Chapter 7

An online friend was how it all started...

‘What time is it?’ Soomi mumbled as she woke up.

‘10am? Pray that everyone has schedules...Please....’

Unknowingly, Soomi closed her eyes and continued to pray.

When she opened her eyes, she realised that 15 pairs of eyes were staring at her.

‘Never seen a girl before? You must be from Pluto.’ Soomi smirked as she walked into the kitchen.

As she walked past Eunhyuk, She smirked at him again and he gave her the evil glare.

‘You’re so dead.’ Eunhyuk whispered.

‘And I don’t really care cos’ I‘ve got Ryeowook behind me.’ Soomi pointed at her unsuspecting brother.

‘I doubt he even bothers.’

‘Wanna see?’

‘Sure. Why not?’

Soomi laughed silently and shouted.

‘Ryeowook! Eunhyuk said that he wanted to beat me up!!!!!!!’

‘Lee Hyuk Jae! Don’t you dare touch my sister! You shall not have any breakfast today!!!!!’ Ryeowook shouted.

‘Nooooooo!!! I want my breakfast!!!!’

‘Too bad!!!’


Soomi laughed and Eunhyuk glared at her.

‘Told ya.’ Soomi poured some milk in a cup and walked into her room.

‘Soomi! Don’t you want your breakfast?’ Ryeowook asked.

‘Give it to Shindong! He needs it more than me!’

‘YESSSSSSS! I LOVE YOU SOOMI!’ Shindong said as he snatched Soomi’s plate from Ryeowook.

‘YOU STILL HAVE NARI, IDIOT.’ Soomi shouted.


‘Wait, how does she know that you’re dating Nari? I thought only ELFs knew that. And she IS NOT one.’ Henry commented.

‘Do you think she googled us?’ Heechul said.

‘Nah. Once, I was talking to her about SuJu and she puked in front of me.’ Ryeowook replied.

Soomi heard their conversation and smirked before going back to play Starcraft. To be exact, Kyuhyun’s game.


5 hours later, Soomi felt her stomach grumble.

‘I’m hungry. Better ask Ryeowook to cook me food.’ Soomi walked out of her room.

She was expecting Ryeowook to be at he kitchen, instead there was this chubby guy standing there, cooking ramen.

‘Do you need anything?’ The person asked.

‘Yep, I need food.’

‘Want some ramen?’

‘Anything.’ Soomi sat on the sofa and the television.

‘There’s Kpop...More Kpop... Even more Kpop! Why is all the channels occupied with KPOP?’ Soomi screamed.

‘Cos’ you’re living in Korea.’ The person replied.

‘Oh yeah, What’s your name?’Soomi asked.


‘Part of SuJu-M?’


‘You got chubby cheek. I like that.’ Soomi laughed.


Soomi turned around and saw Ryeowook standing there, staring daggers into Henry’s eyes.

‘You flirted with her eh, Henry?’


With that, Ryeowook started chasing Henry around the house while Soomi happily ate her ramen.

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iftgyu #1
im sad it never finished
Awwww so cute, hehe update soon please <3
please update, I beg of you...
woow!!!:)<br />
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I jus realized... Soomi means breath xD
Omo! U haven't updated in so long! I've been waiting!!! Please update :3
Update soon ^^