Dorms!!!!!(Hee's Touring)

M.PEG(Musically Powered Energetic Group), Sunny Ent.'s New Group(Apply Closed)

Hee chan's POV


"YESSSS!!!!!!!!!"I screamed while jumping out of my seat.


"Opps" I mouthed with an apologetic face


"Anywayysss....congrats, we should show you the dorm anyways. I have to ravage through Hee-chan's stuff to see if Frog gave her chocopies secretly again." Jinny said


"Jinny don't worry, Jo took them all and threw them away while I sulked in a corner." I replied


"0_o" (The twins)


"I'll be calm for the next few years cause Zack and I made Frog broke and in debt." I continued


"Though I feel bad for my Froggie..." Zack sulked


It was a continuous talk from then on until it was time to show them the dorms. Thankfully they already packed up so we just had to show them around.


Jeong Ki's POV


We drove to the dorms with the others in a bus that fits 40(surprising huh?). It was really nice inside and when Yeol Ki heard that this is the group's bus he screamed in happiness. Min, Yeol ki and I watched outside to see the beautiful scenery that we would call our neighborhood.

The house:



We all had a emotion of shock on our face as we walked up to the house.


"We have 15 bedrooms in our dorm. 10 rooms for us, a room for our 4 managers, and a guest room. The kitchen is large as well as the dinning room, we also have a large living room and 10 bathrooms; 5 for boys and 5 for girls. Lastly we have a swimming pool in the back along with our own garden which  we all take care of." Nana said


"Hee will be showing you around along with Jojo, but first we have to show you the other guys." Jayjay said


We walked in after unlocking the door and saw 2 other guys watching TV in the living room. They looked older than us but at the same time nice enough not to hurt us.


The Living room:



"Whatcha watching?" Jojo said intrrupting my thoughts


"Nothing special, just music bank. Did you hear about the new group AA? They're going to visit us soon." The blondie said(Lol Jeongki thats not a nice thing to say to your sunbae!).


"Really? You should clean your room then mr!" Jayjay joked


"Shut up, tell Chungje that. Have you seen his room?" The one next to him blushed in embarrassment


"Chunje hyung I'll help you. Besides, Hee noona has to clean the kitchen and the living room due to her already perfectly clean room. Plus she'll have to help the new members settle in as the seemingly non hyper one anymore. Though I might have to give her some so that she'll clean everything up quickly." Jojo assured the older


"Thanks Jo-ah, I apperciate it." He said


"Anyways, I'm Jinyoung, call me Jin."


"And I'm Chung Hee, call me Chungje."


"And I will now show you around. First I will show you our rooms along with your's, the bathrooms, the backyard, the kitchen and the practice room." Hee noona said


The three of us followed her to the room she shared with Nina:


Lala and Mystery's:


Min and Evie's:


Jayjay and Nizu:


Jin and Jojo's:


Chungje and Jung Hoon(chapter 27):


And Yeol Ki and I:


 We then moved on to the hall where all the bathrooms were:



















Practice Room:



"There! So how do you like it?" Hee noona said


"I really like it! But how would we find you in this house?" Min asked


"I would usually be in the garden, kitchen, pool, room, and mainly the dance room." She replied


"I would definately be in the pool and living you have a games room?" Yeol ki asked


"Yeah, I forgot about it. Let me show you." Hee noona said


We walked out of the dance room and to the room at the end of the hall which was about 3 doors down from the door to enter the backyard which the hallway was connected to the living room.


Games Room:



"None of the guys have really gone in here, they just stick to the living room or at the pool." Hee noona said.


"Well, this is the house tour, why don't you go to your rooms and I'll call everyone for dinner later!" She continued


Yeol ki and I imidiately went to our rooms and I claimed the one at the wall. We quickly unpacked to see everyone but Hee noona in the living room. I went to the kitchen and found her cooking dinner. I hugged her from behind and rested my head on her shoulder.


"Jeong Ki? Seems like your finished packing." I heard her laugh "Could you set the table? It's time to eat."


"Ok noona...." I replied


I set the table for us all and got everyone telling them dinner was ready...wait did I tell you about the dinning room? Well it's just damn huge!

Dinning room:



Hee-chan's POV


Everyone sat down and I sat between Jeong Ki and Lili. Across from us was Yeol ki, Jin, and Jojo. I still haven't been on good terms with Jin since our day when we were told about our debut. And then he still hasn't told me sorry. After Dinner I was sitting in the kitchen alone drinking a smoothie. Just then Jin entered and sort of stared at me.



"Hi, did you need anything? I was just about to-"


"I'm sorry."




"Do I have to repeat it? I'm sorry."


I was standing up and he walked towards me. I didn't notice it until it fell on my arm. I was crying.


Jin's POV


I watched her as tears came down. I couldn't control myself anymore. I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her towards me putting her in a hug. She continued to cry, and I just held her. She was someone who liked to cry silently, not loudly. That way, no one would know untill they saw her.


We stayed like that for a few minutes, even when she stopped I held my arms around her waist. Her tearstained face hid inside my shoulder while her hands clutched my shirt at the chest. Eventually we pulled away and I made sure that she was ok. She left the kitchen to wash her face and go to bed, but before she left the kitchen she quickly walked up to me and kissed my cheek.


'Thank you' she said, and ran/fast walked out of the kitchen. 'Maybe I can sleep peacefully now?' I thought and chuckled. I walked to my room and fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed.

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@ CasterGirl<br />
Applied as a manager C:<br />
@ MoneyMonkey33<br />
Yeah? :3?
MoneyMonkey33 #5
So the stylist is sort of mute?
sugarcandy #6
yeah~!!the story have begun !! xD
MoneyMonkey33 #7
Thanks for picking Eiji ^^ I liked the teaser!!! :D
Haha Chungje & Jin being babos together xD
Cute ><
Woooooohoooooo now the story begins xD