Best Man Duties.









“I heard Baekhyun hyung’s getting married!” Sehun chirmed, smiling at me as he sat on the seat in front of my desk. A smile crept on my face as I saw how excited he looked, then quickly vanished once he looked away.

“Did he choose a best man yet?” He looked back at me, and I quickly flashed the smile back. Nodding slowly in response, he pouted at me.

“Who is it?”

“Me…” I answered. His jaw dropped and his eyes widened, he looked kind of offended.

“He chose you over me? A girl?” I chuckled at him as he looked away, sighing loudly in frustration.

A knock on the door made my head snap up towards it, Chanyeol peeked in his head before smiling as he saw me and Sehun sitting. He walked inside the office like it was his own and stood against my desk, staring at us both with a wide smile.

“My two favourite people in one room, how nice!” He snickered and I just rolled my eyes at him in disgust.

“You remind me of Kim Wobin’s character in The Heirs…” I commented.

“You watch way too much TV Noona!” Sehun exclaimed, he looked up at Chanyeol and they both high fived, smirking in pride when they looked back at me.

“What do you want?” I demanded at him, before my eyes travelled to a few papers in front of me.

“We have a date, remember?” He exclaimed. My eyes shot up at him, both being confused and full of anger.

“What date?”

“Search date! We need to find a wedding hall in less than two weeks princess…”

I stop up abruptly, slamming both hands on the hard wood of my desk.

“The wedding’s in two weeks?!” My eyes almost popped out of their place.

“No, the wedding is in a month and a half, we need to find a wedding hall in less than two weeks… don’t forget we’ll prepare the bridesmaids dresses, and the reception, the bridal shower…” He started listing lots of impossible tasks that I had to do.

“Don’t forget the bachelor party!” Sehun smirked, again, they both high fived. Kids.

“How am I supposed to organise all this by myself?!” I sighed in frustration, crashing on my big, fluffy, leather chair.

“Baekhyun’s coming along, so is Kris, and this kid…” He pointed down at Sehun who turned to look at him with the widest smile.

“Really?! I get to come?!”

“Just as long as you promise to not be a nuisance like always…”




“It’s a bit too huge for my taste…”

“Sehun, it’s not your wedding hall sweetie, it’s Baekhyun’s!”

“I know, just stating my opinion…”

“Well nobody cares about your opinion, that’s for a fact!”

“Noona! Chanyeol hyung’s being mean to me!”

I turned around to give Chanyeol a reprimanding glare, he just met me with a sheepish one. Holding Sehun’s hand, I dragged him along the hotel corridors to find the next hall we’ll be looking at. It was already past lunch time now, and Baekhyun still hadn’t shown up yet.

“When’s Baekhyun hyung coming?” His question was directed to Chanyeol, I acted uncurious even though I was dying to know.

“He said he had a lunch meeting first, then he’ll meet us when he’s done…”

“Can we go get bubble tea then?” Sehun suddenly halted in his steps, pouting at us cutely.

“What are you, 5?” Chanyeol commented in an irritated tone, rolling his eyes as Sehun pouted even further. I just chuckled at how cute he looked, even though I also believed he was acting a bit too silly for someone his age.




Due to excessive nagging and unbearable pouting, Chanyeol and I were forced to accompany Sehun to the nearest bubble tea shop. Of course, Sehun ordered two chocolate bubble teas, leaving Chanyeol cursing behind him as he was the one paying for it. Never knew he was that cheap.

“You liked anything so far?” Chanyeol asked, I raised my eyes to meet his and shook my head.

“You’re doing fine, I could almost believe you’re not affected by any of this…”  He smirked, and I just turned and watched Sehun order his third cup at the counter.

“Same can be said about you…”

“Not really…” I heard him say, I turned to meet his eyes, he was looking down on his drink with a pained smile.

“I cry myself to sleep every night…” I don’t know why I said that, but a part of me wanted to show him that he wasn’t alone.

“Don’t… he’s not worth the headache you’ll get in the morning.” His smile widened, it seemed a bit genuine now.

Just before I could even answer back, Sehun occupied the chair beside me, sipping innocently on his third drink.

“Where do we go next?”

“I need to find myself a nice tux…” Chanyeol smiled sheepishly at both of us.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, taking it out, I swiped the screen to unlock it before reading the text from an unknown number.


‘It’s me Kris,
I took your number from Baek.
Where are you guys?’


I stared at the text for a while, contemplating the possibilities of this being a prank. I guess Chanyeol noticed because I heard him clear his throat, when I looked up at him, he was looking back at me in curiosity.

“Who is it?”

“No one…” I answered before locking the phone.

