Friday Night Pt. Two

The Three Marketers


The motorbike let out a smooth engine sound as Luhan started it. He hugged it and sighed contently.

“Oh, Margarita,” Luhan whispered, kissing his motorbike lovingly, “it’s finally Saturday tomorrow. We can go to salon and dress you up, Babe.”

“God, what a freak…” He heard whispers. Luhan turned his face toward the bunch of workers passing him and flipped a bird.

“Don’t listen to them, oh Margarita, they know nothing about us. Be a good girl tonight, because I want to ride you,” Luhan didn’t know how wrong it was to hear him like that but he didn’t care. He tapped his motorbike lovingly for the last time and put on his helmet.

There was this coffee shop up hill at the side of the city and Luhan decided to spend his night there, enjoying a cup of coffee while watching the city slowly dimming down into dawn before going home. He stopped by the street food vendor and bought himself a pin of banana milk before continuing his trip. But, on the way, he saw a black car at the side of the road with the familiar looking owner leaning on it.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Luhan asked impolitely, “Your car broke?”

Minseok, the owner of the car, threw his face angrily and crossed his arms.

“Oh, come on,” Luhan rolled his eyes, “Are you waiting for tow truck?”

Minseok still ignored him. Luhan huffed, “Just so you know, it won’t come until hours later since it’s Saturday night. But, I see you don’t need any ride or companion. So, ciao!”

Luhan closed his full-face helmet and ran his motorbike, continuing his journey to the said coffee shop. But, he thought about Minseok, what if the tow truck didn’t come? Why didn’t he call his girlfriend to pick him up? And then he shook his head. Minseok’s business wasn’t his business, so why bothered to think about the other, right?

Or maybe not.

“Get on.” Luhan said as he reached the same road Minseok was at.

The young manager frowned, “What?”

“I said get on, .”

“Why the hell should I?”

Luhan huffed, “Come on! Don’t be a moron and get on! We can call your tow truck later.”

Minseok sighed heavily and got on Luhan’s motorbike grumpily.

“What’s so hard about that, geez?” Luhan muttered and turned his face to Minseok, “I’m going to get some coffee before going home. I bet you will like it. And then I’ll ride you home. Sounds good?”

Minseok shrugged indignantly. But, he didn’t say no. So, Luhan continued his trip, with Minseok now, to the coffee shop he desired.

“Thank you…” He heard a faint voice. Smirk bloomed on Luhan’s face.

“What did you say?” Luhan pretended, “I couldn’t hear you. The wind is too strong.”

“Shut up! I won’t say it again!” Minseok barked and slapped Luhan’s helmet. The owner laughed hard although the motorbike shaky a bit as the impact and earned them a loud horn.

It took about 40 minutes to reach the coffee shop. Minseok climbed down and awed the sight below the coffee shop. Luhan didn’t miss this.

“Close your mouth. You look idiot.” He mocked.

Minseok clapped his mouth close and punched Luhan’s arm lightly.

“I didn’t know this shop.” Minseok said as they were seated.

“It’s not really famous since it’s up hill and people just don’t want spend time to get here.” Luhan said, “So, what are you going to take?”

“Hot Americano.” Minseok said to the waitress.

“Make it two.” Luhan said, “And tuna sandwich.”

But, then he heard a grumble sound coming from Minseok’s stomach.

“Goddammit, speaking about timing…” Minseok clutched his stomach, face red of embarrassment.

“Make the sandwich two.” Luhan said.

“No, Luhan, it’s okay! You don’t have to!”

“Two plates and a bowl of salad for two thank you.” Luhan continued, ignoring Minseok’s complaint.

The waitress hesitantly went. And Minseok pouted.

“What?” Luhan asked, “Be grateful. I’m paying yours also.”

“You better not claim it double price later…” Minseok muttered.

Luhan rolled his eyes, “I’m not you. Now, call the tow service.”

“Can I borrow your phone?” Minseok asked, “Mine’s dead. Low battery.”

“Mine too. Just borrow the shop’s phone.”

Minseok nodded, getting up the seat, and walked toward the cashier. Luhan followed his manager’s figure and sighed.

“What an epitome of idiocy.” Luhan muttered and watched the city below the hill blankly.

It wasn’t too long until Minseok came back with a waiter following to serve their order.

“Wow,” Minseok hummed at his coffee, “this is good!”

“Of course, this place is my favorite.” Luhan snorted and sipped his own coffee.

