- Just Breathe

Team Taoris vs Team Kray

A/N: Hello!! GOOD GOLLY IT'S BEEN A WHILE! I am so sorry for the long wait. I forced myself to sit down and actually commit to finishing these two chapters tonight. So I'm extremely tired and will have to check for spelling errors tomorrow -_- Again I'm so SORRY for the long wait. I wish I could promise it won't happen again, but I can promise I will work hard so that it hopefully won't happen again. Thank you all so much for your comments, views, subs and just support! You're all awesome and I love you :) 

Ok I'm going to bed now...Happy reading!



“Good news Mr. Oh, it’s not broken.” The doctor informs Sehun and Tao as he walks back in the small exam room, after having received Sehun’s x-rays. “Just a sprain.”

Just a sprain?” Tao smacks Sehun on the arm making both Sehun and the doctor flinch. “You made me feel bad and miss my date for that?!”

“I didn’t know it was just a sprain.” Sehun looks down with a frown rubbing his arm, wondering why everyone’s first instinct is to hit him.

“Don’t you know the difference between sprained and broken?  You’re so –”

“You’ll need to ice it at least three times a day and try not to put much pressure on it when walking.” The doctor interrupts while Tao and Sehun continue to scowl at each other. “Don’t worry your friend’s ankle will be better in a few days.”

“He’s not my friend!” Both boys shout in unison.

“Well, come on.” Tao says facing his back to Sehun.

Sehun only stares from Tao’s back to his face curiously. “What?”

“Geez, are you deaf? The doctor said not to put pressure on your ankle…so come on.” Tao points to his back.

“I’m not getting on your back.”

“I meant put your arm over my shoulders so you can balance on one foot.” Tao rolls his eyes. “Gosh you really are slow.”

“Let’s just go!” Sehun says annoyed, hoping from the exam table onto one foot with his hurt foot pulled back. “I can manage on my own.”

“Fine.” Tao says crossing his arms watching the other boy hobble to the door.

He makes it only a few hops before almost toppling over. Luckily he’s caught quickly by Tao who steadies him and puts his reluctant arm around his neck. Sehun scowls at him, ungrateful of the gesture. “I don’t want your help.”

“I’m responsible for you since this is my fault. I’m not letting you hurt yourself more just so you can blame me later.” Tao looks intensely at Sehun and he finds it hard to argue back. He finally sighs his agreement and allows Tao to help him get back to the car. 

“I really hate my friends.” Sehun says once they’re in the car.

“You keep saying that. I don’t see how they’re to blame for this.” Tao says buckling Sehun in, he had forgotten Sehun’s arms are perfectly capable of doing that themselves.

“Trust me they are.” Sehun sulks.

“Whatever. At least you have friends.” Tao exhales settling in his seat.

It takes a moment for Tao’s words to register before Sehun turns to him curiously. “You…don’t have friends?”

“Not really.” Tao says plainly staring out the car window. “Not that people are mean to me. Everyone’s actually really nice to me and treat me like royalty.

“Sounds awful.” Sehun says sarcastically.

“I’m not dumb. I know none of them really like me. If I wasn’t rich they probably wouldn’t try so hard to be around me.” Sehun isn’t sure if Tao’s looking for pity but he’s determined not to give it. Still, he can’t ignore the dejected look in Tao’s eyes as he speaks.

“I didn’t think you could be popular and still be lonely.”

“Who said I was lonely?” Tao snaps back quickly.

“You’re not?” Sehun raises a curious eyebrow.

Tao stares down at his lap and shrugs. “I thought I might be when I first came to SM EXO but I don’t feel that way anymore.” And at this he smiles to himself. “I met someone I like, see. He’s…really awkward and really…real. He had the most genuine expression when we met. He didn’t just let me win when we played basketball for the first time like most people do. He’s caring and kind...so I think I can trust him.”

Sehun watches Tao cover his mouth with his hand to try and hide a corny smile. It’s kind of gross. He doesn’t name anyone but Sehun knows who Tao is talking about and it makes his stomach churn because he was just sent to destroy their whole relationship. Part of him despite his loyalty to his friend is glad the plan didn’t go through. He thinks maybe meddling isn’t the right thing to do. They had only thought about Lay’s feelings and didn’t consider that there are other people involved here and they have feelings too. Even though he’s unsure of Kris’s feelings he decides fate shouldn’t be played with. Whatever is supposed to happen will happen.



