Where it began

Where it all started (Side story of Heart Thief)

A/N I swear a lot btw, so if you don't like swearing or cussing I suggest you to not read this story 


Have you ever got to the point that you just wanted to make a 360 degree turn and change your whole life, well maybe I've gotten to that point. I have always thought about changing, but now that I'm on the edge, I'm not that sure anymore. I've never even realised that it was so hard to change. You're probably thinking that I'm some stupid kid with no friends, if you think that then you're right. Yes, I'm someone you're actually not supposed to know, I'm the one that's always sitting alone, with no friends and if you're thinking I'm a nerd, you're wrong this time. I'm not even close to a nerd, I'm actually so stupid that I'm probably not even supposed to go to school. Well technically speaking I do have a "best friend", I don't even know if you can call it a best friend. I know him for years now, but the thing is, he doesn't want people to know that I'm his friend, or even know him personally. He's the kingka and I'm the loner, but again we're not the opposite, because like I said I'm not a nerd. Sometimes I wonder if he even considers that I'm a friend. He's so close, yet so far away. You might be thinking that this is a cliché story about falling in love with your best friend, well you might be thinking that I'm a girl, but guess what, I'm a boy. Let me introduce myself before going further on with the story. Hello, I'm 18 years old and my name is Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you too.


Well now that you have recovered from the shock that I'm not actually a girl complaining about how her best friend doesn't love her back, let me get deeper into the story. For 18 years of my entire life, I haven't been that adventurous, I haven't really been "living life on the edge" as most of you call it. For 18 years of my life I've been doing what people told me to do, because I always thought that what other people tell me to do is always right, but I guess one day I found out that I could actually do with my life. I feel so stupid telling you all this, but I guess you need some background story before I go tell you about all sort of that you don't even understand. How I found out, is through a speech, I know haha lame, I know, I know. I woke up late that day, so I was late to school too, not that anyone actually cared, because in their eyes I actually don't exist. Back to the story, I had to go to Music class and when I came there I sat down, like anyone would do actually and there was this girl standing in front of the classroom wanting to say something, but being interrupted by people screaming and talking. Once it finally stopped, she started talking, she had bright eyes and a bright smile, something that you don't see that often anymore. Should I just tell you what she said? 

"You have one life, 

one life to achieve anything,

that you want to do with you life.

Are you going to let anything stand in your way of achieving something?

Hell no,


And yes,

I know it's hard,

that's why you have family and friends,

to support you when you need them the most.

There are people in this world who don't have people to support them,

and that's why I came here today,

to help you achieve what you want the most.

So don't let anything or anyone stop you from what you want.

Do everything that you can to squeeze that every last bit of happiness that you can achieve in your life.

Do something that will make you happy in the end."

When she told that, I felt like she was staring at me the whole time, that she was actually talking to me, but why would she say that to me, she was probably looking at someone nest to me, but still I guess you could say that she changed my whole life. I actually want to do something that I want with my life, I want to feel like that I achieved something in the end. That I made a difference in this world, that I actually exist in people's eyes.

I guess that, that moment, the start was for where it all started.



Hi peoples, what did you think of chapter one? I know it's kinda short, but I didn't know what to write after the sentence before the last sentence, but please tell me what you thought of the first chapter, and give me feedback please ^^. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and thank you for reading :]

- Jessica



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