
Strange Man
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Lotteria was indeed brightly lit, and in addition to the staff held about a dozen of people, all eating some version of early breakfast or late dinner, every occupied table boasting a generous carafe of coffee. Some of the people seemed to know each other. Others greeted each other, table to table, strangers in a common place and time.

                Yixing sat alone at a table backed up to the wall. He already had coffee, and he noted that an extra mug was at the seat facing him. Whether for him or for someone else he didn’t know.

                He ignored the interested looks he received from the people as he eased his way between tables to Yixing’s.

                “Hi,” he said. In the light he proved to be good-looking, if a bit wan. His eyes were dark, that brown so deep it would sometimes appear black. He returned his greeting with a faint smile and motioned him into the seat facing his.

                “I got you a cup,” he said.

                “You knew I’d come?”

                “Anyone who’d come out onto a dark street to beard a stranger who frightened him must have more curiosity than a dozen cats.”

                In spite of himself, he smiled back and took the chair. “It gets me into trouble sometimes.”

                “I imagine so. On the other hand, you probably don’t run through life with a load of nagging questions.”

                “Not often.”

                He reached for the carafe and filled his mug. The table already held a saucer full of little half-and-half containers. He reached for one, opened it and poured the contents into his coffee. At this hour of the night, even his beloved beverage could give him heartburn. The half-and-half would help.

                “I haven’t ordered yet,” he said. “Take a look at the menu. I’m buying.”

                “I can buy for myself.”

                “I’m sure you can. But since I caused all this uproar for you, this seems like the least I can do. And believe me, I can afford it.”

                So he reached for the menu and began scanning a list and he settled finally on their “fluffy” pancakes.


                Lu Han found himself strangely reluctant to grill him, even though he’d started their conversation back on the bench by doing precisely that.

                Finally he spoke. “So what can I tell you that will ease your mind?”

                “What do you want to tell me?”

                “That I mean you no harm. A statement that is absolutely meaningless without anything to back it up.”

                He couldn’t argue with that. “Seems like one of those lines in a bad sci-fi movie that always winds up being the prelude to something terrible.”

                “Hey, I like those old science fiction movies. The older and more awful, the better.”

                “The ones with nuclear bombs that are both the cause and the solution to whatever is ravaging the world?”

                He chuckled. “Yeah, those. Science as the be-all and end-all.”

                “I take it you don’t believe that.”

                He hesitated. “Not anymore,” he said finally.

                He eyed him directly. “What changed your mind?”

                “Let’s just say I have reason to believe that science is less of an answer and more of a question. It should be a search, not a conclusion.”

                “Interesting way of putting it.”

                The waitress interrupted, serving their breakfast with a smile that seemed almost obscene at this hour of the night. Either the woman was a native night owl, or the need for tips made her pretend to be one.

                After a bite of pancake, which did indeed prove to be very fluffy, he posed a question. “What brings you to Donghae City? Sure, the beaches are really nice but it’s not the kind of place where people usually stop and stay without a reason.”

                “I’ve been on the road for a  long time. Guess I finally realized you can’t outrun yourself. Seemed as good a place as any to wait for the rest to catch up.”

                The answer sounded pat. Too pat. He looked down at his mug, then picked up the spoon to stir his coffee pointlessly. “Really,” he finally responded.
                “Really,” he said. “Sounds like a bad novel, right?”

                He met his gaze again. “No, not exactly. Just….stock.”

                He nodded slowly. “There’s a difference between citing a cliché and meaning it.”

                “Well, yes.”

                “And clichés become clichéd because they’re often true. Otherwise people wouldn’t use them so much.”

                In spite of all his suspicions, he felt more intrigued that ever, and sensed the beginnings of an actual liking for this guy. He didn’t want that.

                He shrugged finally. “It’s true. I ran from myself. From an unhappy time in my life. And like all people who run, I found all the troubles and grief just came along with me. Some memories can’t be erased. They stick like burrs on your cuffs.”

                “Yes, they do. Would you want to erase your memory?”