“Taking a break?” Kris asks Lay trying not to look too happy to see the other boy because Lay isn’t smiling and looks kind of uncomfortable.

“A break?” Lay looks at him confused.

“Yeah, you said you were busy. That’s why you couldn’t come to my game?” Lay’s eyes widen a bit in realization before he blinks and looks away.

“Oh that. Actually I finished what I was doing. Now I’m just hanging at my house,” he says to the floor unable to look Kris in the face.

“Oh.” Kris nods tapping on the soda can in his hand before putting it back on the shelf. “Well we won, if you were curious.”

“Oh, really? That’s great.” Lay tries to sound cheerful but feels a little guilty he lied about not being able to go.

“I looked for you.” Kris says staring down at Lay and the smaller boy feels his lie must be written on his face.


“I was really hoping you’d show up but I guess we’re not as good friends as I thought.” The sad expression on Kris's face makes Lay feel like he just committed an unforgiveable crime.

“I…that’s not…”Lay sputters trying to think up a good enough excuse for not being there. He’s got nothing.

Kris’s frown suddenly changes to a wide grin as he claps a hand on Lay’s shoulder making him tense up. “I’m joking. I just wanted to make you feel bad.”

“Oh…” Lay laughs weakly, “Well you did.”

Kris watches Lay intently, his smile fades and his eyes continue to stare into him. He opens his mouth before closing it again like he wants to ask something but he’s not sure he should.

“Hey, so this past week…were you –?”

There’s a sudden rumble from outside that catches both their attentions, when they notice for the first time that it’s pouring rain.

“W-when did that start?” Lay gawks walking past Kris to the store windows.

“I didn’t notice.” Kris says looking from the window back at Lay. “Hey, um…so what I was going to ask before…”

 “I walked here from my house.” Lay groans ignoring Kris, running his hands through his hair in frustration. “I didn’t know it was going to rain today!”

“Me either. I left my car at the theatre.” Kris sighs deciding to forget the question and when he does it seems Lay’s finally ready to pay attention to him again.

“The theatre?” Lay asks.

“Yeah I had a sort of date…thing…planned but it got cancelled.” Kris says awkwardly.

Lay’s stomach feels hollow at the mention of the word ‘date’ and he's suddenly reminded why he’s been avoiding Kris this whole time. How could he forget?

“So…looks like we’re both stranded here.” Kris smiles looking almost too happy about the situation and Lay knows it’s not safe for his heart to stay here.  

“I can make it home.” Lay says putting his hood up on over his head and zipping up his jacket.

“What? But it’s pouring. You’ll get sick.”

“I’ll be alright.” Lay gives a reassuring smile but Kris doesn’t look pleased.


“My house isn’t that far, if I run –“

“Wait.” Kris holds up his hands for him to stop, he then walks up to the counter as Lay watches him talk to the cashier. The man goes to the back and comes back a few minutes later with a white and black striped umbrella. Kris nods a thank you and walks back to Lay. “Alright let’s go.”

“What?” Lay asks gaping from the umbrella to Kris. “What do you mean ‘let’s go’? How’d you get that? You leave umbrellas here often?”

“No,” Kris laughs at the notion, “Just asked if he had any in the lost and found. People leave stuff like this behind all the time.”

“Oh,” Lay says a little impressed.

“Now I can walk you home.” Kris grins, “Your house isn’t far right?”

“Really, you don’t have to.”

“What kind of gentleman would I be if I let you walk home alone?” Kris says in an offended tone.

“But…I’m a gentleman and I was going to leave you here.”  

“Pst…no you weren’t.” Kris snorts and Lay looks away awkwardly because he really was, “Ready?”

Lay hesitates for a moment but seeing how Kris is persistent he decides he might as well accept his kind gesture.


When they walk out Kris immediately puts his arm around Lay’s shoulders squeezing him close to keep them both under the umbrella. Lay’s cheeks blush and he tries not to look up at Kris because his face is too close. He leads the way to his house trying not to focus too much on how nice Kris smells or how warm his chest is when he’s pressed against it. Mostly he tries to ignore how Kris’s hand squeezes his shoulder from time to time bringing him closer  to him when he moves further out from the umbrella. It doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t. He repeats in his head.