“Is it Baek?” He scrutinized my face for answers, but I showed nothing and just smiled back at him, shaking my head lightly before taking a sip from my drink and finding new interest in the incoming customers.

I felt a bit guilty for not replying back, so I took a deep breath and turned back to Chanyeol.

“Is Kris supposed to help us with the wedding plans and all?” I bit my bottom lip and waited for him to answer. He gave me a confused look and raised his eyebrow at me.

“What? You kids play around behind my back now?” He smirked at me, and I just rolled my eyes.

“Answer the damn question Chanyeol!”

“Fine!”  He retorted in irritation. “… Yes, he’s supposed to be one of the groomsmen, why?”

“Just asking…” I answered absentmindedly then grabbed my phone, typing our location and sending it to Kris, all the while feeling 2 pairs of eyes watching me as I did so, but I ignored both of them.



Kris met us at the entrance of the small shop 15 minutes later. His was wearing one of those long coats of his, this time a navy blue one, his hair was styled as always, and he looked as handsome as ever. Seeing him made my heart skip a beat for some reason, and I found myself smiling at him like an idiot as he walked our way, which of course, didn’t go unnoticed by Chanyeol.

“Are you changing your mind about Baek or what?” I could hear sarcasm in his voice as he leaned closer and whispered to me. I nudged his shoulder roughly, smiling when I heard him whimper silently, and smiled brightly as Kris stepped in front of me.

“Good afternoon Ms. Lee…” He mirrored my smile. How can a guy look this hot while smiling?

“Good afternoon Mr. Wu…” I bit my bottom lip shyly.

“Drop the honorifics and stop the flirting gazes, I’m about to gag…” Like always, Chanyeol would always act like the mood spoiler he is. Kris chuckled at his comment though, so I had to act like I found it funny as well.

“There’s nothing wrong with flirting with a beautiful lady, is there now?” He looked up at Chanyeol, holding his smile. Chanyeol rolled his eyes and walked past us, murmuring a few curses as he grabbed Sehun by the arm and started dragging him in the way of our next destination.






“It’s beautiful, I like the decorations as well… some golden touch-ups here and there and it would be just perfect!” I smiled at the organizer as she led us through the hall. It was a magnificent wedding hall in one of the best hotels in Seoul. The ceiling was held high, decorated by a few small, golden decorations that made it look like a sea of gold.

The curtains were golden and light blue, the round tables were covered in a beautiful baby blue hue. I ran fingers on the fabric lightly, smiling at how soft it seemed. Everything about this hall was perfect, it was just like what I imagined for my wedding with Baekhyun.

Just thinking about that made the smile drawn on my face vanish. My hands fisted at the thought of someone else having my dream wedding with the man I loved for about years now. Just thinking about it made my heart ache badly.

“You okay?” A voice suddenly startled me, I turned to meet Kris’s eyes staring back at me intently. Realising how close he was to me now, I cleared my throat and stepped back a bit, biting on my lower lip before forcing a small smile.

“I’m fine…” I lied.

“What were you thinking about?” He seemed a bit worried and I was kind of thankful for that.

“Work… I have lots of work to do when we get back… it kinnda spoiled my mood a bit…” I lied again, hoping it sounded believable.

“Hey, we’re here to have fun. Stop thinking about work and enjoy your free time while it lasts, okay?” He smiled warmly at me and I just nodded, clearly at loss of words from how nice he was.

I felt something brush my hand, looking down, I felt him bury my hand in his as he held it tightly. My eyes shot up at him instinctively, slightly wider than normal, and I was met by his warm smile once more, before I felt myself being dragged through the hall and into its terrace, the view in front of me taking my breath away.

 A wide garden full of flowers was stretched in front of my view. I could make out colourful daisies and lilies here and there, the beautiful sea of flowers organized beautifully, giving an ombre effect from white to orange to red.

“It’s beautiful…” I let out breathlessly.

“It certainly is…” I heard Kris exclaim, turning to look at him, I was kind of surprised when I found him staring back at me, a mindless smile stretched on his face. Feeling the heat rush up to my cheeks, I cleared my throat before turning to look back at the garden, something then caught my eyes.

“That’s my favourite flower, right there…” I pointed at the far edges of the garden, circling the colourful flowers was a carpet of three colours, blue, white and pink.

“Baby’s breath?” He looked at me slightly amused and confused at the same time.

“I just always had a fascination with them, not sure why though…” I smile crept on my face absentmindedly as my eyes studied the beautiful tiny flowers from afar.

“Uh Noona, hyung!” Sehun’s voice snapped both our head to his direction.

“… Chanyeol hyung said we should be leaving now. We’re meeting Baekhyun hyung in a nearby restaurant.”

