Where she came into the picture

Where it all started (Side story of Heart Thief)

A/N As you guys know this is a story that you can read without reading another story, but if you read both of them you can see some scenes of perspectives of different people. If you want to read it, it's called Heart Thief



You might wonder how it feels like to exist, but at the same time not actually having the feeling that you exist. It's pretty hard to explain a feeling, but I guess I have to try. If I'm being one hundered percent honest it feel like complete and utterly . Not being able to do with your life, doing stuff that you want to do, always listening to others. It's bull. I'm saying this know, even though I found out about this a few hours ago. As you can probably see, I'm a pretty lonely person, but you probably found out about that the second you joined me on this story.


Have you ever felt, the feeling of wanting to see another human being again? The worst thing, it's a super hot girl, that I saw a few hours ago. Let me tell you this, never in my whole life have I experienced this feeling and to be honest I'm scared, I don't know what to do. It's like she is another creature from a whole new world, no scratch that I'm probably the weird person in the picture here. You might think it's weird that I've not done anything to try and "exist", but you know what I'm used to it.


It was lunchtime, as always I'm not sitting in the cafeteria. I forgot a book in the Music room, so as I was walking to the Music room, I bumped against a few guys. Who would usually punch the person, if they run into someone, but they didn't say anything. They didn't even take a second to look at me, you guys see how my life is. I opened the door of the Music room and I walked to my table and when I picked up my book I heard some loud screaming. "AAANNYEEEOONG, WHO ARE YOU?!" some girl yelled in my ear. I jerked backwards and almost fell on the ground. "OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY!" she yellled again. I put my hands against my ears automaticly, because damn this girl has a loud voice. "I should probably stop yelling, huh?" she said while laughing. I took a good look at her face and I widened my eyes. "Oooooh you're that cute little dude that I saw in the morning." she said while smiling. Wait what cute?! Me? Hahaha she probably has the wrong person. When she said that I pointed at myself, with a raised eyebrow. "Yes, I mean you," she said while nodding. " Oh I should introduce myself, I'm Kim Haerin, nice to meet you." she said while having a bright smile on her face. Damn, she smiles a lot. Doesn't that hurt your jaw though? I should introduce myself too, come on Taehyung, your first step to change. "Uh.... H-Hi, I-I a-am T-tae-taehy-taehyung, ni-nice t-t-to m-mee-meet y-you," I said. I can't do anything right. She suddenly grabbed my cheeck and started squeezing it. "YOU ARE SOOOO ADORABLEE!!" she yelled said. I heard the bell ring after she practically yelled in my face. So I turned around and walked to the door. When I turned the doorknob I came to realisation that it was locked. "TAEEE TAEEE, WHAT'S THE PROBLEEEM?" she yelled again. "U-uh u-u-uh w-w-well u-uhm th-the d-d-do-door i-is l-l-lock-locked" I said. "HAHAHAHA, TAE TAE WHAT A FUNNY JOKE HAHAHAHA" she laughed while she walked to the door. When she opened the door she said: "Oh , you weren't joking." You could see her smile slowely fade away. "N-no wh-why sh-shou-should I-I j-jo-joke a-ab-about th-tha-that?" I said while raising one eyebrow. "Nah I had the feeling you were opening up to me and that you started making jokes, but I guess I was wrong." she said while sitting done. Wow this is the first time I've seen her serious, but she's really cute. Wait, what am I thinking?! "Wh-wha-what c-ca-can w-we d-do n-now?" I asked her while sitting down next to her. "We sit and wait." she said. We sat there for five minutes and I felt something on my shoulder. I looked to my right and saw a bunch of hair. Oh she fell asleep, how cute. No no no, Taehyung she isn't cute, she's really weird. I put her hair behind her ears and saw her blink really slowely. "O-oh s-so-sorry d-di-did I-I w-wa-wake y-you u-up?" I stutter. "Maybe, but it's ok" she said. I saw her looking up at me while I looked at her. I saw her coming closer and closer. Wait, what is she doing?! She almost touched my nose and I felt something behind my back move. "Oh , uh continue what you were doing" I saw a girl behind me say. "Oh , Minah it isn't what it looks like!" Haerin said to 'Minah'. "Sure, sure, well bye!" she said while running away. "MINAH COME BACK" Haerin yelled at her while running after her. Wow, what just happened?


What did you guys think? I'm pretty happy with this one, but please give me feedback. Thank youu~ :)


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