Holy Freaking Sh*t!

The Three Marketers

Luhan and Yifan were walking together toward Baekhyun’s flat. They were planning to spend some time to chill before going back to their respective flats. The host had already prepared some canned beers on the table when they came.

“Ah, my life…” Luhan was the first one complained, pulling his hair, “Why did that Kim Minseok come to my life again?”

“Maybe he just wants to meet you again. Maybe he wants to make up for what he did to you. Maybe he wants you now.” Baekhyun grinned, stretching his legs on the sofa.

“Do you want my beer go to your face, Byun?” Luhan hissed.

“Oh, stop it.” Yifan cut them off, “It’s enough for me having you fighting! Give me a break, will you?”

Luhan and Baekhyun stopped saying anything and exchanged gazes. Wu Yifan had been known as the mediator between them and he had never complained for once, except if something big was happening to him. By looking the distressed face of the tallest man, Luhan and Baekhyun knew there might be something happen to Yifan.

“What’s wrong?” Baekhyun asked first.


Luhan rolled his eyes, “Your nothing always means something. We’ve known you for years, so what’s it?”

Yifan stayed silent. One…two…three minutes, and then he broke his calmness by groaning and clutching his head.

“I might have done something so stupid!”

“Oh my God, Yifan, don’t tell me!” Baekhyun gasped, “Whose daughter you made pregnant?!”

“Oh, go die, Baekhyun!” Yifan hissed.

Luhan slapped Baekhyun’s head and got more serious to his friend, “Really, Yifan, what are you talking about?”

“Do I really need to tell you the whole story?” Yifan asked.

Luhan rolled his eyes, “Fine, keep it yourself until you die.”

The tallest guy sighed, “So, did you know that we ran out of cold water this noon?”

“I swear to God, if your story’s somehow involved in that freaking cold water I’m going to kill you.” Baekhyun groaned.

“Shut the up, you Worm!” Luhan hissed to the diva-ish man, “No, I didn’t know. Minseok’s doing, remember?”

“So,” Yifan started again, “We ran out of cold water this noon. You know that I can’t live without cold water in summer, so I decided to go the level below us.”

Baekhyun keened, “You—you—you went to that place! You know accounting level is hotter than hell! I don’t mean the accountants hot, you know what I mean!”

Luhan rolled his eyes, again.

“I know! I know! But, I ran out of cold water so I needed to go there or I would die dehydrated!” Yifan hissed, “So, can I continue my story?”

Both Luhan and Baekhyun nodded, leaning a bit closer to Yifan since they were curious about what Yifan did on accounting level.

“So, the people there might be out for lunch because it was so empty. I thought there was no one, but apparently there was someone in front of the dispenser. When he turned his body and faced me, I was like—, I think I’m falling in love…”

“That’s it?” Luhan asked, and then he laughed when Yifan nodded, “Oh, my God! I’ve never believed about love at the first sight thingy but now it’s happening to my best friend! Right, Baek??”

No answer.

“Baek?” Luhan turned his face and looked at the gaping Baekhyun, “Uh, Baek, are you okay?”

“Yifan,” Baekhyun started, “don’t worry! You’re not the only one! I know how it feels! It ! I know! We regret it because we don’t get their names! I know! Don’t worry, Yifan! I know we’ll have chance to ask to them one day!”

“What the ?” Luhan raised eyebrows.

“You!” Baekhyun pointed at him, “You’re such an insensitive bastard! We’re having our misery here and you freaking laughed! How are you calling yourself a best friend?!”

“Wait! What? You too??”

Baekhyun pushed him away and sat beside Yifan, “Don’t worry, Yifan. I know how it feels.”

Yifan sighed and raised his can, “Cheers for our misery.”

“Cheers…” Baekhyun raised his own can and they gulped the beer in one-shot.

“…” Luhan muttered, “Are you kidding me?”


