Side Chapter - Baekyeol

The Impossible

I am better in writing in first person then third so Chanyeol will be the main focus of this.


Everything will be perfect, you are the only one that I need, come with me fly tonight – Come With Me – Up10tion


            After hearing Yixing was not coming back to our class for the rest of the semester I was shocked and really worried. Even more so since Mr. Kim and Yixing’s parents had said Yixing wasn’t allowed any visitors for the time being. Not even his parents were allowed to visit him in the hospital.

            We had all known that Yixing had a problem far greater then anything we were going through but I had never thought it was as bad as to leading him to be taken away from us. It was truly something I didn’t see coming.

            Baekhyun, Jongdae, Kyungsoo, and I had been out eating after school had ended and we had finished eating and were heading out when we heard all the commotion and saw the chaos that Yixing had created. I remembered his hand was covered in blood and glass and he was screaming and crying.

            “Yixing,” Baekhyun said quietly as tears welled up in his eyes and were already falling down his cheeks. “Chanyeol.” He looked up at me, as I wrapped my arms around him holding him close to me as we watched our friend get taken away in an ambulance. “What’s going to happen?”

            “Who knows,” Jongdae said as still stood on the sidewalk as everything was calming down. “I can’t believe that all just happened. Our Yixing…” I was too shocked to say anything and all I could do was keep Baekhyun in my arms since he was still crying.

            “There’s nothing we can do,” Kyungsoo said after a while. “I’m sure when we come to school Mr. Kim will have information from Yixing’s parents or something so we’ll just have to try our best and wait.”

            “Yeah I guess so,” Jongdae said nodding his head. “Should we tell the others or wait until school?” We thought about that for a moment before deciding to leave it for school as we split up after to head to our homes.

            “Are you okay Baekhyun?” I asked looking at him as we sat on the subway heading home to our neighborhood. Baekhyun and I lived on the street and we had been friends since we were kids in elementary school. Baekhyun had been the only to not make fun of me when my Tourette’s acted up. He was even the one that asked my parents what to do when it happened and they taught him what to do.

            For everything he had done for me all these years it had made us extremely close. And I tried my best to help him with his low self esteem issues and public anxiety. It also just happened that all the years I had been friends with Baekhyun my feelings for him grew more and more.

            It was around the end of middle school I had realized I liked Baekhyun more then a friend. Truthfully all of that really scared me because I didn’t think that I would like guys, let alone my best friend. So I decided to keep those feelings I had for him a secret and just continue to be his best friend.

            True the two of us flirted a little here and there with all the hugging, hand holding, and sweet talking we did for each other. But I just thought it was because we were so close so we were very open with each other. It wasn’t until Yixing’s incident that everything came out into the open.

            “Well congrats Kris, Luhan, and Minseok,” Mr. Kim said. “You three have finaly graduated from high school and are onto college. I’m proud of the three of you.” It was after the graduation ceremony and all of us were in the classroom for the party we were throwing for the three of them.

            I was sad to see the three of them leave and move onto college. Our class would be short by three and soon myself, along with Kyungsoo, Baekhyun, Jongdae, and Yixing (if he returned) would be the new seniors of the class.

            “Well unfortunately the celebration isn’t totally complete,” Luhan said. “Since Yixing can’t be here with us to celebrate today. Hopefully we will see him soon.”

            “Yes hopefully over the summer before we leave we’ll be able to see him,” Minseok agreed. “Before we have to go off to college.” With all that being said we began to eat the food that was at the party. There a slight air of sadness knowing Yixing should’ve been here to celebrate everything with us.

            The party lasted for about three hours with us eating all the food that was brought by all of us before it was time to go. School was officially over and we were on summer break. No more school for a few months. I was looking forward to spending most of that time with Baekhyun.

            “Say Chanyeol,” Baekhyun said as we were walking the streets getting close to the street we lived on. “Do you like anyone? I’ve never asked you that but now more then ever I want to know.” He looked at me holding my hand as we walked.