                “There’ve been times I’ve actually thought that would be a good thing. But other times..well, frankly, Mr. Lu, you can’t give up the bad without giving up the good.” He looked out the window, but there was clearly nothing to be seen beyond the reflections on the interior of the restaurant. Darkness turned the windows into mirrors.

                “I had to put my favorite dog to sleep a couple of years ago,” he said slowly. “Best dog I ever had. He taught me a lot about being a better person.”

                “How so?”

                He looked at him again, and there was no mistaking the heaviness in his sad, dark eyes. “I could be lazy. I could be impatient. I sometimes made him wait for the smal

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dodychan #1
Chapter 15: This is the probably the forth time I'm reading this fic it's amazing and idk but I'd love to read a sequel ike what happenes in their life authornim
vickymatters #2
Good ing job. Amazing story.The dialouges, incorporating methaphysic, philosophy of mind, quantum mechanic, neurobiology and even multiverse theory was very very impressive. Really great deep characters, especially Lay; love the relationship development, the longing for something more than just physical. Good job i'm a philosophy licenciate and i talk exactly like that with everyone haha. Good job :D I was deeply satisfied intellectually, which doesn't happen often with ff.
Chapter 15: Part 2 of my comment holy I ramble a lot O.O;;

The simple title of this fic really doesnt do it justice in my opinion, I feel like you could have gone with a much more syrrealistic, poetry-wannabe one instead and could have gotten away with it.
All in all, I do not regret wasting my time reading this at all and would recommend it to others.
Okay I'll shut up now.

Love u both♡♡♡
Chapter 15: Holy. .
Man was this a read.
I rarely leave comments so you betta feel priviledged okay
This fic took me way longer than I initially planned to get through, I put it on the side for a while when I was almost halfway through (so long in fact that I totally forgot that I know one of the writers whoops SO THESE ARE MY COMPLETELY UNBIASED FEELINGS lol).
A part of the reason I took a break in the middle was because I wasnt really feeling the fic at the beginning. It had a kind of slow build and all this pseudo science mumbo jumbo plus coupled with 'i need to tell him the truth BUT HE CANT KNOW THE TRUTH OH NOES' didnt really grab me. I didnt really see where the fic was going, Im more of a 'just gimme the and we're good to go' kind of girl orz
Im so ing glad I came back ;3;
After the mid-way point the fic really picked up and it was easy to immerse yourself in it and get hooked. The actual plot was pretty ing cool. Even though the psychic trope has been overused by now, this story still felt new. And I actually totally didnt see the plot twist with the clock coming at all lol
I like that in the end Luhan wasnt just a damsel in distress but actually proved himself to be badass.
For the romance part, I did feel that it came on kind of suddenly and felt out of place and unexplained at times. But that could also just be my pessimistic true-love-is-dead heart speaking ^^;;
Which one of you wrote it? Im really curious.
The only word I can possibly describe the scene is ing ~☆MAGICAL☆~!! holy , it deserves some kind of award on its own. Hell, with how much I read daily I'll give you an award myself - ~☆°♡MOST MAGICAL SCENE. LIKE EVER♡°☆~
Gimme your adresses, I'll send you a ty drawing of a medal with a on it ;)
Chapter 15: This was so beautiful! It had suspense (my heart beat so fast when the man enter Luhan's house), romance and everything was so good written. I loved how smooth the story went like everything was explained in the perfect moment... uh and if doesn't really bothers you asking you this but what make you come with such great plot? (I have this visions too (yeah, I'm weird, I'm sorry u.u) but not as good as Yixing's, mine are simple and useless because I just get a familiar feeling in the moment and that's it.)

So eh, happy new year! (Really late)
Chapter 6: Holy crap, I can feel Luhan's fear :B
1fanfic #7
Chapter 15: Wonderfully written, the mystery, the tension, it played like a movie in my head! And I loved all the science and technical stuff, yum :D I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Thank you!!! :)))
dodychan #8
Chapter 15: The tension and the romance was absolutely perfect i loved the way it's written it's just awesome
parvitasari #9
Chapter 15: Wonderful and well written story.. even i'm not science person (that's made my brain hurts hehe..) but i still keep reading it.. and the happy ending always make this story wonderful more..
Can't wait for another layhan story of yours, fihhting!!