Bad Ending

처음 만나서 반갑다 ~Nice to Meet You~

HakYeon made a sour face. “What the heck? Why are you asking me about HongBin?”

TaekWoon shrugged. “I mean, reincarnation is a thing, so why wouldn’t everyone else be included?”

“And you think I would pay attention to something like that?”

“Hey, he’s my friend. Besides, I was just wondering if he was ever there. I wasn’t asking if I was ever in a relationship with him. Even JaeHwan.”

The scowl on HakYeon’s face only enhanced. “Don’t know. Don’t wanna know. Not important, anyway.”

The days afterwards seemed to go in slow motion. HongBin was yet to accepting of the arrangement, but he had upgraded from ignoring HakYeon to trying to counter whatever he said or just general bickering. JaeHwan loved the entertainment, and TaekWoon only sometimes thought about mediating. As each day passed, it seemed like TaekWoon could breathe more and more.

Not just in a physical sense. Used to be, he could feel as each day became more and more difficult to exist, then revived because of his scheduled transfusions, and then the whole tiring process all over again. But after HakYeon came – back – into his life, it felt like TaekWoon’s fragile heart seemed to be healing little by little each day. Maybe it’s just because he was so enamored with HakYeon that he wasn’t paying attention to himself. No, he definitely would have been able to tell.

Each day he could move a step further. Longer walks, longer days, nothing hindered by a flutter in his chest. They had upgraded to… other things, things that made TaekWoon blush at the thought, things that would have made HongBin shriek and bottle rocket TaekWoon off to a monastery. But TaekWoon wanted to live. He wanted to live and experience everything – all over again – with HakYeon. Regardless if his life would shortly end or miraculously continue to its proper conclusion.

Was it wrong to simply ask to live?

The people around him slowed. Seemed to backtrack for one step. Then they continued on their way. TaekWoon didn’t even conceal rolling his eyes as HakYeon was suddenly beside him.

Stop,” he insisted, not at all meaning it as he tried to scold HakYeon. “You’ll get in trouble with the hall monitors.”

HakYeon waved his hand. “It’s fine. How was your visit to the parents?”

“It was fine. My sister and her family were there, so we talked for a while. They seemed happy that I came out to see them.”

“That’s good. I’m sure they were happy to see you well and healthy, too.”

The two came to a stop at an intersection, waiting with a small crowd for the lights to change. It was a bustling weekend afternoon, sidewalk vendors with their goods on display, couples and groups out enjoying the weather, the Gods of Time standing idly, existing in the same space and time.

Was it wrong to simply ask to idly exist in the same space and time?

Briefly, TaekWoon wondered if somehow he had retrieved his godly powers. For some reason, things were moving in slow motion again. Where he should have been holding his gaze with HakYeon, his attention was drawn to a smaller shape moving in the corner of his eye. Someone. Briskly moving to catch something else.

“HyukGyun-ah? HYUKGYUN!!”

Ah. Time snapped back in place.

But then time was slow again…?

TaekWoon lunged without thinking, bending down to scoop up the briskly-moving someone who had been in the corner of his eye. A child chasing after some toy that had bounced into the street, into incoming traffic. A car, moving too swiftly to process slamming on the brakes in time. TaekWoon yanked the child back but lost his balance, and he fell backwards onto the pavement.

There was an explosion of light, and time wasn’t moving anymore. The sounds of the street were immediately cut off, only an odd murmur left behind. He still felt like he was falling, but he could have sworn his back already fell against the sidewalk.

The only sound he could hear was HakYeon’s voice.

“… no no no no NO NO NO!! PLEASE!!”

Why was he begging? Why did it sound like he was screaming when TaekWoon could barely hear his voice?

“Please, I don’t care anymore! Let me go back! Please! TaekWoon!!”

What happened? Time hadn’t stopped, but everything was moving so slowly, like everyone around him was caught in molasses. The child he had pulled back was only just scrambling to his feet to run back to a lady whose arms were stretched out towards TaekWoon, as if she had attempted to help break his fall. The crowd that had stood around him were slowly turning around to see what the commotion was about. And HakYeon…

“TaekWoon… TaekWoon-ah…”

He could hear HakYeon’s voice, but where was he? Why couldn’t TaekWoon move anymore? His entire body, too, seemed like it was falling in slow motion.

There, suddenly, HakYeon appeared in his vision. It was blinding. Giant masses of light surrounded HakYeon, seemingly holding him back from getting too close to TaekWoon, but HakYeon, tears streaming from his eyes and expression stricken with despair, fought against them with all his might, wrestling to free his hands so he could gently touch TaekWoon’s face.

HakYeon… TaekWoon couldn’t even speak out loud. He couldn’t control his own body anymore. I’m so sorry, HakYeon…

“No… No, please, TaekWoon. We were so close. I know we were,” HakYeon sobbed.

I thought it could be this lifetime, but I guess not. I’m sorry.

“No, dammit… I hate you…” HakYeon’s tears fell against TaekWoon’s face.

I’m sorry. I love you. I’m so sorry…

Another sob wracked HakYeon’s whole body, seemed to tear through TaekWoon’s body as well. Trembling, HakYeon brought their lips together for a fleeting kiss, one that TaekWoon was unable to reciprocate.

I love you. I love you. I’m sorry.

“I love you. I… I guess… I’ll see you in the next life…”

HakYeon’s tears rolled down TaekWoon’s cheek, crossing paths with the streams that had fallen from TaekWoon’s eyes. HakYeon kissed him again, and then he sat back. The massive lights engulfed HakYeon, but TaekWoon relinquished the last of his strength to continue holding on to the god’s hand until the edges of his vision burned away, the image of HakYeon faded to nothing, and everything was silent and gone.

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Not sure when I'll have the first chapter up @.@ I'm trying to figure out where the chapter breaks will be...


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FoxyVixx #1
Chapter 12: Thank you so much for this good ending !!!
FoxyVixx #2
Chapter 11: Nooooo :'(
Chapter 11: Tell me that this is not the actual ending ??
johnjaebaby #4
Chapter 11: I thought you're going to give this a good ending.......
Two updated stories with this ending???
I meam, that's your decision but still *crying hard in the corner*
But still...thank you for this ㅠㅠ♥
sazunaki #5
Chapter 10: I hope it works out for them.. They deserve happiness... It that Hakyeon had to suffer through it all.
johnjaebaby #6
Chapter 10: Ooooh I remember those line!!!
And wait a minute. When Hakyeon said they met in Vegas, you're not talking about your other story rrrrright?

Anyway, thanks for the update! I'm looking forward for the next one~ (*˘︶˘*)
Kokechan #7
Chapter 10: Thank you so much for the update! I love this story and its characters so much!
Chapter 10: Ah cute

Welcome back
Kokechan #9
Chapter 9: Thank you for the update! This is so great! (and heartbreaking...) Thank you!
DesdemonaDeLaMort #10
Chapter 9: Oh my god..... It finally makes sense...sort of lol What a twist! I love it >< I feel so bad for Hakyeon having to go through that sooooo many times and for Taekwoon to not even realize it... I hope they will figure out a way around it this time. I want Neo to finally be together happily <3
I can't wait to read more! Thanks for writing ^-^