In the end of the day, both Baekhyun and Yifan were too drunk to get up. Both of them slumped on the couch, snoring loudly. Luhan only could cringe because his best friends looked so ugly, cuddling like children on Baekhyun’s couch. He decided not to wake them up because he wouldn’t want to know if drunk and sleepy Baekhyun and Yifan were awake. His eyes were heavy and he needed to sleep. But, there was no way he could leave two drunk, insane men together without supervision of a sober one. Luhan shivered to think what his best friends might do if he had gone home. He would stay a night but he didn’t bring any necessity (and no, he didn’t want to use Baekhyun’s toothbrush). So, putting on some random shirt and shorts he found in Baekhyun’s wardrobe, he headed to the minimarket near Baekhyun’s apartment.

When he was choosing the toothbrush (his hand was itchy to pick the one with deer head in the end of the grip, but sadly he was an adult), an annoying voice was heard.

“How the do we keep bumping into each other?”

Luhan turned his head aside and saw frowning Minseok, “What are you doing here?”

“Oh, I’m selling drugs,” Minseok rolled his eyes, “Why do you think people go to minimarket, huh?”

Luhan sulked, “It’s a rhetorical question, you brat.”

“Are you alone?” Minseok asked, “Where are your comrades?”

“Drowning in beers,” Luhan snorted, “What about you?”

“I’m with my girlfriend.” Minseok answered casually.

“No way! You don’t have girlfriend!”

“Hey! It’s offensive! And yes, I have a girlfriend! A pretty one too!”

Luhan was about to retort when a pretty woman approached Minseok and stood beside him.

“I was looking for you.” She said with a smile.

“I’m sorry, Vic-noona. I met my co-worker accidentally.” Minseok smiled back.

“Ha! I knew it!” Luhan pointed Minseok, “It’s your sister! There’s no way you have a girlfriend!”

Minseok raised one of his eyebrows while the woman held his back her smile.

“I know you’re stupid. But, I didn’t think you’re this stupid. Her name is Victoria Song, so yes we are siblings with different surnames and nationalities.” Minseok retorted sarcastically.

Luhan gaped, “So, you’re dating an older woman?”

“Hey! What’s wrong with that?!” Minseok crossed his arms.

“So, are you Minseok’s co-worker?” Victoria asked Luhan.

“Yeah…” Luhan nodded, dumbfounded.

“He’s one of the salesmen under my supervision.” Minseok explained, “And we happen to be enemies.”

“Marketer.” Luhan corrected and smiled to Victoria, “And yes, we are enemies.”

Minseok frowned, “Salesman.”

Luhan looked at him and crossed his arms, “I like marketer better, Dear Lord Manager, thank you.”

“What the—”

“One of people who are in charge selling your products, okay, I get it!” Victoria stopped the two immature men that were about to have hot debate.

“Yes, I am,” Luhan nodded to her, “My name is Luhan!”

“Don’t dare, you deerboy.” Minseok hissed and stopped Victoria’s hand that reaching to shake Luhan’s.

Luhan snorted, “Overprotective much?”

“Come on, Noona, we’re going home.” Minseok said and walked away without saying anything to Luhan.

“See you again, Luhan!” Victoria nodded politely and hurriedly chased her younger boyfriend.

Luhan watched the whole scene and sighed in sorrow, “Where did he find a cute, polite girlfriend like Victoria…?”

He pouted and looked at the deer-headed toothbrush. Picking it, he didn’t care what people (mostly Baekhyun and Yifan in the morning because they would see him using it) would say. He needed some cute thing to calm his enviousness. The deer-headed toothbrush would do it well.


“…” Yifan cursed. The water galloon was empty, again. And yifan needed his water, for the heat and also to drink his aspirin. He looked for spare galloon but he found nothing. The idea to visit the accounting level appeared on his mind. For the first second, he scrunched his face in displeasure to think about the accountants. But the next second he thought he might have a second chance to meet the cute, dimpled accounting, and asked his name. Feeling energized in sudden, Yifan grinned creepily to himself. He picked the phone receiver hanging on the wall beside the pantry door and dialed the main . He asked for the water galloon. When they said yes, he started his plan.

“Where are you going?” Suddenly, Minseok’s voice was heard behind him when he was about to open the office door.

“Errm… to the accounting level?” Yifan answered uncertainly.

“Oh, that strict, cruel level?” Minseok frowned as the flashback of one of the accountants looking at him disgustingly when he had loosened his necktie came to his mind, “What do you need to do there?”

