Chapter 9


It's been a few months since the assignment. Krystal has been able to get on very good terms with Minhyuk and the rest of the Boice family. Krystal liking to go with the flow with whatever happens, ended up going on a few one on one outings with Minhyuk; go to the market and look around for fresh products, and visit trendy coffee shops so that Minhyuk would be able to observe and take away for his own cafe. Krystal wasn't really aware at the time, but she could definitely sense that Minhyuk had interest in her. It is not like she didn't have interest in him, she found him very likable and kind, and had subtle charms that would intrigue her every now and then. While enjoying his company and getting to know him, she has been pretty diligent in keeping her file on him updated as well. Nothing too significant was added since she started, besides Seohyun's revelation of being Minhyuk's twin, and the fact that Minhyuk hasn't been in contact with his father ever since high school. 

Satisfied with her progress, as well as feeling content on how she obtained her progress, Krystal went to go visit her sister at her office in a good mood. Though they frequently text each other, it has been a long time since she last saw her. The front desk said she was with a patient currently but that she could wait in her office since their session would be over soon. The Jessica's co-workers all knew Krystal and was friendly with her just like family. After going through a few social media apps on her phone while waiting for Jessica, she hears the door open. 

Krystal POV

"Surprise unn-" my chirpy voice was covered instantly with a confused and shocked look on my face. I bowed unconsciously since a patient came in as well, but I was utterly surprised of who was behind the patient: Seohyun unnie. 

"Seohyun unnie?! What are you doing here?..Wow I did not imagine I would meet you here of all places.." I gave her a shy smile followed by an embarassed chuckle. I had three equally confused and surprised faces looking at me as well.

Seohyun unnie spoke first, "Krystal! I did not expect to see you here either! I'm here on behalf of Taeyeon unnie, I came to pick her up today." She looked at Jessica unnie and then back to me again, "Krystal are you seeing Jessica seonsaengnim too?..I had no idea." Unintentionally, my sister and I laughed at the same time, waving our hands, which Seohyun unnie became confused over.

"Aniyah unnie, Jessica unnie is actually my sister! I came to visit her on the whim as a surprise and was just waiting for her in her office while she was done with her session. I didn't realize she would have been coming in company...The front desk told me unnie separated with" I looked toward Taeyeon unnie, since I heard Seohyun unnie call her that as well, and pointed respectfully, "unnie here outside, since I guess you guys have outside sessions?.." I looked over at Jessica unnie to help me clarify, and she nodded along,

"Yea our customized sessions involves being outside. We just came back because Taeyeon left her jacket here." Jessica unnie looked at Seohyun unnie and then at me, "Wait, so how do you guys know each other then?.." Seohyun unnie and I briefly explained to her how we met and under what circumstance, and as soon as Minhyuk was mentioned she shot me a knowing, 'we got to talk later' look, which only confirmed my gut feeling that the situation was a little bit peculiar and suspicious. I became a little more anxious when Taeyeon unnie looked at me with a neutral expression, yet with a slight tense and serious atmosphere coming from her stares. Or was it just me?...

"Anyways, we should all sit down and continue the discussion, I'm sure Taeyeon is tired from our long walk." Taeyeon?...Unnie's task?...Wait Seohyun unnie knows Taeyeon?..." I could feel the gears in my brain start to move as I realized that Unnie's task, Taeyeon unnie, is Seohyun unnie's acquaintance. I quickly took a look as we made our way to the chairs. She was a tiny shorter than Jessica unnie, looked really young with a baby face, like a little kid actually, yet there was a definite mature aura radiating from her. As we sat down I introduced myself, "Hello, I'm sorry if I surprised you! My name is Krystal and I am Jessica unnie's sister. It is nice to meet you! "I give her a polite smile because I didn't know how to really act around patients with depression, but her reaction was normal to the point where I wouldn't have known she had depression if Jessica unnie didn't mention it at headquarters. 

"Hello Krystal it is nice to meet you! My name is Taeyeon." She looked at me and Jessica unnie in an observing way, "I guess you can't really tell appearance wise, but I would have had no doubt that you are Jessica's sister! you guys have a similar vibe, similar, chic and mysterious?" She made a short laugh that sounded a little like an ahjumma, which was completely contrary to her first impression, but it was kind of quiet and she quickly went back to her neutral facial expression; a polite, yet kind of forced and hollow?... . "Krystal, she says we have similar vibes! Be thankful you take after your chic sister. " Jessica unnie gives me a teasing wink. "Yes I am so glad I have a really modest unnie" I crossed my arms and did a slight smirk, proud that I riciprocated a smooth comment with a smooth reply. Seohyun unnie chuckled as Taeyeon unnie let slip a small smile while Jessica unnie stuck her tongue out at me. 

I decided it was good opportunity to clarify some things, especially since Taeyeon unnie got her jacket and it seemed like they were getting ready to go. "Seohyun unnie, it is so nice of you to pick up Taeyeon unnie, I know how busy you are with school and everything." I took a quick look at Taeyeon unnie and then Jessica unnie, who I could tell knew what I was upto, "You guys must be really close..." Taeyeon unnie just smiled at Seohyun unnie before letting out a super quick, yet genuine chuckle, "I keep telling her that I can take care of myself, but this sister of mine is just so stubborn..."

I released the tension on my creased eyebrows as fast as it formed unkowingly, and I looked at Jessica unnie. Yep, she looked confused too. I turned back, "Sister?...Unnie you have an unnie?...does that mean Taeyeon unnie is Minhyuk oppa's noona?..." Before Seohyun unnie could respond to me, seemingly prepared to explain, Taeyeon unnie beat her to it. Taeyeon unnie looked a little more grave and serious, "Krystal you know Minhyuk?...How?.." There was a sense of genuine curiosity yet as well a protectiveness that I probably would have interpreted as a subtle defense mechanism, if it weren't for the fact Seohyun unnie managed to break the tension with a seemingly intentional laugh, "Unnie Krystal is a regular at Minhyuk's cafe. She is also a close dongsaeng of my close friend which was how we all got to know each other." As if Seohyun unnie also felt the tension when I mentioned Minhyuk oppa, "Aigoo you're so protective as always haha" Seohyun unnie shot her an eye smile that I swore was some kind of communication between the two. Taeyeon unnie relaxed a little bit and gave us her surprisingly dorky smile, "I was just wondering. Minhyuk's been alone for so long so I thought maybe Krystal and Minhyuk were more than friends or something." Taeyeon unnie gave me a soft smile, " Not that I would mind, just based off today's first impression, and you being Jessica's sister,", she looked a Jessica unnie for a brief moment before looking back at me, "I am sure you are a fine girl Krystal." I couldn't help but blush a little, while Jessica unnie gave me a light slap on my shoulder. I was surprised that she looked like she had a blush going on too.

"Taeyeon you shouldn't say that, it will only inflate this girl's ego." I let out a small pout, "Unnie I don't have an ego!" They all just let out a small laugh before they headed out of Jessica's office while saying our farewells.

As soon as the door closed, I know unnie and I still had a good smile our faces from the pleasant conversation we just had with Seohyun and Taeyeon unnie, but I could feel both of us giving each other the look of needing to meet up at home to talk about our respective tasks. 

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Chapter 8: im just browsing ff when i stumble upon ur story... ur description is intriguing and the fact that krystal and minhyuk are few of the characters i dont hesitate on subscribing and reading it.. xD im really desperate for a hyukstal stuffs xD hope to read again from u! xD
passionatelover #2
Love it, update soon ^^
I'm so sorry..but can you use a little bit easy English..I can't understand hard english...I just can understand a little..and Continue it soon :D