Everywhere I Go

처음 만나서 반갑다 ~Nice to Meet You~

HakYeon had into TaekWoon’s group. HongBin still wasn’t a fan of it.

“I don’t know what it is, hyung,” HongBin admitted to TaekWoon when it was only the two of them. “I mean, like you said, he doesn’t seem like a bad guy, but… there’s just something I’m not okay with.”

Meanwhile, TaekWoon was still trying to figure out how HongBin had so quickly and easily changed his mind about having seen HakYeon before. HakYeon had nothing to explain for it, either. He just smiled in that slightly mischievous manner and offered an answer void of substance. With a response like that, it’s no wonder HongBin still gave him the stink eye from behind.

HakYeon was actually a rather interesting person. He never made any attempt to study or do homework, but he still ended up with perfect grades. (He had grinned, stating, “I was top of my class through middle and high school.”) He never had anything else to do besides tag along with TaekWoon and his crew – nonchalantly ignoring HongBin’s pointed “don’t you have a home to live in?”

And for as much of a snarky, sassy, smart- he played himself off as, he seemed to be very skittish about storms. When the group gathered at a small table in the eastern hall in the science wing with their books strewn about, HakYeon kept his eyes trained on the window to watch as the rain fell outside, tensing whenever lightning happened to flash. Even though HongBin clearly wanted to make a remark, he only passed a scowl before going back to his work.

“You don’t like storms?” TaekWoon had asked quietly. “Do you want to move somewhere else?”

HakYeon stiffly shook his head and continued to glare outside.

TaekWoon said he wasn’t going to suddenly jump into a relationship with this guy, but with each day, he found himself pulled into HakYeon more and more. When their arms barely brushed together, it felt like lightning running across his skin. HakYeon would stare at TaekWoon during their study sessions, and more often, TaekWoon would stare back. He found no reason to doubt HakYeon in any shape or form.

“Alright, TaekWoon-hyung, I’m off.”

TaekWoon looked up from his notes on his living room table. Sitting directly across from him, HakYeon looked up as well. HongBin stood, stretching a bit before reaching back down to the table to gather his things, carelessly tossing them into his bag.

“Going to WonShik’s party?” TaekWoon asked lightly.

HongBin gave his signature scowl. “Yeah, SangHyuk won’t shut up about it, like it’s gonna be the party of the century or something. But I’ve been ignoring him for the last three parties, so I guess I have to indulge him this time.”

“I’m sure it’ll be fun. It is WonShik, after all.”

“Yeah, yeah. I still have class tomorrow, though, so I’ll probably ditch early.” It seemed like HongBin was reminded of HakYeon’s presence for he suddenly threw a glare at the mystery classmate. He didn’t say anything, though, and tromped to the front door, giving a short farewell as he shut the door behind him.

HakYeon looked over at TaekWoon. “You’re not going to the party? They say it’s the party of the century.”

Smiling, TaekWoon replied, “No, I don’t go to parties. I prefer to stay in.”

“Hmmm…?” HakYeon leaned forward on the table, elbow propping up his hand underneath his chin. “And just what do you do all by yourself when everyone else is off partying?”

It only just hit TaekWoon that they were alone for the first time. In his apartment. In his living room. With only a table separating them. The thought made goosebumps rise on his skin. “I just… study…”

His skin was on fire.


He was only replied with a hum, shivering as HakYeon pressed his lips to the base of TaekWoon’s neck.

HakYeon had TaekWoon pressed against the sofa. His hands were free to roam, and one was balled into the material of HakYeon’s shirt while the other gripped HakYeon’s arm. The mystery classmate’s own naughty hands wandered all over TaekWoon’s body.

“Gods, you’re so beautiful,” HakYeon breathed.

His lips finally reached TaekWoon’s again, and whatever TaekWoon was about to say was easily forgotten.

He should’ve noticed it sooner. The fire.

TaekWoon battled to get his wits about him, somewhat failing as HakYeon ran one hand down TaekWoon’s side. “HakYeon, w-wait…” But his protest was silenced by kisses again.

I have to stop…

Somehow, he didn’t want to stop. So he didn’t stop. And the world slowly began to burn away at the edges, burn away to darkness.

A/N: Yes, this story is alive, too. I've just been so stuck on my dogboy fic that this one kinda got... neglected... @.@ But I finally finished reading a series that I've been meaning to finish, and from that, I got motivated to write this again. Hmmmmmmm but what series was I reading that motivated me to write this? Hmmmmmmm~~~

Who can guess what's going on? :D Aside from HakYeon trying to get frisky with TaekWoon aiya crazy college kids these days.

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Not sure when I'll have the first chapter up @.@ I'm trying to figure out where the chapter breaks will be...


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FoxyVixx #1
Chapter 12: Thank you so much for this good ending !!!
FoxyVixx #2
Chapter 11: Nooooo :'(
Chapter 11: Tell me that this is not the actual ending ??
johnjaebaby #4
Chapter 11: I thought you're going to give this a good ending.......
Two updated stories with this ending???
I meam, that's your decision but still *crying hard in the corner*
But still...thank you for this ㅠㅠ♥
sazunaki #5
Chapter 10: I hope it works out for them.. They deserve happiness... It that Hakyeon had to suffer through it all.
johnjaebaby #6
Chapter 10: Ooooh I remember those line!!!
And wait a minute. When Hakyeon said they met in Vegas, you're not talking about your other story rrrrright?

Anyway, thanks for the update! I'm looking forward for the next one~ (*˘︶˘*)
Kokechan #7
Chapter 10: Thank you so much for the update! I love this story and its characters so much!
Chapter 10: Ah cute

Welcome back
Kokechan #9
Chapter 9: Thank you for the update! This is so great! (and heartbreaking...) Thank you!
DesdemonaDeLaMort #10
Chapter 9: Oh my god..... It finally makes sense...sort of lol What a twist! I love it >< I feel so bad for Hakyeon having to go through that sooooo many times and for Taekwoon to not even realize it... I hope they will figure out a way around it this time. I want Neo to finally be together happily <3
I can't wait to read more! Thanks for writing ^-^