“Look, the water galloon is empty and I need cold water because it’s hot and I need to drink my aspirin because my head’s killing me. You don’t want to find your co-worker die at his cubicle because of headache, right?”

Minseok snorted, “Luhan told me about you and Baekhyun drowning in beers last night. No wonder you got hangover now.”

As much as Yifan wanted to ask Minseok when and how Luhan had told him, he really had mission to do, “So, can I go now?”

“Let’s go out together, I need to go up.” Minseok said and walked out of the office.

“Why are you heading up to finance level?”

“No,” Minseok shook his head, “We’ll be having a new intern soon so I need to pick him up at branch manager’s office.”

“Oh,” Yifan nodded, “I’ll use the stairs, see you, Manager.”

Minseok give him a nod and stepped into the elevator. And then Yifan headed to the stairs and walked down. Reaching the door of accounting level, Yifan sighed. He knew it wouldn’t be like the previous time. It wasn’t lunch-break yet so there must be so many accountants on the level. It was like he was a sheep walking into wolves’ lair. He looked at his glass and the small amount of water there.

“Do I really need to do this for that guy?” Yifan asked his glass, “Will I be okay?”

When he was contemplating his next move, the door in front of him was suddenly opened, almost hitting him on the face.

“Oh, my God! I’m sorry! Did I hit you?!”

Yifan looked up and saw the object of his love in front of him. The world felt suddenly stop spinning and the air in his lungs was suddenly out through his mouth.

“Hey, it’s you again!” The guy smiled, that goddamn dimple!

“Hi…” Yifan greeted him shyly.

“Oh,” The guy looked at the glass in Yifan’s hand, “Are you going here to take some water again?”

“Uhm, yeah?” Yifan looked the guy having a glass in his hand too.

“Too bad, we ran out of water. My friends think the water from the tap is enough but I really need cold water in this heat. So, I’m about to go to administration level so I can get some water, are you coming?”

“Sure.” Yifan smiled wider and followed the dimpled man walking down the stairs.

“Excuse me.” The guy greeted the people inside administration level smilingly.

“Hey,” One of them waved, a middle aged lady, “Can I help you?”

“To be honest, my friend and I just need some cold water. We ran out of it upstairs and the main pantry said they needed time to bring the galloons up. And we’re kind of dehydrating, so if you don’t mind…”

“Of course!” She said immediately, “Just take as much as you need at our pantry, dears. Our division has fewer members so we have more amount of water galloon.”

“Thank you, Ma’am.” Yifan smiled and bowed gratefully. Both of Yifan and the guy took the cold water, thanked the lady once again, and headed up.

“Wow, the lady was very kind.” The guy said, breaking the silence while they were heading up.

“Yeah.” Yifan nodded.

“Here we are!” The guy said when they reached the accounting level, “See you around, Marketer!”

And the guy disappeared behind the door. Yifan smiled to himself, remembering the whole memory, and then he stopped at the middle of the stairs. Blinking two times, he groaned.

Yes, Wu Yifan had forgotten to ask the cute, dimpled accountant’s name. Again.


Baekhyun had felt his head was about to explode since the morning. It hurt so much that he wanted to chop his head and threw it away. And Baekhyun looked so ugly, Yifan looked close in tears after going back from somewhere, while Luhan, apparently, looked fresh. It was such a rare sight. Baekhyun and Yifan usually looked fresh everyday even though they drank the night before.

“What’s wrong with them?” Junmyeon asked Luhan, referring to the two zombies.

Luhan shrugged while continued typing on his computer, “Drowning in sorrow.”

Junmyeon cringed at that and left.

Baekhyun looked at the self-camera on his phone and sighed, “I look like zombie.”

“That’s what I thought too.” Luhan, whose cubicle in front of Baekhyun’s, answered.

“Dear God,” Yifan groaned, “Stupid! Stupid! I lost my chance again!”

Baekhyun sighed and stoop up. He decided that a glass of water would make it better. But, suddenly, the office door was opened and Minseok entered, followed by—holy ! Baekhyun knew that face; it was the same face of his love at first sight! It was the same guy who had been in elevator with him! Holy !

