Chapter 4

In the Darkness, I will find You...

She had fallen asleep hugging her pillow a few moments after he’d arrived. He’d stood far away from her by the window until she had fallen asleep. It was only then that he had dared to come closer. He was risking enough already by being there but he couldn’t just not come when she called. He leaned in closer still; she looked so relaxed, so much at peace – unlike how she sounded when she’d called.

The thunder outside roared once again, raging but it wasn’t nearly close to the storm raging within him… So he had come because she called but that was not possible, she couldn’t call him, no one could … no one ever had. Ever since his creation, not once had he received a direct call. What if all of this was his imagination? What if she hadn’t called and he’d heard it because that’s what he’d wanted to hear ever since he was created?

Yet still, knowing all that… he was here, he was staying with her like she’d asked and he’d be there whenever she needed him. Even if it all was a trick of his mind, he’d hold on to the hope that maybe… maybe it was not his imagination. Maybe she really had called.

That’d probably be the only good thing he’d do in his pitiful excuse of an existence as a guardian angel, for he had never really been one – not in its true sense. 

He didn’t realize when he’d gotten so close to her, until he felt her breath fanning his face. No... I can’t…I won’t risk it. He moved back, away from her. He saw a tiny frown on her forehead and he couldn’t help but tap a finger on it to remove it.

The moment his skin made contact with hers, a mighty surge of power went through him, but this time it affected his environment too as the lamps on either side of Mei’s bed side tables lit up a little too bright, killing the darkness that surrounded them.

Luhan looked at her beautiful self, she laid resting as if nothing had happened. His heart was pounding faster than ever. He was putting her in danger by being here if this power surge was any indication. He knew it meant nothing good. He clearly remembered what had happened the last time he’d felt those. No he won’t risk it… he couldn’t hurt her, he’d never hurt her. He’d protect her even if it meant he’d have to leave her and hurt himself.

And so he left with the promise to not return  to keep her safe, but only when he’d ensured she was no longer alone. Her friend Anna had sleep walked into her room and laid beside her. Luhan looked at Mei one last time, drinking in all her features before he left… back into the darkness he came from.

As he walked back to the woods, lost in his thoughts and mostly grief, he didn’t notice the street lamps that popped due to higher surge of voltage as he walked past them, hiding him into the darkness.


Baekhyun watched Luhan fading into the darkness once again.

That foolish kid! when will he learn to do the right thing? 


Mei had woken up with a start the next morning thanks to Anna sneezing loudly in her ear because a dandelion had gotten stuck in her nose. However it wasn’t just one dandelion, her entire room had dandelions flying around.

They found she had left one window open, so the storm must have brought them in. Which was weird because Mei was sure she had shut all the windows before she had fallen asleep but when she tried recalling what happened the other night, she felt light headed and couldn’t recall much.

After a while, they had let go of the issue because they had other problems they needed to solve, like who would accompany Sehun on his beauty trip? Although he insisted it was some other business but they all knew his business always included a trip to his favorite saloon.

At the nick of the moment Jongin and Kyungsoo had backed out saying they had an assignment to catch up on and Anna had other plans so that left only Mei and Sehun was more than happy about the fact.

‘You know you could have just said you wanted to be alone with me instead of blaming others for backing out,’ he had said, winking at her.

‘You never give up, do you?’ She asked raising her eyebrows.

‘Now now, I’m not the one who made an angel story just so Anna could draw you a portrait of me.’ He countered smirking, clearly amused with the annoyance showing on her face as Mei mentally cursed Anna for telling him about her Xhizer story.

They were headed out of town, Mei had made Sehun promise to drop her at the market so she could shop and also check out the book fair while he attended to his business. He’d pick her up when he was done and they’d head back.

Half way through the trip they had started cracking jokes, by the time they arrived they both had stomachache due to laughing too much. Sehun stopped the car in front of the book fair and got out to open the door for Mei when an old man bumped into him and then suddenly grasped his arms and shook him.

