07. Truth or Dare

My Only Love


At night , all the couples gathered together in their cutes pajamas. They were resting before the filming started. But actually the filming was already started.

Chorong rested her head on Jinyoung’s  shoulder and Jinyoung put his head on hers. The other couples watched in jealousy.

“Omo they can’t stop being so lovey-dovey , aren’t them?” Viki said in amusement. “You want us to be like that too , noona?” Ghun grinned. “Aishh how many times must I tell ya?!” Viki slapped his arm. “Tell me what?” Viki pouted angrily. “Don’t call me noona again, even Zico doesn’t call Saem a noona.”

Zico and Saem stared at each other when they heard what Viki said about them. “You’re unlucky to get this dude as your partner. Right , Saem?” Zico wrapped his arm around Saem’s waist as he smiled cockily at her. “Move your hands away from me!” Saem smacked his hand away.

“Seems like your girlfriend doesn’t like you to touch her huh?” Ghun smirked as he hugged Viki from the back. “Pshh ~ Annoying couples.”

“I guess the only couple that get along well here are Jinyoung and Chorong eh?” All heads turned to them. “Got to agree with that.” “Now let’s ruin their moments , we are going to have a game now.” Zico walked towards them and shook Jinyoung’s body. “Yahh wake yourself up now!” Zico shouted.

It startled Chorong as she quickly awake while Jinyoung seemed to be in his deep sleep. “ Jinyoung ahh ~ Wake up now.” Jinyoung quickly reacted when he heard Chorong’s sweet voice on his ears.


“We are playing truth or dare?!” Saem cried. “Got any problem with that?” Zico looked at her as she scowled . “That such a lame game.”

“If you don’t wanna play , you can move aside.” “Aigoo okay okay! I’m joining this game!” Zico gave her a satisfied smile. “That’s my girl.”

“What’s the punishment if we don’t answer or do the questions?” Viki asked boredly since she already knew what the punishment is. “You need to kiss your partner!” “Another lame punishment.” Saem blew her hair up. “Stop saying everything is lame , Hwang Semi!” Zico crossed his arms.

“Okay whatever let’s start playing now.” Saem said as she grabbed the bottle but Zico snatched the bottle away. “It’s my turn now , lady. ” Zico spun the bottle and it stopped at ..

Chorong looked her left and right. “..me?”  Zico nodded. “Truth or dare?” “..truth.”

“Aww that’s bored , Rongie. You should choose dare.” Viki commented. “I like truth more.” Chorong replied.

“Emmm ~ I wanna give you some hard question.” Zico his chin. Then the PD held up a card. “Ahh! My question is , do you love this Jung Jinyoung?!” Zico pointed at Jinyoung.

“Huh??” The PD held up another card. Chorong looked and answered in hesitation , “..of course I love him.” Chorong spun the bottle hardly and it directed to Saem. Before they could ask she already answered , “dare.”

“I want you to hug Zico for 10 seconds.” Chorong smiled widely and Jinyoung high-fived her. “Smart one.”

Zico opened up his arms widely , “come to me , baby.” Saem frowned and hugged him without her willing. After 10 seconds , she pushed Zico away from her. As she spun her bottle , it got on Jinyoung. “Yahh that was harsh!” Jinyoung said as he held the bottle.

“ Omo mian! Luckily it didn’t land on your head. So , it’s means the bottle chose you eh? You wanna take a dare?”

“Okay ~” Jinyoung answered quickly without knowing what his dare would be.

“Kiss Chorong on her lips for 5 seconds!”

Chorong who was sipping down her water that time , choked. “W-What?!”  

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I thought i was the only Jinrong shipper. :'D omg. I found a family. LOVE THE STORY. <3
lucydiggory #2
Chapter 18: so sweet~~~
ThunderLime #3
Chapter 19: OMG

ThunderLime #4
Chapter 13: OMG MY JINRONG FEELS ; u ;
kimchimin #5
Chapter 17: I already read this before but I never get tored! I just love JinRong so much and its sad to see that only a few ship them :(( Bt thanks Unni for this wonderfully cite amazong fic! :***
LeeJinyoung #6
Chapter 1: Love this story so much!!!!!!!
Chapter 2: it was nice! xD
LingPinkPanda #8
I love this story as much!!
i hope it's real ! >.<
Nice job :)
can't stop smiling as I read the chapters until i got on chapter 14 LOL @ sandeul XD
cute ending! I really love your fanfic!!!
I'm still at chapter 2... gonna try to continue tomorrow? not sure :/ I like your fanfic!!!! I'm a Bana and a Pink Panda! thanks for the story!!! :]