They ate and drank in silence until all plates and bowl were left empty. The breeze of summer night was blowing slowly, making the situation unexpectedly comfortable. Luhan heard Minseok sigh in content and he also relaxed on the backrest, holding his warm coffee.

Suddenly, a loud explosion was heard. Fireworks sparked in the night sky, making blooming fire flower.

“Oh,” Minseok straightened his back and leaned his body to the railing, “Is there festival in the city?”

Luhan checked the date on his wristwatch, “Oh, yeah, it’s a summer festival being held once a year.”

“Summer festival?” Minseok tilted his head questioningly, “I don’t know there’s festival in this city.”

The other was about to retort but he remembered Minseok was new to the town.

“Do you want to go there?” Luhan blurted out. He slapped his head mentally because, seriously, was inviting Minseok to his sacred coffee shop not enough to embarrass his own self?

Minseok contemplated it for a while before leaning back down to the back rest and mumbled, “No, it’s okay.”


The manager nodded and sipped his coffee. Luhan rolled his eyes.

“Come on. Let’s go there.” Finally the ginger haired man said as he put his cup down on the table.

“What? No!”

“Come on, it’s once a year. You’re one of citizens here. You need to know.”

“No, it’s okay. I can go next year.”

“Do you want to go or not?”


“Cut the bull, Minseok.”

“Okay! ! I want to go!” Minseok admit grudgingly, slammed his cup on the table.

Luhan smirked, “Let’s go then.”

“Don’t be too smug, !” The young manager hissed as he followed Luhan to the cashier.

It took another 40 minutes for them to reach the city again. Luhan parked his bike at a built-up temporary parking lot near the festival gate and hung his helmet.

“Come on,” Luhan said, pulling Minseok’s wrist.

“I’m not a kid, you freak.” The manager wiggled his arm.

Luhan blinked and raised his hands, “Sorry. Habit.”

Minseok rolled his eyes, “Shut up and just lead the way.”

They both entered the gate after paying and getting stamped on the back of their hands. Luhan smiled to himself. It had been a long time since the last time he had visited the summer festival. It felt so familiar; the grilled squid, shaved ice, duck candy, water balloon, hey there was fish catching game too! He thought perhaps Minseok wanted to try to catch some fish. So, Luhan turned his body just to find Minseok not behind him any longer.

Luhan widened his eyes and frantically looked for the shorter manager. What if someone kidnapped Minseok?! Luhan shook his head; he spent too much time with Baekhyun. Focusing his mind again, Luhan started following the path they had passed. But, he couldn’t find his manager anywhere! Luhan became more panic if he hadn’t been before. He was about to report the case to the nearest security but then his eyes caught a short, chubby male crouching down near the trash bin, a duck candy.

“What the are you doing here?!” Luhan snapped as he pulled Minseok up, “I was so ing worried that you—mmpph!”

“Ssh!” Minseok covered Luhan’s mouth with his hand, duck candy dangling at the corner of his lips, and pushed him down, “Shut up and hide!”

“What? Why?!”

The manager pointed a direction, followed by Luhan’s eyes. Holy mother—were those Chanyeol and Baekhyun?! Together?! At a summer festival?! With Chanyeol’s arm around Baekhyun’s shoulders?!

“Asdfghjkl!!!” Luhan muffled his shocking noise under Minseok’s hand.

“Shut up!” Minseok hissed, smacking Luhan’s head with his free hand. And then he released Luhan as the latter had given him an assuring nod that he wouldn’t make any more noise. Minseok found his hand covered in Luhan’s spittle, “Ew! Gross!” He wiped his hand on Luhan’s shirt.

“Baekhyun and Chanyeol?!” Luhan whispered, “How could they be together?!”

“Looks like you and your little gang are going to lose to Jongdae and me.” Minseok snickered.

“No,” Luhan whined, “This is not real! Maybe Chanyeol forced Baek to come here!”

“Let’s find out!” Minseok suggested.


“Let’s spy them!” Minseok eagerly nodded.

Luhan gaped for a while, and then snorted, “What are you? 5?”

Minseok frowned, pouting.

“I can’t believe you are the same Minseok I know as my manager.”Luhan huffed, “We need a disguise to hide ourselves.”

“Masks!” Minseok pointed a mask vendor which of the owner sitting sleepily across them. Both of them ran there and bought two masks. Luhan had deer mask with Mohawk hairstyle while Minseok bought a fox mask with thick green mustache. They exchanged curt nods and ran back to their hiding spot. People looked at them in disgust, but hell, they were too occupied to spy the newfound information about the continuation of ChanBaek drama.

