Last Member Revealed! :D

Do You Wanna B - Lollipop [Application Closed]

Brand New Stardom Reveals Lollipop's Lead Rapper, Mei Tae Chan ;


Birthname: Chinese: Mei Tai Wan || Korean: Mei Tae Chan || English: Charlene Mei

Nicknames: Tai, Char, Charlemagne

Age: 19

Birthdate: October 31, 1992

Birthplace: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Ethnicity: Chinese

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 95 lbs


Personality: Though her name means 'too perfect' or 'perfection' in Mandarin, Tai is anything but. She's cold blooded and spoiled, not taking 'no' for an answer. If she wants something, she doesn't stop until she gets it. She's terrible at telling jokes, though she thinks she's hilarious, and if someone doesn't laugh at them, all Hell freezes over. She's mean and loves making people feel bad. She loves taking pictures of herself and popping up in photos taken by other people, and was once a rather famous ulzzang. She always says the first thing on her mind, good or bad, and doesn't seem to care about the consequences.

Family history:  Her parents, Ruo He and San Hae, are board members of top companies and business owners, with branches in many differen countries. Two years into their business, they moved to Toronto, Ontario, and gave birth to triplets - Bae Jin 'BJ' Mei, Soi Fon Mei, and Tai Wan Mei. When they triplets were four, Ruo He and San Hae moved again, leaving Tai Wan in Toronto, taking Soi Fon to Tokyo, Japan, before moving again with only BJ, leaving him behind in Paris. In Canada, Tai went to the same elementary school as Henry Lau of SJM. She became Student Council President in middle school, and went to school with Henry until her sophomore year in high school, when he went to train with SM.

Family members:  

Mei Ruo He - Father, 45; Entrepreneur and lawyer, a wealthy entrepreneur who is very strict on Tai. He can be mistaken as cruel at times but it's worth it. He is fully Chinese.

Mei Sae Han - Mother, 43; Entrepreneur and fashion designer, San Hae is only 1/4 Korean meaning that when she gave birth to Tai, the Chinese side dominated over the Korean side. She's a kindhearted woman but she normally listens to what Ruo He says.

Mei Bae Jin - Brother, 19; Medical student and businessman, the most annoying older brother someone could ever have! Even if he's 2 minutes older, that doesn't give him the right to walk around thinking, "I'm better than all of you!" In other words, he's conceited.

Mei Soi Fon - Sister, 19; Medical student and businesswoman, Soi Fon is the bubbly and 4D type of person that Tai can not stand at all. That's what makes Tai hate her so much. Soi Fon is younger than BJ by 1 minute but older than Tai by 1 minute.

Likes: causing trouble, Angry Birds, jell-o, poking people, being lazy, reading/writing anime fanfiction, American music artists, fogging up glass windows and then writing her name, taking pictures of herself, tweeting, spamming on Facebook, talking back, telling people off, cheating, playing video games all day, Christmas, Halloween

Dislikes: being told to do, people who do aegyo, cheesy lovey dovey romances, anything Sanrio besides Badtz Maru, the outdoors, Valentines Day, singing.


O1. She can't speak Korean well.
O2. She doesn't have an ideal type. She likes to think that she'll grow up forever alone.
O2. She may have a Korean mother but her mom is only 1/4 so Tai isn't classified Korean.
O3. She's obsessed with Angry Birds
O4. Her usernames for everything are either 'ClickheretovisitTaiWan' OR 'PerfectionInMei'
O5. Her ulzzang name is Taechan
O6. Her favorite romance movie is 'A Walk to Remember'
O7. Her favorite horror movies are the 'Saw' series, the Jason movies and the Freddie Kruger movies.
O8. Her blood type is AB Negative.
O9. She has never had a boyfriend
1O. If she had to choose a KPOP band that she liked, she would say, "Super Junior."
11. She's secretly an E.L.F
12. When she grows up, she wants to be a doctor
12. She loves mocking Dongho's Man Man Hani Shoulder Dance
13. She's a Harry Potter fangirl


 Chosen Ulzzang name: Jang Hae Byeol


Stage Name: China

Persona: Loud

Positions: Lead Rapper

Trainee years: 2 years in SM, 1 & 1/2 in BNS

Official Fanclub Name: Chopsti-X

Official Fanclub Color: Red

Other Jobs Before Debut: Internet ulzzang, unknown actress.



Partner/ Bias: Lee Jinki [Onew]

How You Met: Onew is the bringer of Onew Condition. He is an outgoing, funny, and weird oddball. His face expressions are just as funny and macro worthy. They met at the Incheon Airport when Tai had just come back Korea. When Tai was exiting the airport, Onew's bodyguard pushed her out of the way. Because of Tai's quick temperedness she quickly got up and attempted to punch the bodyguard. Unfortunately, she ended up punching Onew in the face because he jumped in front of the bodyguard. 

Ex Boyfriend: Lee Kiseop

Special Moments: N/A

Couple Name: The Opposite Couple

Best Friends: Kibum & Heechul [Super Junior]

Friends: Kyuhyun & Sungmin [Super Junior]

Rivals: Sulli [f(x)], Sunny [SNSD], Taemin [SHINee], Minah [Girls' Day].


Author's Note:

Hey guys! Sorry for the absence again.. school keeps catching up with my and kicking my ! D:

This character is going to be a challenge for me to write, but I'm going to try and do it to the best of my abilities! Also, I'm writing another apply story with my best friend soon! It's going to be a co-ed group, so keep a look out for it~! :D

Also, check this out! LOLLIPOP is now affiliated with AFFallkpop! Be sure to subscribe to them for news about the group. :D

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Choiheeyoung31 #1
congratz to the last member! :D
tobiwan #3
Congrats to Jihyun!!!<br />
Can't wait till the last member is revealed :D
-hikouki #4
Ohh! now let's wait and see the last member!
Congrats to lead vocalist lee jihyun :D
Choiheeyoung31 #6
Congrats to Song SoHee! Can't wait to see other members!
thank you so much for chosing me! <3
Congrats to Yue! The dog in the last picture is SO FLUFFY!
tobiwan #9
Congrats to Song SoHee!!!
tobiwan #10
Congrats to the chosen girls! Hmm...dang. I already forgot who I put as my partner :/