Friday Night Pt. One

The Three Marketers

Ah. Friday.

The day that every employee in building (or every office building) was waiting for, weekend meant rest, date, doing something unproductive. usually felt lively every Friday, every worker chatted each other, more laughter more smiles, more happiness.


“No! No! Stay away from me, you Yoda!” Baekhyun screamed for the ninth time that day.

“But, Baekkie~” Chanyeol whined, “I really want to make you mine!”

“I will never be your possession, ever!”

“Baekkie baby~”

“No!!!” Baekhyun sprinted and barged into Minseok’s room.

“What the hell—” Minseok jumped on his armchair.

Baekhyun slammed the door shut, locking Chanyeol that pressing whole of his face on the glass and muffled, “Bfaekfiiiiiie~”

“I want him out! Out of this building! Ever!” Baekhyun raged.

Minseok gaped and then cleared his throat, “Sit down first, please. Take a deep breath and tell me the whole story.”

Baekhyun threw his on the chair and muffled his scream in his sleeve. When he looked up at Minseok, he was close in tears.

“Please! Please! Please do something to that Yoda! He’s bothered me for two straight days and I don’t think I can be his supervisor anymore!”

“Bothered you?” Minseok glaced at Chanyeol being dragged by Jongdae and Junmyeon poutingly, “Why? I think he only likes you?”

“Are you blind?!” Baekhyun screamed, making Minseok wince, “He’s the worst of all! He keeps flirting to me and I don’t like any of his pick-up lines; ‘Baekkie, I can’t see the star in the sky anymore because you shine too bright in my eyes’, ‘Baekkie, is your dad a police officer? Because you’ve cuffed my heart’! God, do you know how lame that is?!”

“Baek, I know you’re suffering, uh, but I can’t help you,” Minseok fidgeted.

Baekhyun gaped, “What do you mean by you can’t help me? You’re the manager! Put him under Yifan or Luhan’s care!”

Minseok grinned apologetically, “I can’t, he’s branch manager’s nephew so—Baek! Baek!”

Baekhyun had fainted over-dramatically.


After Minseok had woken Baekhyun up and sent him to his own cubicle, Luhan dragged his chair toward his cubicle and asked, “How did it go?”

“That stupid Yoda is branch manager’s nephew. Minseok can’t help me,” Baekhyun told Luhan and wailed.

Luhan grimaced and patted Baekhyun’s back, “Be strong, Baek…”

“Oh!” A familiar low voice was heard, “Baek is back!”

“Wow, so punny!” Jongin said and they high-fived.

Luhan sent two thumbs up to Baekhyun puppy-eyeing him and moved into his cubicle. It took three second for Baekhyun to scream and ran aimlessly toward God knew where with giant Yoda following him behind.

“He won’t make it alive,” Luhan whispered to Yifan.

“Let’s make a bet!” Jongdae suddenly appeared out of nowhere beside Luhan’s cubicle.

“What bet?” Junmyeon came, followed by curious Sehun.

“Let’s bet whether Baekhyun will fall for Chanyeol or not!” Jongdae exclaimed, “I bet Baekhyun will!” And he threw some money on Luhan’s desk.

“It’s impossible,” Luhan snorted and threw his money on Jongdae’s, “I bet he won’t.”

“He won’t.” Jongin threw his money.

“Will not.” Sehun threw his money and the interns high-fived.

“Uhm,” Junmyeon tapped his chin while frowning, “I don’t really know. On one side, there’s possibility that Baekhyun will fall for Chanyeol because physically Chanyeol is Baekhyun’s type. But, on the other hand, Chanyeol has tendency to flirt every time and it’s so not Baekhyun’s type.”

Luhan groaned, “Come on, Gramps! Make your decision!”

Junmyeon sighed and threw his money, “He won’t.”

Jongdae gasped, “How dare you, Babe?? How dare you not choosing the same choice as me?!”

“I’m sorry, Sugar,” Junmyeon grinned apologetically, “It’s the possibility I see…”

Jongdae pouted, “Then let me top for tonight as the compensation!”

“EW!” Luhan threw a box of paper clips at them, “We don’t need to hear your oh-so-called life!”

“Oops!” Jongdae hooted, “By the way! Why is there no one on my side?? Am I the only one choosing Baekhyun will fall for Chanyeol??”

The others exchanged glances and they shrugged. Sehun grinned, “We don’t want to bet our money on something clearly impossible.”