“Well this is it.” Lay says when they finally reach his house after what felt like hours of torture but really must have only been five or eight minutes. He wants to rush inside without looking back because it's kind of hard to breathe with Kris so close.

 “This is your house?” Kris looks up examining the small brick home in front of them, not removing his hand from Lay’s shoulders. “I like it. It looks cozy.”

 “Thank you.” Lay says in a small voice. He feels like he should just knock Kris’s hand away but a part of him doesn’t want to. Then as if noticing his hands been on the smaller boy for too long Kris jerks his arm away with an awkward smile.

“Well I’ll let you get inside then.” Kris says rubbing the back of his neck.

“Thanks for walking me.” Lay’s eyes wonder away from Kris’s face and he notices for the first time that half of Kris’s side is soaked, “You’re all wet!”

“Yeah,” Kris looks down at his wet half, “Apparently it’s not a two person umbrella.”

Lay hesitates for a moment but he can’t leave Kris like this after walking him home. “W-why don’t you come inside? I’ll give you something dry to wear.”

“Really?” Kris smiles without any thought to turn down the offer, looking eager to see inside Lay’s house.

When they walk in Kris’s eyes search everywhere but eventually settle on the nest of blankets and plush toys in the middle of the living room.

“Do you have a little sister?” He asks picking up a stuffed unicorn.

“Uh…” Lay thinks about a lie he could tell but he’s not very quick minded. “Actually those are mine…”

Kris snorts but tries to turn it into a cough, “Oh. They’re cute.”

Lay puffs his cheeks and snatches the unicorn from Kris’s hands hugging it to his chest. “They’re collectables.”

“I wasn’t judging. Actually seeing you hold one, it really suites you.” Kris puts his thumbs and forefingers together making a frame with his hands and closing one eye to focus on Lay. “So cute.”

Lay’s eyes grow big and he squishes the plush unicorn more into his face to hide his blush “I’ll go find you something to wear.” He mumbles quickly making his way to his room.

Kris walks around the living room looking at all the pictures around the room. When Lay comes back his eyes are fixed on a picture he picked up off the lamp desk of Lay and Luhan when they were 13.

“Here you can wear these,” Lay says getting Kris’s attention. “They’re a little big on me so maybe they’ll fit you good.”

“Thanks.” Kris looks up at Lay then points down at the picture. “Uh, who’s this?”

“Him? That’s Luhan, he’s my best friend.”

“Luhan…” Kris repeats staring at the boy in the frame before looking at Lay, “He’s in a lot of your pictures.”

“Yeah, we’ve known each other for a long time and he likes taking pictures.” Lay grins thinking of all the times Luhan’s wanted to take pictures when no one else does.

“Do you like him?” Kris asks noticing the way Lay smiles.

“Luhan?” Lay laughs almost too hard taking Kris by surprise. “Don’t let his boyfriend hear you say that.”

“Oh sorry.” Kris puts the picture down with a small grin taking the clothes Lay brought for him.

“I hope they fit. They’re kind of–“ Lay’s mind goes blank and his cheeks flush as he stares wide eyed at Kris, who is striping in the middle of his living room. He stands frozen as Kris peels away his wet shirt and stands bear chest. He seems to be moving in slow motion and is he glistening? Crap. Lay’s almost too distracted to think until he notices Kris going for his belt buckle.

“Woah, wait!” Lay covers his eyes (finally) “What are you doing?”

Kris stares at him for a moment confused before covering himself with the dry clothes in his hand. “Oh, sorry. Is this not ok? I-I’m used to changing in front of others. Locker rooms, you know? Do you want me to go?…I-I’ll go to the bathroom.”

He walks quickly past Lay into the hallway a little embarrassed.

“First door on your right.” Lay says after him before collapsing on the couch running his hand through his hair and he’s seriously considering joining the basketball team now.

When Kris comes out Lay puffs out a laugh at how his pants are high waters on Kris and how his shirt barely reaches past his belly button and is skin tight.

“You know I think I’ll bring this look back.” Kris says turning in a circle to model his new outfit.

“I don’t think that look was ever in.” Lay covers his mouth to hide his laughter and Kris laughs too.

 “Well…I guess I should go.” Kris says and there’s an awkward pause. Lay knows the friendly thing to do is ask Kris to stay and maybe Kris is waiting for him to suggest that as he hesitates to walk to the door but when Lay nods in agreement Kris can only nod back slowly making his way out.