Baekhyun sat back down and pulled his secret weapon; makeup purse! He hurriedly covered the dark bag under his eyes with concealer, put some bb cream and covered his pale and dry lips with pinkish lip-cream just so it looked fresh and ready to kiss. He fixed his shirt; slightly widened his collar so his collarbones were showing and fixed his hair with gel. He hurriedly threw his purse inside the drawer and stood up with his glass, so he looked like about to take some water.

“!” Suddenly, Luhan cursed, “Baek! Please tell Minseok that I’m heading out to meet Mrs. Choi! She demanded to meet! Wish me luck so I hit this project! It will gain us millions won!”

“Uh, okay…” Baekhyun nodded in surprise. Luhan immediately ran out of the office. Baekhyun inhaled and exhaled and continued his plan. Luhan’s outburst couldn’t shake him up.

But, holy again! Minseok was walking out his room with the guy and coming toward the aisle where his cubicle was at. The guy behind Minseok sent a smile toward Baekhyun and he felt like peeing himself off.

“Hi, Baekhyun,” Minseok stopped by his cubicle.

“Uh, oh, hi, Minseok, and…?”

“I’m Park Chanyeol.” The guy introduced himself with a manly nod.

Baekhyun was mentally dying.

“So, Baekhyun, we have a new intern here,” Minseok referred to Chanyeol, “And I’ll be putting him under your supervision.”

After dying, Baekhyun’s mind felt pregnant.

“Uhm, okay!” Baekhyun answered.

“I’ll be leaving him with you then,” Minseok nodded, “I’ll be waiting for your progress, Chanyeol.”

“Don’t worry, Manager.” Chanyeol answered with his y low voice.

“So,” Baekhyun started with his smiley face, “Nice to meet you, Chanyeol!”

Chanyeol stared at him and then suddenly he clutched his chest, “Agh! Ouch!”

“Oh my God!” Baekhyun felt shocked, what if Chanyeol died on the spot, “What’s wrong with you, Chanyeol?!”

“My heart,” Chanyeol groaned and looked up to Baekhyun with a flirty grin, “it falls for your beauty.”


The sound of guitar string snapped was heard in Baekhyun's head.

a/n: why victoria? BECAUSE I FREAKING LOVE HER! She is my sister!

Oh, and say hi to Chanyeol's character! LMAO!

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Chapter 5: You see, it's 2016 and I just read this fanfic just because I miss fanxing and I miss you. I recalled some good fanxing ffs I subscribed and I started reading them again, including yours. Then I rummaged through your fics and I found this one.

My comment? It's great! It's hilarious hahaha seriously Yifan; his good features couldn't help his dumbness inside. And Chanyeol is as grossy as I could imagine lol. Xiuhan always bickering, somehow I could recall some of their moments back then where they... ah :"

Twinny, I actually hope that you would continue this fic but I know you're probably busy with your activities in Japan but I have this ray of hope that you would consider to continue.

Amma :3
LuCandy #2
Update please please please :( o.o
Chapter 5: luhan likes minseok. I bet my eternity with it. lol
Chapter 5: why you are so nice luhan? why uou nervous? you like minseok?
jongdae... be careful you two (luhan and minseok)
Chapter 5: Yixingism!!! Lol YIFAN look so whipped. Thank you. Good luck!
LuCandy #6
Chapter 5: oh gosh... great update baby :D ,, am i the only one who freaking proud being xiuhan shipper ? , they are match perfecly each other even in real life , . ^ ^
Chapter 5: “I could be mistaken you as a female, princess.” --- this cracked me up more! oh yes Luhan, treat Minseok more like a princess and he'll come falling all over for you..

and yeah, i really love jongdae's great timing! :D
I'm not really a fan of xiuhan (I was never... I WOULD NEVER BETRAY MY FIRST LOVE THAT IS HUNHAN!!!) but the comedy is promising, wow
Chapter 4: Lol omg Yifan wake up and make your move! You're lucky you're hot because yixing already seems interested just by your handsomeness but geez xD

Omg Chanyeol soo cute!! Baek give in already!