We both nodded and started making our way inside the hall again. My eyes searched the hall one last time before they fell on Chanyeol. Something was off, he was staring right back at me, furrowing his eyebrows like he was glaring at me from afar. I raised my eyebrows at him in confusion before he looked me up and down in an undecipherable stare then turned around.

What the hell?




We arrived at a nearby restaurant in less than 10 minutes. Sitting at the far corner was Baekhyun, and another person by his side. When my eyes found her, my heart fell all of a sudden as my face turned as white as snow.

“This way please…” The receptionist exclaimed at me, I nodded at him slowly and started walking to the said table, Chanyeol looking my way a few times in worry.

“Hey…” Baekhyun stood up to greet all four of us, and so did she. I forced a small smile at both of them before my eyes travelled back to her once more.

I remembered her clearly now, the queen of senior class, Kim Taeyeon. Effortlessly beautiful, blonde, with a y figure and a cute face, the perfect combination to get any Asian man. I bit my bottom lip in defeat, she was way too beautiful compared to me, she even looked more mature, and I felt so little compared to her.

“Chanyeol said you’ve been looking for wedding halls all morning…” Baekhyun suddenly exclaimed, looking my way. I blinked a few times before nodding slowly, faking a smile instantly.

“Yeah, and I think we even found a good one as well…” I exclaimed as I sat down on the chair opposite to him.

“Just like you imagined she would pick Baek…” Chanyeol said as he took the seat next to me, Kris and Sehun took the seats opposite to each other at the other two sides of the square table.

“Golden decorations with light blue and white walls.” He then added.

“Really? I was sure you’d choose something like that!” Baekhyun exclaimed excitedly and I smiled awkwardly at him. My eyes travelling back to Taeyeon who was alternating her uncomfortable stares between the both of us.

This went unnoticed by Baekhyun who cleared his throat awkwardly.

“I’m sorry, I forgot you haven’t been introduced properly to each other…” He let out an awkward chuckle. “… Ji eun’s been my best friend for as long as I can remember, I’m counting on her more than anyone here to make our wedding perfect…” He exclaimed to Taeyeon and a smile spread on her lips when she looked back at me, it seemed weirdly genuine.

“I think you remember Kim Taeyeon from senior class…” He then exclaimed at me and I nodded, mirroring her smile in a more forced manner.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Baekhyun never shuts up about you, but seeing you now, I don’t feel that jealous anymore though…”

Wait, what?

“Excuse me?” I pressed, raising an eyebrow in both offense and confusion. I heard Chanyeol choke on his water next to me, coughing a few times and struggling to breathe.

“You seem like a person who’d always take care of their friends selflessly Ji eun, I’m glad Baekhyun has a friend like you, and I hope you’d consider me as your friend too.” She smiled warmly at me and my facial expression relaxed a bit.

“Oh… I uh…” I stuttered, chuckling nervously. “Yeah, I’d like that…”






All throughout our meal we talked about the most random stuff and I got to know more about Baekhyun’s mystery fiancée. Taeyeon was perfect in every aspect, graduating with high grades, she got a scholar ship in one of England’s most eminent colleges to study business and a side major of music composing before returning to Korea a year later.

All the while, they were keeping their relationship a secret because they were afraid Baekhyun’s father would disapprove of her. but since she already came from money, a few years later, Baekhyun got on one knee and asked a question that changed both their lives, hence they were getting married, leaving both Chanyeol and eyes too weep internally.

I could feel Chanyeol’s worried gaze falling on meevery now and then as if he was checking if I was okay hearing all that, even though I clearly wasn’t, I didn’t let it show and acted unfazed by anything Baekhyun said. I even commented on how romantic their story was a few times and gave her complements every now and then too seem unaffected.

But it seemed like Chanyeol knew better, because every time they’d look at each other or act as love birds in front of us, he’d take my hand into his and squeeze it tightly for support.

I hated and loved that honestly, hated it because I must’ve looked so weak that he felt sympathy for me, loved it because I felt safe and a little comforted whenever he did that, which was something I never felt around Chanyeol before.

“So about the wedding…” Taeyeon suddenly exclaimed, taking a deeo breath ad drawing a wide smile on her face.

“Baekhyun and I decided it would be simple, everyone would be there of course but we want it to be out of the spotlights…”

“Meaning no paparazzi to cover the wedding of the CEO…” Baekhyun added.

“I asked Baekhyun if you’d be my Maid of Honour but he already disagreed, saying that you were  his Best Man already… I found it weird but nevertheless I’m glad you’ll be of good help in the organisation…” She directed her words to me and I nodded with a faint smile.

“You’ll just act exactly like a Maid of Honour though, because mine is still somewhere in England…”

“Sure, no problem.”

