it? We didn’t even tell anyone about our relationship.” He didn’t even bother to hide the fact that he was in a romantic relationship with Bangtan’s 4D alien.

“It’s okay, Jin-hyung. Everyone knows about your relationship with Tae,” Jimin scoffed as he copied Jin’s statement from before.

“Well, we can’t hide it forever, people are gonna know about us sooner or later,” Jin shrugged. “Anyways, I just want to give Tae his freedom, I don’t want to restrict him too much just because he’s my boyfriend. I don’t want a repeat of that incident, you know,” Jin replied to Jimin’s question in a calm manner, but Jimin knew that he was a little bit jealous on the inside at the way he immediately got off the sofa and went into the kitchen after answering his question.

“Ah, whatever. I just want to go on a trip to an isolated place together with Jungkookie~” Jimin said to himself as he closed his eyes and slowly drifted into his dreamland only consisting of Jungkook.


“Hyung, are you still sure this is a good idea? I mean, I don’t want to give the other hyungs the wrong idea, especially Jiminnie-hyung and Jin-hyung” Jungkook asked with uncertainty. They were walking down the street towards a nearby café as the whole talk about going to the arcade and anime shop was just a lie to get Jin jealous, which worked, though unknown to both of the youngest members of Bangtan. “What if, what if Jin-hyung thinks that I stole you away from him and gets mad at me?”

“Aww Kookie-yah, it’s impossible to get mad at you, you’re too cute to be mad at,” Taehyung said as he lovingly pinched his dongsaeng’s flushed cheeks.

They walked into the beautifully furnished and decorated café and took a seat beside the window. Taehyung ordered a piece of cheesecake and cafè latte whereas Jungkook ordered a caramel macchiato.

“I feel like I’m spending lesser and lesser time with Jimin-hyung. Don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with you hyung, but I just kinda, miss him? I mean we see each other every day but, argh I don’t even know what I’m saying,” Jungkook gave up trying to explain how he felt to Taehyung as he face-planted the table.

“Aww, my baby Kookie is in love~” Taehyung cooed as he took another satisfying bite of the delicious cheesecake.

“Whaaaat? Nooooo,” Jungkook’s head immediately shot up and turned bright red as he denied his hyung’s statement, but he was starting to doubt himself too. Since being a part of Taehyung’s “plan”, he didn’t have much time to spend or go to the gym with his favourite hyung, so instead, Jimin spent a lot of time with Hoseok. They also went to the gym together and Jungkook felt that his positon as Jimin’s work-out buddy was being replaced. He’d feel his heart ache whenever they talked about the movie they had watched together, the dance they had choreographed together, or even when they played ‘The King of Fighters’ together. It’s not like they’d never played that game together before. In fact, Hoseok was the second person Jimin often played that game with, first being Jungkook, so the innocent and unexperienced in love Jungkook didn’t understand the weird feeling bubbling inside of him whenever he saw them together.

‘Maybe it’s just because I’m spending lesser time with Jimin-hyung that I feel this way, right? Not because I, l-l-lo-lo-lov—’

“Come on, stop denying the truth Kookie. You miss him and you only don’t want him, excluding Jin-hyung, to get the wrong idea, what more evidence do you need so that you’ll admit into falling in love with him? You’ve spent so much time away from him that you’ve unconsciously begun to develop feelings for him. It’s so obvious that you love him, it’s just that your pure, innocent mind doesn’t want to understand it yet. Aigoo, you’re so cute being confused like that, let hyung take a bite of you~” Taehyung said as he pinched the maknae’s cheeks.

Jungkook thought that Taehyung was pretty weird; his normal self was funny and dorky, but he can get deep and knowledgeable at some point too. ‘I guess that’s how he got his 4D alien title.’

Not wanting to confuse himself even further, Jungkook changed the topic by asking his hyung another question. “But do we still have to do this? Not wanting to be rude but I don’t think the plan’s working.”

“Jinjja, I don’t know what’s up with him! Every attempt at making him jealous failed, I’m starting to wonder if he really likes me or not,” Taehyung said with a sad pout.

“Don’t think like that hyung, Jin-hyung would never lie or hurt anyone, especially you,” Jungkook tried consoling his depressed hyung.

“He confessed to me but still treats me the same as before, shouldn’t he be spoiling me with hugs and kisses instead of treating me like his very own son?” Taehyung complained.

‘Well, it IS Jin-hyung’s nature to be like a mom and take care of others,’ Jungkook thought.

“Maybe he remembers how your previous boyfriend treated you and wants to be different from him? Different as in less restricting and possessive, the opposite of that guy.”

“Maybe, maybe not. Come on, let’s get back to the dorm. That blockhead is probably preparing our dinner right now,” Taehyung said as he got up and paid at the cash register. Jungkook knew that even if Taehyung was mad at Jin right now, he was still worried that his boyfriend would overwork himself so he often tried to help him with the cooking and housework.

“My treat, since you’re such an angel for being a part of my plan,” Taehyung winked and flashed his rectangular smile at Jungkook as they exited the café.


As they got back to the dorm, Taehyung immediately went into the kitchen upon smelling the sweet aroma of kimchi that filled the entire dorm. Jungkook decided to help Jin out too but a soft snore stopped him in his tracks. He quietly approached the sofa and saw Jimin lying sprawled out on the sofa with his mouth slightly open and a trail of saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth. Jungkook chuckled softly and covered Jimin with a blanket to keep him from catching a cold.

“Am I really in love with this pabo who drools in his sleep?” Jungkook thought aloud. He shook his head with a smile and headed into the kitchen to help out his two hyungs.


A/N: Annyeonghaseyo~ Thanks for reading this fanfic of my ultimate OTP JiKook! I have a lot of ideas for fanfictions of my favourite ships (mostly anime) but never had the courage or motivation to write them into stories but after reading a few JiKook fanfics, I finally mustered up my courage and pushed myself into writing this kinda okay fanfic to you guys! So thank you so much for the 13 subs, it gives me strength and confidence. *sobs happily* Kamsahamnida and I hope you will stay tuned for more chapters~

Criticism and comments are much appreciated and loved~

P.S. I changed “couch” to “sofa” since it reminded me of Kookie’s cover of Crush’s Sofa. Enjoy Kookie’s ovary-exploding voice here:

~ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

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Forte101 #1
Chapter 4: Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→
Chapter 4: This was such a cute story! I loved it. JiKook is just a cute couple.
Chapter 4: Omggg this story was just so cute
Chapter 2: Tawhyung am ginna effin kill you
Chapter 4: aww so cute ^-^
belinha1045 #6
Chapter 6: I LOVE IT!!!!!
I'm going to read the sequel right now*--*
Juliabeauchamp #7
Chapter 4: This was really good!!!!!! Wow!!
Suga_my_neckpillow #8
Chapter 6: This was beautiful~ I found the ual first glad I'm reading this before!
BluebutterflyKPop #9
Chapter 5: Thank you so much for this really great JiKook fanfic ;-) I will read the sequel tomorrow ^^
poppoppoppop #10
Chapter 4: Hobi is so cute