
Innocent Princess and Badass prince...Together?nah~



"Honey,your friends are already here.You must go now."Your mom told you.You pouted,"I feel guilty cause Im not spending my winter break with you.." Your dad smiled at you,"Princess,you should go and have fun." You beamed at them,"Thanks mom!Thanks dad!" you bid goodbye and ran towards the car.

"Hello guys!Sorry for waiting.."you stuck your tongue and rubbed the back of your neck.*oh God...she's so adorable*  L.joe thought and looked away.You sat on the available seat at the far end  which is besides L.joe. He had his earphones on and was looking at the window.He patted your shoulder,"Want to listen?" he asked you. "Sure!"you said.L.joe put one earphone into your ear. 'Beautiful by B2ST' is playing.L.joe looked at you and began singing.


Oh listen to my heart
Listen to my heart
Even though no words can describe you

I will let you listen to my heart through my own style
oh listen listen listen girl
Nothing better than you
If someone offfers me the world
You you you you
I can’t trade it for you

So beautiful my girl

Oh oh girl oh oh girl
Even if time goes by
Compared to anyone else in the world
I will cherish you my girl I will give you my all
You U To you U
To oh oh


You flushed red,*why is he staring at me?!*  you thought.

"Yah!You two lovebirds there!"Niel shouted.You blushed harder and cover your face,"We're not lovers!"you squeaked."Aw!they're so cute!!"Sunny giggled.You buried your face on L.joe's shoulder."Omo!oppa its so embarassing.."*she's so cute when she's shy...*

"Yah!stop teasing her!"L.joe shouted.Soon everyone is quiet."L.joe hyung is over protective when it comes to ________-ah." Ricky whispered to Chango."You bet."Chango nodded.


Soon you arrived at the resort.You're having a hard time carrying your two bags."Let me carry that."L.joe offered.You gave him one bag."And also that.." he pointed to the other bag you're carrying."I can carry this."you said.He wiggled his finger,"No,let me carry that." You puffed your cheeks,"Fine~" you gave him the other bag.


"We'll use 4 rooms.One for _________ and Sunny.Another is for Niel,Chango,and Ricky.Another for me and Key.And CAP,L.joe and Chunji will share in the remaining room."Kyuhyun informed."We'll meet at the lobby after one hour,so get some rest,arasso?"Key told everyone."Okay!"


"I bet you want to share room with _________-ah.."CAP whispered to L.joe." Oh hell yes baby!" L.joe shouted but immediately covered his mouth.CAP laughed,"Dude,it's okay..we already know that you like her.."he said.L.joe turned red,"H-how?" he asked."Duh~ it's TOO obvious." Chunji butted in."Really?Is it that obvious?"

"Yeah man... You dyed your hair for her...TWICE!You smiled TOO often,which is kinda creepy.and you're so over-protective when it comes to her." Cap said. "Don't worry we'll help you with her."

"But if you don't confess sooner,I'll hit on her."Chunji said.L.joe smacked his head."Ouch!this is what we mean that you're so over protective when it comes to her..." he muttered.





Gosh!that wink just killed me! XD

Oh baby,why does everything you do is so addicting?!




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Sharonsu #1
Chapter 28: this story is so CUTE!
PrincessKitty #2
Chapter 35: The story is so cute
dhyunluv12 #3
Chapter 1: Thx u bearychocolatey
CUTE ending ..... ^_______^
Hello new subbie here ^^
wahhh very nice story.. :) ..I LOVE THIS STORY !!!!!!
I love this story....IT WAS ADORABLE!!!!!
reading it for the 3rd time..~ This story is still cute as ever.. LOL..
fishcakes #9
awwww this sstory was so cute!!

i really liked it :) ♥