“Look!” Luhan pointed at the pair, “Chanyeol bought Baekhyun a cotton candy!”

“Luhan, I can see it myse—oh my God, he feeds Baekhyun!”

“Yeah, I can see it myself too, .” Luhan grumbled and snatched Minseok’s duck candy. Minseok snatched his candy back after Luhan biting the head.

“Thanks for making my duck headless, dickhead.” Minseok hissed and stuffed his candy back to his mouth.

But, when they were bickering, Chanyeol had dragged Baekhyun away from the cotton candy vendor to look the others.

“Why are we here again?” Baekhyun asked grumpily with a mouth full of pink cotton candy, “I thought you were going to send me home!”

Chanyeol chuckled, “Come on, Baekhyun, I’m new in this town and I want to enjoy my first summer festival here.”

“And what made you think it was such a good idea to come with me?!” Baekhyun huffed.

“Because I love you, can’t you see my sincere heart for you?” Chanyeol whined.

Baekhyun snorted, “Go the cotton candy.”

The taller guy chuckled, “No, I’m serious, Byun Baekhyun. I’m curious and I want to know more about you.”

The shorter flustered at the sudden serious confession, “Stupid! You can start getting closer to me like a normal person then!”

“But, I like to see your face all redden and flustered, it’s cute.” Chanyeol complimented, face all sincere.

Baekhyun ducked his head in embarrassment. There was no way he could show his vulnerability to Chanyeol. But, he was a kind of guy that would easily go red when someone, especially a good looking one, complimented him. And there was him, being dragged by Chanyeol everywhere without being able to fight back, because, hell, Chanyeol was indeed good looking, excluding his lame flirts.

They went everywhere until they were tired and Chanyeol dragged him toward the quieter open field.

“Look, it’s a nice spot here!” Chanyeol said as he pulled Baekhyun down to sit on the soft grass, “It’s a starry night, don’t you think?”

Baekhyun looked at the sky and smiled, “Yeah, it’s beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you though.” Chanyeol chuckled and looked up.

The shorter male took the chance to study Chanyeol’s figure. The new intern was handsome, hell, he was gorgeous. Baekhyun couldn’t miss the plump lips complementing Chanyeol’s perfect figure. The hair looked so soft, dyed light brown that suit the owner. The arms, , look at those veins Baekhyun could die for! He only didn’t understand why a person like Chanyeol had an obnoxious attitude. If he had been calmer and gentler, Baekhyun was sure he could have gone crazy for Chanyeol.

“Stop staring at me,” Chanyeol chuckled as he turned his face to Baekhyun, “am I that handsome?”

“You are handsome,” Baekhyun admitted, “but your attitude is kind of annoying.”

“Oh, Baek!” Chanyeol whined with a pair of puppy eyes.

Baekhyun chuckled and got up, “I need to go home now. I’ve got to wake up early in the morning tomorrow to go to my relative’s home. If you still want to enjoy the festival, I can go home by my own.”

Chanyeol rose and patted his grassy pants, “No, I have all responsibility to take you home. I was the one dragging you here anyway.”

The shorter male nodded approvingly.

“I know you might not enjoy your time here since you were being dragged,” Chanyeol said, “But, I really did have a good time with you, Baekhyun.”

Chanyeol stared at Baekhyun’s eyes deeply with a soft smile grazing his plump lips. Baekhyun stared back, drinking all the perfect feature Chanyeol’s face offering to him. And he saw Chanyeol leaned closer, and closer and clooooser—and Baekhyun pushed the whole surface of his palm on Chanyeol’s face.

“Bfaekfyuuuuun~” Chanyeol muffled his whined.

“Seriously, I can’t let my guard down around you,” Baekhyun snorted and continued whisperingly, “I did have a good time too though.”

Chanyeol gripped Baekhyun’s wrist and removed the palm from his face, exclaiming, “What?! What did you say?!”

“Nah, there’s not repetition.” Baekhyun said as he walked away.

“Baek—Baaaaek!” Chanyeol whined, following the shorter male.

The suddenly-became-spies males had done watching the whole drama and let out different reactions. Minseok was happy, wiggling his body as a satisfactory dance, while Luhan looked devastated.

“Jongdae and I won!” Minseok claimed.

“No!” Luhan spat, “They’re not saying anything about their relationship yet, so you can't just conclude anything!”