“Just see that later, brat.” Jongdae grumbled and looked over Yifan’s cubicle, “Yifan?”

“Don’t invite me,” Yifan said, still typing on his keyboard without looking at Jongdae, “the bet is stupid.”

“I’m so going to win alone.” Jongdae huffed, collecting the money from Luhan’s desk.

“Maybe, you won’t,” Minseok suddenly came and threw his money to Jongdae’s hand, “I bet Baekhyun will fall for Chanyeol too, so you’re not going win alone, Jongdae.”

“Oh manager-nim!” Jongdae wailed and hugged Minseok, “I love you!”

“What about me?!” Junmyeon whined.

“It’s a whole different thing,” Jongdae grinned.

“Okay, enough. Now off you go to your own cubicle, and Luhan,” Minseok looked at him.

“What did I do wrong this time?!” Luhan groaned, “Why don’t you go to your go to room and enjoy yourself instead of torturing me?!”

Minseok frowned, “Who says I’ll torture you? I won’t. I’m still not in the mood for it. Yet.”

Yet.” Luhan huffed, “What do you want then?”

“Don’t be an and follow me.” Minseok narrowed his foxy eyes, “Now. And bring your files.”

Luhan rolled his eyes behind Minseok’s back, but followed his manager anyway.

“So, what do you want?” Luhan asked as he was seated in front of Minseok, slamming his files on the table.

“Even if you loathe me, I’m still your manager. Fix your manner.” Minseok ordered, “Now, give me the result of your meeting with Mrs. Choi.”

Luhan pulled a folder from the stacks and gave it to Minseok, “She’s an old sassy cat. It took me two hours of presentation until she agreed to out terms and condition. The list of products she ordered is in there.”

Minseok hummed and read the content of the folder in silence.

Luhan has to admit that his manager was quite cute up close. He had round cheeks that looked so fluffy to pinch, pouty pink lips, glassy foxy eyes, long eyelashes. Luhan thought he might have dated his manager if Minseok had been a woman. And then he slapped his brain mentally.

“I know I’m handsome, but can you please stop ing me with your eyes because it’s uncomfortable and I have a girlfriend? Thank you.” Minseok said.

Luhan flustered, “I’m not into guys, you freak.”

“Then stop it,” Minseok hissed, “You’re creepy.”

Luhan rolled his eyes and aimed his eyes through the wide window on his side instead.

“Okay,” Minseok finally said after a while, “I’ll order her demand to production.”

“Great,” Luhan said lazily, “So, can I go now?”

Minseok signed the legalization sheet at the back and nodded. But, when Luhan was about to step out, Jongdae came with a familiar woman.

“I have a guest for you, Manager.” Jongdae sang.

“Noona?” Minseok immediately stood up and approached his girlfriend, “What are you doing here?”

Victoria chuckled and handed him a phone, “I kept messaging you like a fool while it was left behind at your room.”

“Sorry,” Minseok smiled sheepishly, “and thank you.”

“Oh, hi, Luhan!” Victoria waved at his direction.

Luhan waved back, envious spreading in his veins.

“Maybe I should go back now, I have students to teach and I’m sure you don’t want me to bother you,” Victoria said to Minseok.

The young manager looked at his wristwatch and grinned, “Before that, let’s grab lunch together, it’s almost time though.”


Minseok looked at Luhan and Jongdae that still currently at Minseok room, “I’ll be going first, see you.”

With that way, Minseok left them.

“Who was she?” Jongdae asked Luhan.

“His girlfriend.” Luhan muttered and left with Jongdae following fit.

“Oh, don’t be jealous at her.” Jongdae trolled, getting a harsh push on his chest from Luhan, and fell down to the trash bin.


“Heyho,” Baekhyun appeared at Yifan’s cubicle, “Forget your homemade bento and grab lunch with us!”

Yifan saved his work and stood up, “Let’s go.”

“Wait,” Luhan stopped Yifan, “Are you really coming with us?”

The tallest man frowned, “Aren’t you guys inviting me?”

“Where is your bento?”

“I didn’t make it today, so can we just please grab the ing lunch now?” Yifan asked in annoyance.

“Uhm…” Baekhyun blinked.

“Sure!” Luhan nodded.

“Thank you very much.” Yifan huffed and walked out of the office, followed by two men look like minions compare to him.

“Where are we going to buy our lunch?” Luhan asked.

“Minimarket, obviously.” Yifan answered.