            “Do I like someone,” I repeated looking down at the ground. I squeezed his slender hand slightly. Should I tell him I did? Should I tell him the person I liked no loved was him? What if he doesn’t like me like that and we become awkward? What if I say the truth and our friendship crumbles in the blink of an eye?

            “Yes,” I said finally after the constant back and forth battle going on inside my brain. “There is someone I like, actually I’ve stopped liking them a while ago. I love them, but I don’t know if I have to courage to tell them.” We approached our street but Baekhyun stopped walking standing under the street lamp. “What is it?”

            “Why wouldn’t you tell them how you feel?” Baekhyun asked. “We only have one more year left of school what if you never see them again? Why would you wait until its too late?”

            “Because,” I said trying to think of an excuse, “I don’t know how I would tell them that I loved them. I have so much I want to say but when I see them I can’t form any of that and say it out loud. It’s complicated.”

            “Chanyeol,” Baekhyun said smiling at me. “As your best friend I will help you! Practice what you would tell your crush on me. That should help you right?” I looked at him blinking a little. That would only make it worse. You’re the one I love Baekhyun! That’s what I wanted to say. “Well what do you have to lose?”

            “Um well,” I began. I took a deep breath before looking Baekhyun in the eyes. He was standing there so pure and so beautiful under the street light. I felt like something clicked inside and words starting forming and I began to figure out what to say. Maybe I had known all along and just never tried hard enough.

            “You can do it,” Baekhyun said smiling at me with the perfect smile of his. His eyes crinkling at the corners slightly from his precious smile. “I know you can Chanyeol.” I nodded my head looking at him feeling my heart racing. Well if this was going to happen then I guess it was. No turning back now.

            “Baekhyun,” I said cursing myself mentally for the waver in my voice. “Byun Baekhyun, my friend I grew up with. The best friend I could ever want. The one that knows how to calm me down when I have my ticks. I honestly didn’t think it would be possible for someone like me to have a friend. No one growing up wanted anything to do with me. You saw that and you still decided to become my friend. You ignored all of the others and focused all your friendship on me and I was really happy.

            “I am still very happy that you’re my best friend. So I didn’t want to believe this feeling in my heart when it started beating a little different when I saw you. Middle school came and you started to mature into someone more handsome, someone I wanted to protect more and more. I didn’t know what this feeling was I felt towards you, it was more then a friend. That much I was sure of and it scared me a little bit. It did.

            “But then I realized that feeling wasn’t going away, and I was more happy then scared of the feeling. The feeling that you gave me made my heart tingle and a smile appear on my face. Each hug, each hand touch, each time you looked at me with those chocolate eyes of yours. I knew I was happy and wanted more of your attention. I finally realized this feeling was love. I was in love with my best friend. I wanted to cover you in all my love.

            “I didn’t want to tell you because I was scared. Hell I am still scared telling you all of this. I have no idea if you feel the same away about me. I might just be your best friend and nothing more. I don’t know and I didn’t want to know. But you standing here right now under the light and next to me is giving me a sudden burst of unknown confidence. Telling you everything just seems right and I know I have to tell you. So that’s what I’m doing.

            “So to answer your question, I do love someone. And that someone is you, I am in love with my best friend. I am in love with you Byun Baekhyun. I love your everything. Your soft hair, to your arms that wrap around me when your sad or when your happy. To your beautiful hands that find mine and make me feel secure. To your angelic voice that is more pretty than anything I’ve ever heard. There is nothing about you I couldn’t love.

“Everything about you is perfect to me. I mean compared to me who has Tourettes and spazzes out occasionally it takes a special person to not be freaked out by all that. You didn’t run away from my quirks and stayed with me through it all. I want to stay with you for as long as I can. I want to graduate and go to the same college as you. I want to do all of that. Because being with the one I love makes me happy. And I feel like I can do anything because of you. I love you Baek. You’re the only one that makes me this happy. I love you so much.”

            I finished talking looking down at the ground feeling my cheeks were hot. I was probably blushing and now my confidence seemed to have disappeared. I heard a quiet sniffle as I looked up a little seeing Baekhyun wiping his eyes.

