July 28, 2016

Unrequited Love
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Tomorrow is the last day of summer school and I'm gonna miss it. Not just because I'll never see the guy I like anymore but  because I'm gonna miss my class I've actually gotten close to them and I've had a lot of fun these past few weeks. And tomorrow
after school were going camping it's my first time camping in a tent. This should be fun I just hope we don't see any bears. My final 
exam for Social is worth 30% of my final grade so I hope I do well. Today while I was going home I didn't see him on the bus I know
he was at school today because I saw him on the bus this morning. I was sad I started to cry once in while because I knew that after
tomorrow I will never see him again. I hope that your happy and that you have a great life
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janechoi0123 #1
Chapter 28: Why does she have so many crushes?
dragmystyle #2
Chapter 3: I don't get what speaking tagalog have to do with him being comfortable with her... Why? Can he speak tagalog or smth?
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