Unexplainable Path

Strange Man
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Lu Han’s computer hummed quietly as he searched the Net for information. Outside, another bright, cool day was beginning to degrade into cloudiness that might bring rain or even snow. He didn’t know or really care. He was too busy trying to verify what Yixing had told him last night about the research he’d been doing, then trying to find out if it led him to him.

                Either he didn’t know the best search question to ask or the subject wasn’t one of the most popular. Either way, several hours passed during which he scanned articles that hinted at the matters Yixing had spoken of last night without success.

                Yixing appeared to be right about one thing: from what he was seeing, not many scientists wanted to ask whether conscious intent could affect the quantum field.

                Lu did, however, gradually realise that some terms were appearing repeatedly without explanation, as if they were understood. And he realised there was certain evasiveness when they came up. Either that or they were used within such strictly defined limits that he couldn’t get the meaning.

                Finally he changed his search criteria from quantum physics and linked conscious with Princeton. Up popped a Web site link for the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab.

                He might not have studied physics in depth, but as an accounting major with a minor in economics, he had studied a lot of statistics, and as he delved deeper he discovered that the things that Yixing had discussed in loose generalities were actually being investigated with mind-blowing results. While the ultimate conclusion was that conscious intent had such a small effect on random number generators that it could be ignored, the fact remained: the statistics showed the effect to be way, way beyond chance.

                Good Lord! He thought. What a door to open: human thought could affect the functioning of a machine…or the rate of radioactive decay. In small ways, yes, but even those small ways were a window to a whole different view of the universe. And it further elucidated what Yixing had meant about some scientists being afraid to ask questions. Of course they were afraid to ask. None of them would want to be labeled fringe lunatics.

                He sat back in his chair, stretched and thought about what he had just learned. Yixing, whoever he was, hadn’t been spouting some kind of extremism last night, but a valid scientific viewpoint, however much mainstream science might try to skirt it. That much at least hadn’t been a sales job.

                However, there was no way to search for him, not with only one name, first or last he didn’t know. He sighed, then spoke aloud to the empty room. “Get over this obsession,” he told himself. “Just get over it. Load the damn shotgun if you’re that worried, and then forget about it.”

                Not a normally obsessive person, his behavior, his contradictory responses, had begun to seriously trouble him. The man limped around town in the middle of the night, sat on a public park bench for a whole twenty minutes, had spent time last night trying to reassure him in some way, and there was nothing left to do except regain his own sense of proportion and rationality.

                Sitting here at the computer working the “Yixing problem” as if he had nothing better to do with his time was out of character.

                Wasn’t it?

                He sighed again and rubbed his eyes. “What is going on?” he asked the room. The room, of course, didn’t answer.

                But some little voice in his head finally did.

                It’s not about this guy, it’s about another guy. A guy who lied to you.

                Was he really in some subconscious way trying to make Yixing a stand-in for Minseok?

                Oh, yeah. Now you’ve got it.

                At once he leaned forward and pressed the button to hibernate his computer. Then he shoved back from his desk, realising only as he stood that he had grown stiff from not moving for so long.

                “Idiot,” he said to himself.

                In the kitchen he made a fresh pot of coffee and a sandwich.

                Yeah, he was an idiot, he decided, but only because, however indirectly, he had opened that damn Pandora’s box again, the box named Kim Minseok.

                That box containing a torrid fairy tale, an all-consuming one-year romance that had ended in the heart-stopping, earth-shaking discovery that he was a married man. That he lied to him all along, claiming he was divorced. An instant of discovery and shock that had seemed to kill everything inside him in one icy blow.

                Until the pain started. To this day he couldn’t say what hurt worse: losing love, being used or being betrayed so callously. It had certainly hurt to leave his job in Seoul because he couldn’t dace the constant reminders.

                But at least he had managed to find his way home. Maybe he had thought it would all get better here. Instead, just as Yixing had remarked last night, he’s brought him baggage with him. You can’t run from yourself. Probably one of the oldest clichés in the world. And so, so true, as Yixing had pointed out.

                He sat at his kitchen table and bit into his sandwich, thinking about the tangled mess of his mind. A mind that he always preferred to believe was relatively neat and orderly…yet as of this moment seemed anything but.

                What was the psychological term? Transference? No, more like projection? Whatever, it disturbed him to think the he might be reacting to Yixing in a way dictated by his experience with Minseok. After all, what had Yixing done except sit on a park bench in the middle of the night? So maybe his suspicions resided less with his actions and the timing of them than they did with the horrendous betrayal he had suffered at Minseok’s hands. Maybe he felt uneasy and threatened for no other reason.