‘Beware child!!! They are watching you… don’t leave her side.’ He said to a seriously annoyed Sehun and then just as suddenly, walked away. Sehun stood there shocked. ‘Geez! That’s creepy, old man.’ He called after him but the old man turned the corner disappearing out of sight.

Sehun opened the door for Mei.

‘What was that?’ she asked laughing, clearly amused by the look on his face. ‘Nothing,’ he said grumpily, ‘just some creepy old dude,’ before they both burst out laughing again at what just happened.

‘Okay you can go in now, I’ll pick you up around twilight. We’ll eat after that and head back, ‘kay?’ Sehun said.

‘Deal! Go now.’ Mei said giving him thumbs up. Sehun left for his business and Mei headed inside.

The book fair was huge and before she knew it she was totally engrossed in all the new books around her. By the time she was done it was late evening. Mei decided to grab some souvenirs for Anna, Jongin and Kyungsoo so she headed to the market which was a couple of blocks away. She’d have to cross a few empty streets before she’d get there but she had enough time and in her excitement she didn’t check Anna’s text which she had just received.

Mei stick with Sehun… there’s news on TV about a gang on loose, don’t go walking around alone.



She was having a good time exploring the market when she bumped into the old man from earlier today. He saved her from getting mugged, beating up the man who had tried to snatch her purse, in a way that looked like a scene straight out of a ninja movie.

The old man had gone berserk and all Bruce Lee on the man, using his staff as the Wushu stick, ending with the classic round kick and then tapping his nose as the other man ran away to save his life. Mei had clapped for the old man as he walked over to her, shaking due to old age.

‘Whoa! Thank you sir.’ Afterwards, she asked to take a selfie with him so she could show it to Sehun and the others as proof; the old man had agreed, smiling. Then he patted her head.

‘Call for him child… but beware, they are watching.’ he said. It didn’t make any sense to her but when she had tried to ask the old man he had merely nodded at her and left without an answer. So she ignored it as something unimportant and went back to exploring the market.

It was almost twilight when she decided to head back towards the book fair where Sehun had dropped her; knowing him she was sure he’d be a little late. But it was a couple of blocks away, and it would start getting dark in a while.

So she hurried back. After a while, she noticed a couple of men following her. Maybe she was being paranoid but it felt like they had been behind her for a while.

Mei turned a corner, sighing with relief that the men were no longer in sight; she hurried her steps but then she noticed them turning the corner right behind her. She looked around to find she was alone in the empty street. It was just her and the men behind her.

Her hands were full of shopping bags which was kind of why she hadn’t already started running. The sky above was getting darker by the minute as twilight set in and the street lamps .

‘Where are you hurrying to, pretty?’ one of the men behind her called out. His voice ringing in the empty street. She ignored the man and quickened her pace, now almost running. She was at the end of the street when a few more men entered the street from the other side, in front her; among them stood the man who had tried to snatch her purse and gotten a beating from the old man.

‘That’s her!’ he said pointing at her. Mei noticed he had a blue eye and the man he was talking to was really tall with a scar on his face that ran all the way across, making him look scarier.

Mei came to a halt. She was now standing in the middle as the men closed on either side of her. There were seven of them. The tall one with the scar on his face walked closer to where she stood. She tried to step back but she noticed the men behind her moved closer.

‘Now, now, pretty don’t be scared, we are only here to talk,’ he said stepping closer still.  ‘… aren’t we?’ he said looking around at the men who started laughing at this. Mei stood rooted, not responding.

A chill of pure terror went down her spine. This was bad and she had no idea how she was going to get out of this. Please let me be safe… She prayed under her breath. She was alone and it was almost dark, the only light that came was from the street light that was lit right above from where they stood.

‘You see our Taemin here is very sensitive about his appearance.” He said and the Taemin guy sneered, the blue eye the old man had given him this morning standing out on his face.

‘It wasn’t very nice of you to let him take the beating, now was it?” he asked Mei taking another step closer to her. When she still didn’t respond he continued.