“Hey” He suddenly turns back to Lay but then he’s silent and sighs. “Never mind. I don’t think I want to know. I’ll see you at school or not…whatever.”

Lay watches Kris’s mouth turn downward and it hurts him because he knows Kris thinks Lay won’t talk to him after this which is probably true and maybe unfair because Kris really wants to be friends and Lay knows what he wants is not for Kris to walk out the door.

“Wait.” Lay says “W-why don’t you stay for a while?”

Hanging with Kris is surprising easy and very comfortable. He mostly talks about sports, his favorite being basketball which Lay has no interest in but he likes the way Kris’s eyes light up when he talks about his favorite team. They happen to like a lot of the same music and Kris mentions how he’s always wanted to learn guitar to which Lay is only too happy to throw in his face that he’s known how to play almost as long as he's known how to walk. Kris tries to make corny jokes which Lay finds funny. Not because they are funny but because Kris is funny for thinking they are funny and he can’t help gushing over how cute he looks when he tries to hide his gummy smile. A couple hours in and Lay’s starting to feel he really can be 'just friends' with Kris. That is until…

“I’ve been talking to this guy.” Kris says and Lay’s brought back to his cruel reality.

“Oh?” He says trying to sound interested. Kris nods and stares at him as if waiting for permission to say more so Lay continues “Do you like him?”

“Yeah. At least I think so. I’ve never really liked anyone before.” Kris says scratching his head and Lay can feel his chest tight. “So I’m not sure how I should be feeling.”

“Well how do you feel when you’re with him?” Lay asks hoping Kris won't be very descriptive.

“Nervous, because he’s always watching me.” He says looking down at his lap. “And I don’t want to look stupid in front of him.”

“Sounds like you like him." Lay says and he can't help but feel jealous.

“I never know what to say when I’m with him. It’s kind of intimidating being around him. Shouldn’t it be easier?”

“Not necessarily. When you like someone sometimes being around them can be the hardest thing in the world because you want them to like you just as much as you like them.” Lay catches Kris’s eyes but quickly looks away. “B-but that’s not always the case.”

“So what should I do?”

“…You can only be yourself…and hope that’s enough. If it’s not, then maybe they’re not the one for you.” Lay’s own words cut him like a knife and he almost regrets saying them.

“Why does it have to be so hard?” Kris sighs leaning back on the couch.

“I wish I knew.” Lay says watching him.

“Thanks for having me over even though it was forced on you.” Kris smirks as he opens the front door ready to leave a couple hours later. “Oh good it stopped raining.”

“Thanks for walking me home.” Lay smiles and Kris looks back at him . He’s silent for a moment, eyes seemingly scanning over his face before letting out a loud sigh.

“I really like hanging out with you.” He finally says. “So don’t ignore me anymore.”

Lay’s eyes widen in surprise. He didn’t expect Kris to call him out. But he doesn’t look upset about it, instead he grins as he exits Lay's front door.

“I’ll see you at school!” He waves when he’s past Lay's front gate and Lay waves back.

He closes the door and leans against it taking in a deep breath, holding his chest because his hearts been pounding like mad this entire time and it can't seem to slow down. 

“I can do this.” He says out loud then repeats it silently to himself so he won’t forget. “I can be just friends with Kris.”

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geron_bacurin #1
Chapter 8: Hi hope your still up for finishing this story. Can you please update, i miss kray so much and this story is so good. So please.....update already.
Chapter 8: Author-nim please update this story soon! I need more Fanxing in my life!
Kraysoul #3
Hey, I wish you could update this fic! I'm still waiting! Please!!!!
Chapter 8: Oh, that's bad! :c I hope everything is alright now and I'll be waiting for more Kray... (am sorry, Taoris shippers)
Chapter 5: "Oh, hey, Lay. I didn't see you there"
Suuuure, Kris, sure.
Team Kray! \(>□<)/
Chapter 4: Holy crap, no! My otp! off, Chanyeol, is all your fault!
Indeed, Luhan, Lay is perfect :3
Deedee123 #7
Chapter 8: hei. fyi i'm still waiting for the next chap. please update soon.
Chapter 8: Aww that omg :0 good luck!! Even if you don't finish this I'll be excited for your new works :D
Kraysoul #9
Chapter 8: waiting!!! waiting!!! waiting!!! just take enough time!!
Chapter 8: Take your time :)