Meet the Third Member ;

Do You Wanna B - Lollipop [Application Closed]

Brand New Stardom Reveals Lollipop's Lead Dancer, Joo Rae Ah ;


Birthname: Joo Rae Ah

Nicknames: Raya

Age: 20

Birthdate: November 23, 1991

Birthplace: Manila, Phillipines

Ethnicity: Korean-Filipino

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 105lbs


Personality: She's the type of person you'll hate at first glance. She comes off as snobbish to some people for she's not one to approach people first to make friends. People think she's cold and full of herself for she won't compliment someone unless there is something to compliment about. She'd rather be honest and have you hate her rather than be a -up and have you like her. She loves the company of her friends but she prefers working alone. Although, she is one of the laziest people you'll ever meet; the type of person who're naturally gifted and excels without trying so hard. Sleeping is one of her favorite pass times and she's not afraid to entertain herself, even in class. She does hate competition. No matter what you do, she won't compete with you if she doesn't think it's worth it, or if you truly deserve it. But she definitely won't back down once she's involved. Not everyone can put up with her stubbornness too. She won't follow you if she doesn't understand the reason behind it. Her OCD will drive you crazy. She's capable of nagging and she's not afraid to use it. What's annoying is that when it comes to her things, all hell broke loose.

All that contribute to her child-like personality. She's easily amused and excited by a lot of things and has the attention span of a 10-year-old. She'll laugh at the corniest and cheesiest jokes ever told, and still pertains to glitter as shining shimmering splendid. Also, she never fails to lend a helping hand to anyone, even to a complete stranger and would do everything in her power to follow-through. Skin skip FTW! You'll get her a restriction order but that still won't get her to stop. But she's no ert. It's just that she's not that good with words and believes that actions do weigh heavier. If she does find you admirable, she won't hesitate to tell you that she idolizes you and to fan-girl openly about it. She's very open about her happy crushes too. She's a good listener, but she's a better adviser. That's why people go to her if they have a problem or just wanted to share. She may be quiet most of the time but when she talks, you'll definitely listen.

Family history:  Her Korean dad, afraid of a lifelong commitment, left when she was still in her mom's womb. Her moved back to the Philippines, and raised her child with her family. She met a man who're willing to take care of her and her baby and got married. They worked together to achieve their dreams and support Raya in hers. Raya was happy with her family but she is half Korean, and she's determined to get in touch with that side of her.

Family members:
Joo Rae Kyung (Father) - Age 45. A talent scout of a know talent agency. He's a perfectionist and there's no stopping him from getting what he wants. Left when she was still in her mother's womb. Present whereabouts are unknown.

Santos, Mia (Mother) - Age 43. Owner of a restaurant in the Philippines. A very loving and caring mother. She raised Raya with the help of her family. She's kind-hearted and can be a bit sensitive. Sometimes, she's more immature than her daughter.

Santos, June (Stepfather) - 44. A doctor. Supportive and thoughtful. Loved Mia and her daughter very much. He's a smart guy and does things logically. He can be strict at times but only for the right reasons.

Likes: taking pictures, sweet goodmorning messages, pocky sticks, dogs, staying up late, horror movies, carbonated drinks, salty & spicy food.

Dislikes: clowns, crawling insects, heights, not doing anything, cats, moody people, getting her sleep interrupted, long telephone calls

O1. Was called Bittercup. After her favorite PPG Buttercup. Bitter cause she seldom smiles when she was a kid.
O2. Wanted to be a ninja when she was younger
O3. Never believed in a tooth fairy
O4. Has irrational fear towards clowns and dolls
O5. KimBum is her ultimate, will die for, k-celebrity crush
O6. will only fall for a guy who can write a song for her


 Chosen Ulzzang name: Song Ah Ri


Stage name: Raya

Persona: Quiet

Positions: Lead Dancer, Vocalist

Trainee years: 5 years in JYP

Official Fanclub Name: Rated R

Official Fanclub Color: Hot Pink

Other Jobs Before Debut: Actress


Partner/ Bias: Son Dongwoon

How You Met: Their trainee days brought them together. She was his senior but their attitudes reflected otherwise. They had a lot in common which resulted to awkwardness between them. But since they were always getting paired up by their mentors, they warmed up to each other, developing a strong friendship. They became best friends who share and tell each other everything. Although they didn't think they're made for each other as opposed to what others think.

Ex Boyfriend: Park Sanghyun [Thunder, MBLAQ] - She knew Thunder as Park Sanghyun. A maknae, a neighbor, and a friend. They were close back then when they were both living in the Philippines. They were welcome in each other's houses as if they were part of the family. They were legally dating even before they knew it. Then Raya moved to Korea and maintaining a long distance relationship was impossible for teenagers their age.

Special Moments: N/A

Couple Name: Twin Towers

Best Friends: Lee Min Young (Min) of Miss A, Kim Hyuna of 4minute

Friends: Yang Yoseob of Beast,Lee Junho of 2PM,Park Sandara of 2NE1

Rivals: Ahn So Hee

Author's Note:

Sorry again for the long wait. University , let's just say that. :/
But here's the third member - the rest should be posted soon - I just have to get a response message from one before I can post her.. and if I don't get it today, I'll have to pick someone else for that role.

But everyone congratulate Joo Rae Ah for making it! :)


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Choiheeyoung31 #1
congratz to the last member! :D
tobiwan #3
Congrats to Jihyun!!!<br />
Can't wait till the last member is revealed :D
-hikouki #4
Ohh! now let's wait and see the last member!
Congrats to lead vocalist lee jihyun :D
Choiheeyoung31 #6
Congrats to Song SoHee! Can't wait to see other members!
thank you so much for chosing me! <3
Congrats to Yue! The dog in the last picture is SO FLUFFY!
tobiwan #9
Congrats to Song SoHee!!!
tobiwan #10
Congrats to the chosen girls! Hmm...dang. I already forgot who I put as my partner :/