‘How do you plan on making it up to him?’ he asked now stepping into Mei’s personal space. He reached out and touched her face but she slapped his hand away, turning her head to the other side, feeling disgusted.   

‘Feisty… I like it.’ He whispered. The men around her once again burst into laughter and the tall guy joined in. Mei looked around to find a way to escape. If she could push them maybe she could make a run for the other street, both the market and the book fair were the same distance from where she was right now.

The tall guy suddenly grabbed her hair pulling her out of her thoughts.

‘Name’s Woo Bin, pretty.’ He sneered ‘I’d like you to remember it when I’m done with you.’ The other men started hooting and Woo Bin hushed them with his other hand. ‘Relax boys, you will all get your turn.’ He said turning round to them, still holding on to Mei’s hair.

Mei took the chance and hit the guy straight in the crotch taking him and the others by surprise. She threw the shopping bags at the men behind her and then made a run for the end of the street. The men started to chase after her after the initial shock but it gave her enough time to get a little ahead of them. She pulled the phone out of her jeans, still running, and pressed speed dial to Sehun.


God dammit pick up Sehun…

After what seemed like ages Sehun answered the call. ‘…I’m in the middle of something Mei.’

‘Sehun!!!!’ she said.

‘Ya! Why are you yelling? Why do you sound so breathless… are you running?’ he asked.

‘Sehun… Men...after me..., where are you?’

‘Wait what?’

Mei turned the corner, it was only a matter of time before the men would catch up with her and she needed more time.

‘Meiii!!!!! YA!!! You there???? Where are you right now…? I’m heading over.’ He said now clearly just as panicked.

‘Yeah…I’m a couple of blocks away from the book fair… I’m…’ she explained to him where she was.

‘Dammit I’m… Ok I’m coming I’m already driving over but it’ll take me a few minutes you keep running, try to head back to the fair, there’d be other people so you won’t be alone and be safe… ok I’ll be there…’

‘Okay…’ she said.

Mei turned around to find the men catching up after her. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She had gained a few yards when she accidently stepped on a small stone lying on the street and her ankle twisted and Mei fell face first on the road. She put her hands in front of her to save herself and rolled over, both her arms and hands getting severely scratched due to the fall, her entire body hurting badly.

She tried standing up but fell again due to the pain in her ankle and before she knew it the men behind her had caught up with her again. They found their place around her once again but this time they all stood silently, mocking her. Woo Bin looked the most pissed off among them.  

Wind rushed past them. It was late twilight but the sky was black because of the stormy clouds covering them. Thunder struck and the lit street lamps went out, engulfing her surroundings in complete darkness.

Darkness… figures, it brought her nothing but misery.

She could make out the faces of the men around her, that much was visible because it was still twilight. She saw Woo Bin moving closer, he leaned down and slapped her right across the face.

‘I don’t hit women, pretty, but you made me do it’ He said. Then he reached out to caress the part he had hit and Mei turned her face away, disgusted by his antics.

He grabbed her face, stopping it from moving away and turning it around to make her face him. ‘Don’t you dare look away while I'm talking to you,’ He sneered. He then proceeded and picked Mei up, she tried struggling but the pain in her body wouldn’t let her do much; besides, his hold on her was too tight.

‘The less you fight back, the more you will enjoy yourself.’ He said, carrying her to the deserted alleyway and threw her on the floor. This place was much darker; she could barely make out the silhouette of the man standing in front of her. Her back hit the wall behind her, it was a dead end there was no escaping it. She saw the silhouette of other men gathering in front of her, blocking the mouth of the alley. Now, no one on the street could see her.

This was it...

Mei felt tears trickling down her face, she was so scared and disgusted but there was nothing she could do, and what if Sehun didn’t get here on time… what if he was too late… because it sure did looked like it was already too late.

Please save me… please just save me! She thought, closing her eyes, almost desperately calling out to anyone who’d hear prayers.