“I’m fed up with those bentos… can we buy lunch at the small restaurant in front of our building?” Baekhyun whined.

“Wherever seems fine to me.” Yifan shrugged.

So, three of the marketers headed toward the said small restaurant. The sky was clear, the sun was hot, the asphalt was burning and it created mirage on it. And Yifan thought the heat was too strong because he saw a beautiful, dimpled creature sitting in the shadow of the tree, chewing something that looked like chocolate bar while reading a book. Yeah, it was a mirage. Oh, and the mirage looked up to him. Oh, yes, it was a mirage, and it was currently heading toward him. Wait, did the mirage just call him with a ‘hey’? Did a mirage have ability to sound like a human?

“Hey!” The mirage pouted a little in front of him, “I’ve called you so many times!”

Yifan blinked, “Does a mirage have ability to talk?”

The cute mirage tilted his head, “Huh?”

Then a very hard pain came on his head. He groaned and clutched his head.

“I’m sorry,” Luhan’s voice was heard, “he’s always like this in the heat!”

“Yeah!” Baekhyun’s voice followed, “he can’t bear too much heat, uhm, it melts some screws in his brain!”

A melodious laughter completed the conversation, “I see.”

Yifan removed his hands from his head and met a pair of bright eyes he was dreaming of. And he realized, damn, it was the cute accountant he had been setting his eyes on!

“Uhm,” Yifan grinned awkwardly, “Hey…”

“Are you okay?” The accountant asked, “Your face is red.”

Yifan chuckled forcedly, “The heat, ha-ha-ha—”

“So!” Luhan jumped to the rescue, “Are you having your lunch alone?”

The cute accountant nodded.

“Then just join us!” Baekhyun also joined the conversation, “It’ll be nice to have one more friend in our circle!”

“Oh, thanks! I’d like to!” The accountant chuckled, “My name is Zhang Yixing.”

“I’m Luhan!”

“I’m Byun Baekhyun!”


“And you…?” Yixing asked Yifan whom still in daze carefully.

“Wu Yifan!” Luhan answered it to him, “He can’t think too much in heat! How about we move into the nearby restaurant?”

“Great!” Yixing said and started chatting with Luhan in rapid Chinese.

Chinese was also Yifan’s native language, but he didn’t seem comprehend it at all because all he could hear was the melodious sound coming from Yixing’s mouth.

“What a hopeless naïve.” Baekhyun sighed beside him.

They reached the said restaurant in no time. The waiter seated them at the corner as they requested. Yixing and Luhan kept discussing in Chinese until Baekhyun stopped them.

“Korean! Please! I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about!” Baekhyun whined.

“Sorry, Baek,” Luhan chuckled, “It’s been a while since the last time I met another native.”

“You’ve never talked in Chinese with Yifan.” Baekhyun snorted.

Luhan rolled his eyes, “He’s almost Canadian and my English .”

“Oh,” Yixing seemed interested at Luhan’s tiny bit information of Yifan, “So, you’re a Canadian?”

Yifan flustered, “By citizenship, my family lives in Guangzhou to be honest. Luhan’s just a smartass.”

“Wow, but I admit your face is quiet extraordinary,” Yixing chuckled, “I must say that you seem almost inhumanly handsome.”

Luhan and Baekhyun had to bite their tongues to prevent themselves from laughing because Yifan was as red as chili sauce and currently trying to his embarrassment behind his menu while Yixing grinned widely obliviously.

“Okay, what do you recommend here?” Yixing said, flipping the menu back and forth.

“What about Yifan’s favorite?” Luhan’s suggested.

“Oh my God, no,” Baekhyun laughed, “It’s laaaame!”

Yixing blinked, “So, what is your favorite dish here, Yifan?”

The tallest flipped the page and pointed a picture, “Grilled chicken topped salad with mashed potatoes…”

Baekhyun laughed, “See?? His recommendation is laaaame! He always eats healthy food and—”

“Okay, I’ll take that.” Yixing said, grinning blindingly.

Luhan snorted on Baekhyun’s dumbfounded reaction, “Okay.”

By the end of the lunch break, Yifan had gathered more information of Yixing. The guy lived at the apartment near the company building. He usually walked for about 30 minutes to work and if he was tired after working, he would take bus which took a longer route then walking. He was a year younger than Yifan and Luhan but a year older from Baekhyun. He had lived in Korea for five years and it was the third year of him working at the company. He liked playing guitar and dancing at his free time. He liked purple color. Sadly, the lunch break was over so they had to go back to their respective division.

