Kim Si Yun(0 females left)(3 males left)

M.PEG(Musically Powered Energetic Group), Sunny Ent.'s New Group(Apply Closed)



AFF Username: Luneth123


AFF Profile Link:


Character name: Kim Si Yun


Nickname: Si


Date of Birth: December 25, 1992


Languages Known: Fluent Korean and English

Ulzzang: Park Soo Yeon






Personality: Even though Si is really good looking she's classified as a loner-nerd; rather than being social, she sticks her head into books and studies. Though when she does talk, she seems to always stir up a commotion, causing everyone to have a hatred towards her. A very honest and blunt girl who tells things as it is. She will not beat around a bush nor will she shine your shoes or kiss your just to make you feel better. Seeing her glass half-empty, she tends to think the bad in everything; very pessimistic. Also, she's a realist. She absolutely hates it when people around her talk about their Knight in Shining Armor or their Prince on a White Horse. Obviously, those are never going to happen. Jokes are also a waste of time. She believes that during that one minute you've wasted telling a ridiculous joke, you could've said something more intelligent or you could've learned something more educational.

Si has a hard time working with others. Whenever she's in a group, she can never find herself agreeing and giving into those working with her. It's not like she's forcing them to do things her way, it's just she doesn't like doing things she doesn't agree on. It's better if she works alone, or they split up the tasks. She also absolutely hates it when others follow her; refusing to be the leader in a group and refusing to be the follower of a group. Basically, she refuses to be in a group, period. She also lacks in negotiation skills, which is perhaps one of the factors on why she doesn't agree with anyone. Another factor is perhaps how she's not understanding at all. She refuses to sit down and listen to people make up stupid excuses or try to explain their thoughts.
She cares about her, along with her peers, education. Although she may not be in the right position to tell people or, actually even caring about their education, she does. She's like a strict mother who tells people to study and care more about the things their learning. This is perhaps the only time she's willing to talk to someone. Despite the fact that she cares about her education a lot, she's also rebellious. Not those that are in gangs and vandalizing property, but those who will do the opposite of what you tell them to do. If you tell her to go left, she will go right. She will prove you wrong if you underestimate her or tell her she can't do something.
When she's around those who is same age as her, she doesn't talk to them since she finds it a waste of time and breath speaking to those who are ignorant. She would rather choose to speak to those older than her than those of the same age. Also, she thinks that having friends is actually a waste of time. You have to manage your studying time and spending time with them; she doesn't have much friends. When she's alone, she likes to sing, rap and dance, a side of her she doesn't show anybody but her brother.

Since Key thought his little sister was socially awkward and a buzz kill, he thought he would spark up her life by getting her to be a trainee for Sunny Ent. Knowing she wouldn't accept it if he asked her straight forwardly, they went to SHINee's practice room in the SM building, where he usually teaches her to rap, sing, and dance. He put a secret camera in there to show to his manager to show to the president of Sunny your potential. Thinking it would just be another training session, Si Yun agreed to go with her brother to 'brush up' on her dancing, singing, and rapping. After about 3 hours, they went home, Key going straight to his room to edit her audition tape. The next day, Key set out to the Sunnybuilding to show Si's potential in debuting. The president was STUNNED that there was another Kim sibling that had as much talent as the Almighty Key and immediately called Si Yun over to sign the trainee contract. But she wasn't happy that her brother tricked her. For the next couple months, Si Yun avoided Key and didn't become a trainee but SM said that he'll keep the spot open, just incase she changed her mind. And she did when SHINee debuted with Replay. She loved how Key got so much attention from older people and how their dance moves were so smooth while they were singing. When Si became a trainee, she wasn't that awkward around people and became more open.

Backround: Ever since Si's parents opened up the 'Wet Noodle', she thought that her parents weren't intelligent in anything. Seriously. What's so intelligent about owning a noodle shop? Si knew her future would be working the shop when she got older but always wanted more to her life. So she studied hard to become a lawyer, something her parents would never be able to achieve, same thing with her brother. He even went to study abroad. Then he got accepted into SM Entertainment. He trained every day to debut with SHINee, getting better at dancing, rapping and singing. Si got interested in her brother's activites and always asked him to teach her. And eventually, Si got really good too, and got accepted as a trainee under Sunny Ent. The Kim siblings are really close, since they both despised what their parents do for a living. They always studied together and told eachother everything. Key's very protective of his little sister and wouldn't be able to live with himself if anything happened to her.

Likes: Pokemon (secretly), older people, proving people wrong.


Dislikes: Fairytales, jokes, heights.


Hobbies: Studying, bossing people around, singing.

Habbits: Cussing people out, sulking in a corner, telling people the truth (even though it hurts)


Family: Kim Gu Yon. Dad. 47. Owns the 'Wet Noodle.'

Kim Hyun Min. Mom. 45. Works at 'Wet Noodle.'

Siblings: Kim Kibum (Key). Older brother. 20. Lead dancer, lead rapper and vocalist of SHINee.


Friends: Jeong Ki and Yeol Ki (M.Peg) Jonghyun and Onew (SHINee)


Besties: Jung Sang Ah and Kwon Hee Yeon (M.Peg)


Rivals: --NA--


Stage Information:

Stage Name: Si

Fanclub Name: Si Devils (Sounds like SHE devils)

Fanclub color:




Sub Vocal(0)


Sub Dancer(2)


Sub Rapper(0)


Main Vocal(0)

Persona: Umma.  

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@ CasterGirl<br />
Applied as a manager C:<br />
@ MoneyMonkey33<br />
Yeah? :3?
MoneyMonkey33 #5
So the stylist is sort of mute?
sugarcandy #6
yeah~!!the story have begun !! xD
MoneyMonkey33 #7
Thanks for picking Eiji ^^ I liked the teaser!!! :D
Haha Chungje & Jin being babos together xD
Cute ><
Woooooohoooooo now the story begins xD