The manager huffed, “Just wait and see, !”

Luhan rolled his eyes, “Come on, what next?”

Minseok went silent and looked around. Luhan mimicked the reaction and, oh, he realized something. During the time they were following Chanyeol and Baekhyun, they had gone everywhere, the chicken vendor where they had bought two pieces of honey-grilled chicken, the grilled squid vendor where Luhan got two portions for himself, the fishing vendor where Minseok got himself a fish accidentally, even the manager had a water balloon hanging on his left wrist from the toys vendor.


Oh well.

Luhan scratched the back of his head; feeling confused what to do next.

“Oh, well,” Minseok grinned sheepishly, “We’ve gone everywhere so it’s time to go home, I think?”

“Well, I guess so,” Luhan sighed, “How about your tow truck?”

“They said they were going to send my car on Sunday morning, I might as well stay at my home.”

“So, uh, you want to call your girlfriend to pick you up or something? I saw a phone booth at the corner.”

“Nah,” Minseok shook his head, “Vic-noona must be asleep now. I’ll just take a taxi to go home.”

Luhan blinked, “I’ll give you a ride then.” And then he blinked more, crap. He did it again, offering something to Minseok without thinking.

Minseok gaped, “Really?”

“If you don’t mind—oh well, this is awkward.”

“No! I don’t mind at all!” Minseok shook his head and then gave his best smile, “Thanks so much, Luhan.”

Luhan’s stomach might do a small flip. Small. And then he grinned back awkwardly before heading toward the parking lot.

The trip to Minseok’s apartment complex took fifteen minutes. Luhan turned the engine off and jumped off the bike.

“You don’t have to walk me until I reach my door, you know?” Minseok chuckled.

Luhan shrugged, “It’s dangerous for a female walking around at the time like this.”

“And I thought you've become better with your attitude,” Minseok hissed and punched Luhan’s arm, “ you.”

The slightly taller man snorted as he followed Minseok entering the apartment through the basement door. Minseok and Victoria lived on the sixth floor. Both of them were silent along the way until Minseok stopped in front of a door with a metal ‘612’ number hanging on it.

“So, uhm,” Minseok turned his body to face Luhan, foot shifting restlessly, “Good night, I think?”

“Might as well give me a good night kiss,” Luhan joked and pretended to puke after, earning another punch from Minseok, “Good night, it is.”

“Okay,” Minseok nodded awkwardly before suddenly he stopped. Luhan raised his eyebrows.

“What is it?”

Minseok crouched down and took a piece of paper under the door. He unfolded it and Luhan could see Minseok’s eyes widening each second.

“Err, Vic-noona wasn’t being kidnapped, right?”

“—” Minseok crouched back down and pulled his hair.

“Minseok, I was kidding, okay! Don’t tell me it’s true!”

“I forgot!” Minseok whined, “!”

Luhan frowned. He snatched the letter from Minseok’s hand and read the content.

Dear Minseok,

Where the hell are you?! (TAT;)

I’ve called you for many times but it looks like your phone went dead.

So I left this letter to retell you about my plan to go for an outbound with my students. Don’t forget to eat, ok? See you on Monday evening!





“Oh…” Luhan scratched his head, “Well, you can just go in, right? What’s so serious?”

“I left my spare key in my car…”

“How could you be stupid?!” Luhan said through his gritted teeth. And then he sighed. He was about to be kind once again, “Okay, come to my place.”

“What?!” Minseok exclaimed, lifting his head up, “No! No!”

“It’s not like I’m a serial killer, okay?” Luhan answered in annoyance, “Just take my kind offer, dickhead. Staying at the motel isn’t any better than staying outside your door.”

Minseok sighed, “I think I should degrade my pride once again tonight.”

Luhan rolled his eyes, “Come on, it’s getting too late.”

Then both of them was riding Luhan’s Margarita once again, heading toward the suburb area. Luhan turned his motorbike into a medium apartment building, stopping a minute to check his card in, and parked his motorbike at his usual spot.

“My flat isn’t as good as yours,” Luhan said at the doorway, “I warned you, okay?”

“I’m grateful enough for you to let me spend a night,” Minseok grinned.

Luhan pursed his lips and opened the door. His flat wasn’t that big since he lived alone, but it was cozy. There were two bedrooms, his and guest one, a small kitchen he barely used since he couldn’t cook anything but instant noodle and random fried rice, a small living room with a sofa and flat TV with a book shelf at the corner, and a bathroom.