“Is he okay?” Baekhyun whispered as he pointed Yifan that dazed at the ceiling.

Luhan shrugged, “It’s called Yixingism, a syndrome that only Wu Yifan has because of a certain Zhang Yixing. Smack his head, he’ll be right back to his ownself.”

“You do it.” Baekhyun said, “I don’t want to die young.”

“Of course you can’t die young, Baek! Who’ll be the sun of my heart if you’re gone?” A low voice was heard. Baekhyun grimaced while Luhan slowly retreated to his cubicle.

Oh, , it was Park Chanyeol.


“Let me drive you home!”


“Oh, please!”


“Pretty please with cherry on top!”


“Baek, I don’t want you to get kidnapped!”

Luhan snorted, “Finally, you have someone who thinks the same way with you. Now, let the kid drive you home.”

“Go die, !” Baekhyun screamed while Luhan immediately ran away, and then he faced Chanyeol with a scowl, “No! No!”

“But, Baek—” Chanyeol whined.

“And stop calling me that! You’re not allowed!” Baekhyun barked, his voice echoing at the empty hallway, and then he passed Chanyeol.

Suddenly, a strong grip pulled his wrist and the next thing he knew, he was being caged by a pair of strong arms, back stuck on the wall.

“I’ll drive you home.” Chanyeol’s low voice was heard even lower, “And I don’t accept a no for this one.”

Baekhyun’s breath hitched when he faced Chanyeol’s serious face. He had to admit the taller guy was hot and—wait—wait, why was he getting closer?!

“What the are you doing?!” Baekhyun keened, palms pushing Chanyeol’s face away from his.

“I’ll kiss you if you say no!” Chanyeol was back to his usual self.


“Okay, a kiss, it is!” Chanyeol said. With a force, he pinned Baekhyun on the wall and leaned closer with puckered lips.

“! Okay! Okay! Drive me home, you sick freak!” Baekhyun screamed.

“Really?” Chanyeol went bright.

“Yes, yes! Just let me go, Goddammit!”

Suddenly, the door of the office was opened and Jongin walked out of it. And then his eyes met the suggestive position they were in.


“Wait, Jongin—it’s not what you thi—”

“I’m sorry—ju—just continue—ha—ha—” Jongin said and hurriedly went inside the elevator.

“So, you still let me drive you home, right?” Chanyeol asked.

Baekhyun face-palmed and let himself dragged by the excited Great Dane.

What Baekhyun didn’t know was, Chanyeol was planning something for Baekhyun’s unfortunate Friday night. The rest of story is on next chapter.

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Chapter 5: You see, it's 2016 and I just read this fanfic just because I miss fanxing and I miss you. I recalled some good fanxing ffs I subscribed and I started reading them again, including yours. Then I rummaged through your fics and I found this one.

My comment? It's great! It's hilarious hahaha seriously Yifan; his good features couldn't help his dumbness inside. And Chanyeol is as grossy as I could imagine lol. Xiuhan always bickering, somehow I could recall some of their moments back then where they... ah :"

Twinny, I actually hope that you would continue this fic but I know you're probably busy with your activities in Japan but I have this ray of hope that you would consider to continue.

Amma :3
LuCandy #2
Update please please please :( o.o
Chapter 5: luhan likes minseok. I bet my eternity with it. lol
Chapter 5: why you are so nice luhan? why uou nervous? you like minseok?
jongdae... be careful you two (luhan and minseok)
Chapter 5: Yixingism!!! Lol YIFAN look so whipped. Thank you. Good luck!
LuCandy #6
Chapter 5: oh gosh... great update baby :D ,, am i the only one who freaking proud being xiuhan shipper ? , they are match perfecly each other even in real life , . ^ ^
Chapter 5: “I could be mistaken you as a female, princess.” --- this cracked me up more! oh yes Luhan, treat Minseok more like a princess and he'll come falling all over for you..

and yeah, i really love jongdae's great timing! :D
I'm not really a fan of xiuhan (I was never... I WOULD NEVER BETRAY MY FIRST LOVE THAT IS HUNHAN!!!) but the comedy is promising, wow
Chapter 4: Lol omg Yifan wake up and make your move! You're lucky you're hot because yixing already seems interested just by your handsomeness but geez xD

Omg Chanyeol soo cute!! Baek give in already!