                Probably a good time to have a heart-to-heart talk with one of his bestfriends, but a glance at the clock told him that they were all still involved in the middle of their workdays. Not the time for a conversation like this.

                He took another bite of his sandwich just as his phone rang. With a muffled groan as he tried to chew and swallow fast, he pulled the phone from his pocket.


                “Hi, Lu, it’s Kai.”

                “Oh, hi, Kai. Thanks for calling. I’m sitting here concluding yet again that I’m overreacting to that guy.”

                “Conclude away. I did the ‘stop and identify’ I promised you I would last night.”

                “I saw you. You’re going to think I’m nuts.”

                A quiet laugh escaped him. “Not a chance. Why?”

                “Because after you left I went out and talked to him. And then I met him at Lotteria and we talked longer.”

                “Well, I’ll give you credit for guts and curiosity, but I’m not going to tell you that was a  wise thing to do with a total stranger.”

                “Well, since I’m getting concerned about the state of my own mind right now, I have to agree. I bounced from he’s not really a threat to feeling stalked, and now I’m on m

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dodychan #1
Chapter 15: This is the probably the forth time I'm reading this fic it's amazing and idk but I'd love to read a sequel ike what happenes in their life authornim
vickymatters #2
Good ing job. Amazing story.The dialouges, incorporating methaphysic, philosophy of mind, quantum mechanic, neurobiology and even multiverse theory was very very impressive. Really great deep characters, especially Lay; love the relationship development, the longing for something more than just physical. Good job i'm a philosophy licenciate and i talk exactly like that with everyone haha. Good job :D I was deeply satisfied intellectually, which doesn't happen often with ff.
Chapter 15: Part 2 of my comment holy I ramble a lot O.O;;

The simple title of this fic really doesnt do it justice in my opinion, I feel like you could have gone with a much more syrrealistic, poetry-wannabe one instead and could have gotten away with it.
All in all, I do not regret wasting my time reading this at all and would recommend it to others.
Okay I'll shut up now.

Love u both♡♡♡
Chapter 15: Holy. .
Man was this a read.
I rarely leave comments so you betta feel priviledged okay
This fic took me way longer than I initially planned to get through, I put it on the side for a while when I was almost halfway through (so long in fact that I totally forgot that I know one of the writers whoops SO THESE ARE MY COMPLETELY UNBIASED FEELINGS lol).
A part of the reason I took a break in the middle was because I wasnt really feeling the fic at the beginning. It had a kind of slow build and all this pseudo science mumbo jumbo plus coupled with 'i need to tell him the truth BUT HE CANT KNOW THE TRUTH OH NOES' didnt really grab me. I didnt really see where the fic was going, Im more of a 'just gimme the and we're good to go' kind of girl orz
Im so ing glad I came back ;3;
After the mid-way point the fic really picked up and it was easy to immerse yourself in it and get hooked. The actual plot was pretty ing cool. Even though the psychic trope has been overused by now, this story still felt new. And I actually totally didnt see the plot twist with the clock coming at all lol
I like that in the end Luhan wasnt just a damsel in distress but actually proved himself to be badass.
For the romance part, I did feel that it came on kind of suddenly and felt out of place and unexplained at times. But that could also just be my pessimistic true-love-is-dead heart speaking ^^;;
Which one of you wrote it? Im really curious.
The only word I can possibly describe the scene is ing ~☆MAGICAL☆~!! holy , it deserves some kind of award on its own. Hell, with how much I read daily I'll give you an award myself - ~☆°♡MOST MAGICAL SCENE. LIKE EVER♡°☆~
Gimme your adresses, I'll send you a ty drawing of a medal with a on it ;)
Chapter 15: This was so beautiful! It had suspense (my heart beat so fast when the man enter Luhan's house), romance and everything was so good written. I loved how smooth the story went like everything was explained in the perfect moment... uh and if doesn't really bothers you asking you this but what make you come with such great plot? (I have this visions too (yeah, I'm weird, I'm sorry u.u) but not as good as Yixing's, mine are simple and useless because I just get a familiar feeling in the moment and that's it.)

So eh, happy new year! (Really late)
Chapter 6: Holy crap, I can feel Luhan's fear :B
1fanfic #7
Chapter 15: Wonderfully written, the mystery, the tension, it played like a movie in my head! And I loved all the science and technical stuff, yum :D I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Thank you!!! :)))
dodychan #8
Chapter 15: The tension and the romance was absolutely perfect i loved the way it's written it's just awesome
parvitasari #9
Chapter 15: Wonderful and well written story.. even i'm not science person (that's made my brain hurts hehe..) but i still keep reading it.. and the happy ending always make this story wonderful more..
Can't wait for another layhan story of yours, fihhting!!