Chapter 3


Krystal POV

We looked at each other, our faces clearly filled with embarassment. He gave a sheepish grin while I just covered my face wtih my hand in disbelief. Here we were in the hospital, standing in front of my dear friend Amber laying on the hospital bed injected with drugs to contain her allergic reaction. How stupid of Amber and I to not realize the sandwhiches we ordered contained the obvious item of mustard, which Amber has strong allergic reactions to. Amber was always cool with her food but mustard was the only thing her body didn't accept. On the otherhand I love mustard so I didn't even think to warn her even as I tasted the bittersour condiment in my sandwhich.

"Dang this is really good Amber!" I chewed and gulped bite after bite, taking a sip of my frap every now and then. It was suprisingly really tasty for just a sandwhich. I didn't realize a sandwhich could taste so extravagant. The frap was delicious as well, it must be a house item.

"Yea Krys, I am glad you invited me to a meal here. It's really good!" Amber was chomping her way through the sandwhich. I was too until the thought of the heavenly taste of mustard ran through my senses and imprinted in my brain. Unfortunately at around the same time my eyes widened in realization, poor Amber gave me the same widened eye look, and I could see she has already encountered the mustard. All of a sudden yet not so sudden, Amber dropped the sandwhich and started choking and coughing. I could already see the reaction take effect as was decently swollen already.

"HELP! Someone please call an ambulance!" Out of the corner of my eye despite trying to help Amber breathe properly, I see Minhyuk and Jonghyun run over to us. Minhyuk hustled next to me frightened and genuinely worried. "Oh my god, what happened miss? Jungshin ah, hurry up and get an ambulance! Jonghyun hyung, go get the first aide and bring the epipen. I don't know how well it will treat this severe reaction but hopefully it will help lessen the effects. Go!"  I held on to Amber supporting her neck as she continued to cough and gasp. Even being in such a dangerous situation Amber didn't fail to be the moodmaker she was. "Sorry Krys, got careless. If it makes you feel better I'll pay for my own hospital bill." she wrasped in between breaths. I roll my eyes and slap her, annoyed yet unphased by Amber's attempt to get on my nerves again. Jonghyun came back with an epipen and gave it to Minhyuk. 

"Miss, I am going to inject your friend with an epipen to help eliviate the effects. Jungshin called for an ambulance so your friend should be in good hands shortly." I nod, and he injects Amber with the epipen. Shortly after her choking slows, though still having a hard time to find a steady breathing pace. Minhyuk looked at us with concern, "I am so very sorry of this incident. I feel responsible as it happened at my cafe. Let me tag along to the hospital to make sure your friend is alright." Before I could explain that there was nothing wrong with his food at all, the whinging of an ambulance filled our ears, and Minhyuk and Jonghyun helped carry Amber out to the ambulance. Hurriedly, I followed suit inside the ambulance to make sure Amber had company.

"Let me pay for the hospital bill, it is the least I can do." I widened my eyes in surprise as his hand reaches for my pen, dragging the forms from me in his other hand. Only then did I realize he was still under a misconception that fed him unecessary guilt.

"Oh nonono, there is no need. What happened was completely our fault. Amber was careless and forgot to ask to not put mustard in her sandwhich, while I failed to realize it in time. The ingredients of the sandwhich on the menue clearly told us what was in it. It is not your fault." I take back the pen and the forms, prepared to finish paying the bill. He sighed in relief, I could literally see the guilt in his eyes melt away. "Oh my gosh, that is so good to hear, I thought my cooking really turned out to be hazardous for someone or something. I thought perhaps I was the one that was careless in what I was doing, the kitcken gets pretty busy and stuff-" 

I could tell he was comprehending what he quickly babbled on about, and it was amusing to see the horror in his face appear once again. "Oh no, I didn't mean it was good to hear it was your friend's fault, and I don't want you to misunderstand that I expressed glee that you weren't going to make me pay or anything, I was just so worried that I had something to do with it-" I chuckled as I waved my hands to try to get his attention. "It is no problem, I understand how you were feeling. I am really sorry we were so careless, must have given you and your co-workers a fright. I'm sorry we caused a scene." 

Genuinely smiling, "Don't worry about it. I am just glad your friend will be okay." He then stuck his hand out. "By the way, I didn't get to actually really introduce myself. I am Kang Minhyuk, chef, and owner of Boice Cafe." My eyes shift to his hand for a few seconds before I look back at him straight in the eye. I take his hand and shake it. "I'm Krystal Jung. Nice to meet you." I give him a shy smile.

After the disconnection of our handshake, "Despite how the situation looks, your food was really good. I think you'll see us back soon; atleast until my friend there recovers." I point over to the peaceful, yet still llama looking Amber. As if just remembering why we were there in the first place, "Oh, and don't worry we won't cause another scene again. heh." He chuckles as he turns around to wave farewell, getting ready to leave.

"I'll look forward to your return Krystal." he turns around and makes his way down the hall. I ended looking at his backside walking off again for the second time.

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Chapter 8: im just browsing ff when i stumble upon ur story... ur description is intriguing and the fact that krystal and minhyuk are few of the characters i dont hesitate on subscribing and reading it.. xD im really desperate for a hyukstal stuffs xD hope to read again from u! xD
passionatelover #2
Love it, update soon ^^
I'm so sorry..but can you use a little bit easy English..I can't understand hard english...I just can understand a little..and Continue it soon :D