“So about the dresses, I think Baekhyun told you that I’d be leaving for some time because I have work to do…”

I nodded. I watched her as she searched through her purse then got out a piece of paper which she handed to me.

“It’s the dress sizes for the bridesmaids’ dresses, I trust your taste so you could choose whatever style and colour you’d like…”

“Make it y though!” Sehun then commented sheepishly, earning a glare from me which he pouted at.

“Chanyeol would take care of the Tuxedos…” Baekhyun then added, staring back at his friend with a huge smile.

“What about the bridal shower and the bachelor party?” Kris asked, playing with his untouched food that we had ordered some time ago.

“Noona and Chanyeol hyung can organize that too…” Sehun exclaimed cutely and both Baekhyun and Taeyeon smiled at him.

“What do we get to do then?” Kris then asked.

“You just be there on time whenever we need you…” Chanyeol answered with a cocky smirk, earning nothing but a blank expression from Kris.

“Fine…” The latter exclaimed and stuffed a piece of meat in his mouth. I chuckled at how cute he looked when he was mad.





“You can mess up the bridesmaids’ dresses…” Tao exclaimed with a full mouth, chewing down on some chips.

“We can mess up the date of the wedding as well…” Chanyeol then added with an evil smile, both of them nodding at each other in pride.

I rolled my eyes at how childish they both acted before burying my hand in a bag of chips and stuffing a few in my mouth, still not sure why Chanyeol decided to follow me home in the first place.

“Bring this guy home every day!” Tao exclaimed with a wide smile as he stared innocently at me, I just smiled at him before throwing a pillow in his face and chuckling at his pouting expression.

The sound of a door opening caught my attention, I turned towards the door to see Suho walking in, looking as tired as always.

“Hey!” I greeted him, he turned to smile at me before scrunching his face when he noticed Chanyeol sitting in front of the TV next to Tao.

“What’s he doing here?” He asked in irritation, before his eyes slightly widened.

“Are you guys watching TV?!” He raised his tone in accusation, making his way towards the both of them in anger.

“Chill, it’s just Master Chef.” Chanyeol exclaimed blankly, dipping his hand in Tao’s Chips bag and ignoring his glare.

“What are you doing here anyway?” Suho repeated, walking to sit next to me on the couch. I saw Chanyeol watching him intently as he rested his head on my shoulder, his eyes showing slight irritation, or maybe I was just imagining it.

“Nothing really, I just felt like stopping by and watching a movie with Tao.” Chanyeol smirked and looked away, I chuckled at Suho’s disgusted expression.

“How was your day?” Suho leaned closer and whispered, I got used to his love for skin-ship over the years, and it was one of the Gemini’s most famous traits anyways so I let it go after a few months.

“Slightly awkward… I met her today.” I whispered back, His eyes widened slightly before he turned to look at me, I knew he was pitying me at that moment so I offered him a small smile.

“Are you okay?” He pressed, eyes searching mine in worry.

“I’m not…” My smile widened in pain, and I rested my head on his shoulders for some comfort.

“It’s going to be okay.”

“You think?” I asked hopefully.

“I know…” He whispered back warmly, and I let my eyes close for a short snooze on his comfortable shoulder, all the while unaware of the angry glare Chanyeol was sending at Suho, and the knowing one the older latter shot back at him.









Colourful Baby's breath!





Taeyeon Showed UP WOHOO!!!


Hahaha She cracks me up!
I really like her though!

And do you think Chanyeol's jelous too??
From who then?!!


Tell me what you think about the chapter guys ;)

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And  I want to thank the 8 upvoters!
Sorry i haven't done that earlier O:)

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Others! I'd wish for your support as well ;)







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mfabulous #1
Haa I found this story again after few years.... I really hope that you can continue and finish this story because damn it's so good and such a waste to be abandoned just like that.
I love this story very much, pleaseeee update author-nim T.T
youdontneedtoknowme #4
Chapter 13: pleasepleaseplease update soon
plsssssssssssssssssssssssss update!
wulannan #6
Chapter 13: uuuwwwhh please update soon.. can't wait >,<
Chapter 7: Reading this chapter , I realized how pathetic jieun is.....desperately wanting the wrong guy who won't love her back....make me reflecting myself.....coz i'm just like my own bestie and I don't know if we're even friends now.....pathetic, ain't I?
Kirby4123 #8
Chapter 5: Are you on a hiatus author?
Kirby4123 #9
Chapter 5: Updateeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! It's been so long, I need to know what happens next....
Lilyxxi #10
Chapter 13: Could you make jieun end with chanyeol? Hihi suho just like caring older brother to his sister. I think they'r liking each other jieun chanyeol.. But too much ego for admit it. Make another chaps pleeeeeease