As if on cue something rushed past the men making them fall. Woo Bin turned around and before he knew it, he was hit by a mighty blow and hit his head against the wall, fainting instantly. The men looked around, searching for the source.

Mei still had her eyes closed so she didn’t see much. When she opened her eyes to the screams of the men, she saw silhouette of one man flying away after another as if some force was pushing them away, making its way towards her.

The thunder raged louder this time and Mei felt her nostrils fill up with a beautiful smell as wind rushed across her face and she felt a dandelion caressing her face. Her entire body went limp, nostalgia crashing on her.

One of the men, scared, threw a hand knife at Mei. Before she lost consciousness, she saw the silver of the knife stopping, maybe disappearing, mid-air as she felt strong, warm arms wrapping themselves around her.

He was here...

Help was here… she could feel it in her bones.

She just knew…

In this darkness… She was safe.



So ... what do you think? I hope you liked it! Do comment and share you views! 

For those of you who are still confused, Luhan saved her the night before, Baekhyun arrived after Luhan had already left. Baek saw Luhan leave.

And as for Mei, i know its like she's a magnet for trouble! Woo Bin here reminded me of Robert Knepper as Tea Bag in Prison Break, still gives me the chills!!! No offence, i picked Woo Bin because he can pull that bad man look off and taemin came out of no where :P 

Also today is Eid ul Adha in Pakistan so Eid Mubarak Everyone :D 

I just posted a New Luhan/Oc one shot, if you're up for some serious Lu feels, do check it out.

and lastly

Did you see Luhan's first Mini Con??? Man i loved it, Lulu was awesome as always and i love his new song "Football Gang" , do check it out.

Support his new Album "Reloaded" & give him loads of love :D 

Also a round of applause for Lulu's new guinness world record.  *Clap Clap*

I guess thats it :P Until next time.. tootles!!! 

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Chapter 8: this chapter was so entertaining and yes~ finally a glance *-*
Chapter 10: Omg, they kissed! KYAAAA!!! >\\\\< but really, the scene was really well written and full of feels, very sweet and tender. Great update, looking forward to what happens next !
Oh and lulu... <333
Chapter 10: If you're worried about the kiss scene, dont worry, its very nicee for a first timer ;v; the feelss ;v; cant wait to see how lumei relationship will grow ;v; fighting! XD happy eid mubarak too btw :D
Chapter 10: ohmaigod!! this worth the wait! what a tender kiss scene.. its so beautiful and innocent, for the first timer, its actually quite impressive! well done authornim! and yeah.. may the heavens be with them :)
thanks for the update! and happy eid mubarak :D
Chapter 6: baekhyun is such a mischief :]
Chapter 4: i thought the part with the notes by suho were so interesting :D
Chapter 1: i just finished reading the first chapter and it is so beautifully written~
Chapter 9: wow!! just noticed this! mannn~ what a blessed day.. i was thinking of going back to sleep after fajr.. but here i am rereading those previous chapters.. and now this! finally!!! mei and lu!! and y luhan.. and she peeked! damn lucky girl!
i love how the story progress so far.. and the Elder is here. mann~i had a bad feeling.. but before something bad happened.. i want more meilu moments as compensation!! hahaha
actually, im a big fan of dbsk.. and imagining yunho as the elder.. and evil one at that.. quite funny and strange for me.. hahaha.. but who cares.. the story js so good to think about that!
thank youuuu so much for the updates!! u rock! hope more to come!
Chapter 9: Double update??? *rubs eyes* better get readin :P
Chapter 8: yes yes!! im so happy with this chapter!! it is worth the wait! seriously i cant stop laughing at the part of dark soul behind sehun.. then suddenly jongin came.. hahahaha. that' racist!! that really cracked me up! and luhan here.. naughty and possesive angel arent u? >. < but..please be safe.. and finally she can see him! weeee~~
im liking the story more and more in every updates! thanks for the amazingly long update! fighting!!