            “Why are you crying?” I asked beginning to worry. Had everything I said really caused him to cry? I didn’t want to see him cry I hated when he cried. “Please Baek don’t cry over me.”

            “How can I not cry over you?” Baekhyun asked wiping his eyes some more. “How can I not cry over all those words you said. These aren’t sad tears, not at all. These are happy tears because what you’ve said to me makes me feel so happy. I can’t believe someone like you, so tall, handsome, muscular, and caring would like someone so weak, small, and fragile as me. I who has trouble being in large crowds and cries sometimes because of being scared. Chanyeol you have no idea how much I love you. I was too scared to tell you how I felt because well speaking confidently isn’t exactly my strong point. But I love you too Park Chanyeol. I love you more then a friend, I love you for who you are. Everything about you is perfect for someone like me. I love you, I love you, I love.”

            I cut off his words when I wrapped my arms around him startling him a little bit as I felt tears falling from my eyes as we cried together. I couldn’t believe the love of my life was telling me he loved me too. This was too perfect for words, too perfect and amazing.

            “You’re beautiful,” I whispered looking down at Baekhyun who’s eyes were still glossy from crying. “I love you so much Baek.”

            “I love you too Yeol,” Baekhyun said reaching up brushing a tear off my face with one of his perfectly formed fingers. “C-can I.” He looked down blushing. “K-kiss you?”

            “I thought you’d never ask,” I said smiling at him. “I want you to kiss me now and again and again and whenever you want to kiss me. Because I want to kiss you right now and forever too.”

            “Then do it,” Baekhyun said smiling a little. I nodded my head, not needing to be told that twice as I leaned down feeling Baekhyun’s soft lips against mine. Baekhyun sighed happily sending a shudder through his body as he pressed his lips against mine. I closed my eyes savoring every part of the kiss.

            My first kiss, my first love, my first friend. I wanted all of my first to be with Baekhyun. My first boyfriend, and hopefully my only boyfriend. I wanted to spend all of it with Baekhyun. My one true love.


            So this is the first sort of side chapter for the story since in the letters that everyone wrote to Yixing seemed to imply they were getting together and these are the backstories. They won’t all be shown at once but here and there. So here is Baekyeol who is my number one k-pop ship. I had t make it sickeningly sweet because that’s just how I feel like they would be.

Thanks~ ALSK20 

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I will try to update this soon I have ad some bad writer's block... sorry


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Chapter 4: Junmyeon isn't real, is he? Yixing has schizophrenia or something of the sort
keripik_kentang #2
Chapter 22: It's okay and totally fine. We will be waiting for u ♡
FlyingPurplePenguin #3
Chapter 6: I knew that Joonmyeon wasn't real! This is a really good story from what I've read so far!
AnimeNightcoreKitty #4
Chapter 21: This was a good story plot! With the disorder and him not knowing that he had something wrong with himself. It was also sweet seeing all of the exo relationships slowly progress. I like how you added in their roles and talents in the talent shows. I hope the date goes well, but I'm starting to wonder what it would be like without Kris, Luhan and Xiumin...I liked it better when they were together like a group. Not like the same break up of Tao, Kris and Luhan in the current exo. :( Sorry for ending this comment on a sad note but keep writing and your doing a fantastic job!!! :D
otp_defender #5
Chapter 21: I'm curious how their date will turn out. I hope we can get more sulay fluffy moments. :3
It's okay no need to rush. I'll wait patienly for ya authornim
mamakura #6
Chapter 21: AWWWW THIS IS SO CUTE ;-;
whatsuppp #7
Chapter 21: Yixing with eyeliner is *.* /died
Chapter 21: Awwww Yixing must looks super hawt with eyeliner >.< gosh they are just so cute <33 my otp :"
I'm excited for the date
Don't worry author, it's okay. Take your time. We will be waiting for ya ;))
ByunBaekhyun01 #9
Chapter 4: I feel suspicious....
If the story line is like it's okay it's love I think I'm gonna cry- especially if something happens to Sulay..
teufelchen_netty #10
Chapter 19: Suho proposal was sweet, nice for xing to know suho lives him like he do