“Your flat feels nice.” Minseok said smilingly.

“Uh, thanks, well, wait here, I’m going to bring you clothes to change and prepare your bed.”

Minseok gave a nod and then Luhan went to his bedroom. Frantically, he opened his wardrobe.

“Calm down, Luhan, it’s just Kim Minseok, your long last enemy, why are you so nervous?” He said to himself. With a deep breath, he took a pair of loose shirt and pajama pants. He also took a new sheet for Minseok’s bed since he rarely set a sheet for guest room.

“The bathroom is there,” Luhan said as he gave Minseok the clothes and pointed the direction, “Don’t get lost, okay? I’ll set your bed sheet.”

Minseok gave him a face and headed toward the bathroom. Luhan sighed for the last time, watching Minseok’s figure disappeared behind the door, and walked into the guest room. Minseok came when he was setting the sheet.

“Damn,” Luhan snickered as he checked Minseok’s exposed smooth shoulder out, “I could be mistaken you as a female, princess.”

Minseok threw his bag straight on Luhan’s face. He rolled his sleeves up so they wouldn’t slip off anymore.

“Why is this shirt so huge?” Minseok whined.

“I love to sleep in loose shirt and shorts during summer. See?” Luhan spread his arms, showing his own loose shirt and shorts.

Minseok huffed and took his bag from the floor before putting it properly on the desk.

“Come on.” Luhan flicked his chin, “We have to buy a toothbrush and underwear for you. And we can stop by the diner beside the minimarket to get us some snacks and drink.”

“Okay.” Minseok nodded and followed Luhan walking out the flat. They bickered aimlessly as usual until they reached the minimarket. When they were arguing whether to get Minseok a normal toothbrush (on Minseok’s side) or to get Minseok a pink toothbrush with fairy shaped handle (Luhan’s side, of course), they heard someone clear his throat behind them. They turned their faces and found someone they knew sending them a meaningful smirk.

“Hello, manager, hello, Luhan. You two look domestic picking a toothbrush together, do you live together?”

It was Kim Jongdae.


GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS I'm doing supernatural collaboration fics with two of my besties bearandbunny and madknight. So, this series contains three books that we write respectively, my part is called Breath and Blood: Book of Earth. It's Luhan/Xiumin, Chanyeol/Luhan fic. Although the books are connected to one another, you still can read it separately~ please give me some love on that fic also~ click HERE to be directed to fic if you're interested~ hehe


Three dimensions in our universe have their own story.

This is the Book of Earth.

Luhan couldn’t forget the wound his creator had implanted in his heart.

He thought the scar was too deep, too bloody to heal.

He met two different creatures in his new world, earth.

And he’d never thought his heart would divide for the ones to teach him how to heal and to overcome the reality.

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Chapter 5: You see, it's 2016 and I just read this fanfic just because I miss fanxing and I miss you. I recalled some good fanxing ffs I subscribed and I started reading them again, including yours. Then I rummaged through your fics and I found this one.

My comment? It's great! It's hilarious hahaha seriously Yifan; his good features couldn't help his dumbness inside. And Chanyeol is as grossy as I could imagine lol. Xiuhan always bickering, somehow I could recall some of their moments back then where they... ah :"

Twinny, I actually hope that you would continue this fic but I know you're probably busy with your activities in Japan but I have this ray of hope that you would consider to continue.

Amma :3
LuCandy #2
Update please please please :( o.o
Chapter 5: luhan likes minseok. I bet my eternity with it. lol
Chapter 5: why you are so nice luhan? why uou nervous? you like minseok?
jongdae... be careful you two (luhan and minseok)
Chapter 5: Yixingism!!! Lol YIFAN look so whipped. Thank you. Good luck!
LuCandy #6
Chapter 5: oh gosh... great update baby :D ,, am i the only one who freaking proud being xiuhan shipper ? , they are match perfecly each other even in real life , . ^ ^
Chapter 5: “I could be mistaken you as a female, princess.” --- this cracked me up more! oh yes Luhan, treat Minseok more like a princess and he'll come falling all over for you..

and yeah, i really love jongdae's great timing! :D
I'm not really a fan of xiuhan (I was never... I WOULD NEVER BETRAY MY FIRST LOVE THAT IS HUNHAN!!!) but the comedy is promising, wow
Chapter 4: Lol omg Yifan wake up and make your move! You're lucky you're hot because yixing already seems interested just by your handsomeness but geez xD

Omg Chanyeol soo cute!! Baek give in already!