
Another First Love Story


Mark spent the whole weekend with daydreaming about Jackson. He knew, he acted like some twelve year old girl but still there was nothing to do about it.


After they had talked a bit longer on Friday they had finally said goodbye with a long hug. A really long and intensive embrace Mark as well as Jackson had fully enjoyed.


Now it was Monday and Mark was sitting alone in his classroom, almost thirty minutes until their classes started. He scribbled some cartoons in his exercise book while he waited for someone to appear. Of course he hoped for Jackson but since he was totally nervous just by thinking about his crush he prayed for his best friend Jinyoung to appear first. From time to time the class slowly filled with students and finally Jinyoung arrived.


“Mark, why so early?” He asked with a wide knowing grin on his face. He was the only one Mark had told about his liking for Jackson and also the only one who knew about their date.


“Could it be because of some good looking basketball player?” He asked jokingly and earned a hit from Mark.


“Shut up Jinyoung,” Mark commented but couldn’t prevent his face from turning into a bright red color.


“How did it go?” Jinyoung grabbed a chair and sat down, hands placed on Mark’s table. Since Mark refused to tell him about his date on the phone he was nearly bursting from curiosity.


“It was nice,” Mark said but couldn’t hide the sparkle in his eyes.


“Only nice?”


“Okay, it was fantastic,” Mark couldn’t control his face so it broke out into a wide smile.


Jinyoung made some unmanly squealing sounds before he asked in a high-pitched tone, “Did you kiss?”


“No!” Mark’s eyes widened, “Of course not. I mean it was only the first date. But we hugged. Very long.”


“Aww, that’s so cute. Will you meet again?”


Mark nodded energetic. “He asked to meet after his practice on Wednesday since I’m watching him anyway.”


In this moment the classroom door flew open and Jackson stepped in. Mark held his breath as their eyes met. He felt his heart beating faster as Jackson flashed him a smile. Mark tried his best to return the smile even though he felt getting nervous already. He just watched Jackson going to his mates who welcomed him.


If he talks about me with his friends too?, Mark wondered while he laid his head down on his table and just watched Jackson.




Soon the teacher entered the room and started the lesson. Not much time had passed as a crumpled piece of paper landed on Mark’s exercise book. He stopped writing and peeked to Jackson, who was concentrating on his writing. Mark shrugged and grabbed the paper. His lips turned into a wide smile after he unfolded it and read the few words.




“I don’t have your phone number yet…”




He could have jumped of happiness, but of course he didn’t do this in class. 

So Jackson had liked the date as much as he did, right?


He quickly scribbled the digits on the paper and pushed it back to Jackson’s side of the table.




Unfortunately, Jackson only sent him some smiles for the rest of the day. Mark had liked to talk to him but he understood that Jackson wanted to stay with his friends. He was sure he didn’t tell them about him and it was okay for him. After school Mark went straight home.


Normally he would hang around with Jinyoung a bit, but today his mom told him to come home early since his older sister was about to visit them.




“I’m home, mom!” Mark shouted as he closed the front door behind him and started to get out of his shoes.


“Markiii!” He narrowed his eyes as he heard a high pitched shriek, unmistakable his older sister’s. In just the next moment two arms were wrapped around him and pulled him into a tight embrace. 


“Ah, I missed you soso much!” The girl said while she dug her head into his shoulder.


“Noona!” Mark tried to push her away. “I missed you too, really, but you’re squeezing me to death!”


Grace, his sister, finally released him. Her hands were still placed on his shoulders as she watched him closely, “Aigoo, you matured so much. But you’re still cute as .”


She pinched his cheeks what caused him to grimace, “Noona! Stop it!”


“Aigoo,” She said again but took her hands off of him. “Let’s eat. Umma is waiting.”


The two siblings went to the kitchen where their mother had already prepared the meal.


“How was school?” Mrs Tuan asked while she watched Mark sitting down.


“It was okay,” he just said as they started to eat.


“Just okay?” His sister asked, curious now, “Don’t you have a girlfriend? I mean, you’re so good looking now. The girls must run after you.”


Panic climbed up Mark’s body as he heard his sister’s words. His mind immediately drifted to Jackson. Of course he wasn’t his girlfriend, neither his boyfriend but still. He forced himself to calm down and said in a low voice, “I haven’t.”


“But you were out last Friday. Wasn’t it a date?” His mother asked.


Mark swallowed. He hated to lie, especially to his mom and sister. But there was no other choice. He didn’t want to tell them about Jackson. Not yet.


“No, it wasn’t a date. I just met a friend,” As he saw his mother opening to answer something he added, “A male friend.”


His sister seemed to look quite disappointed so he changed the topic, “What about you? Don’t you have a boyfriend?”


“No,” She pouted, “There’s no boy matching with me.”


“Ah, you’re getting old and are still single. You may lower your criteria or otherwise you’ll be forever alone.”


“Don’t be so cruel to your sister,” His mom scolded him but Mark just shrugged.


The three continued to eat their lunch while talking about different stuff.




After lunch Mark excused himself to go upstairs into his bedroom. Even he didn’t do much this day he was quite tired and just wanted to lay down whilst listening to his favorite music. He had his eyes closed, while singing along to Winner’s different as suddenly his phone vibrated in his pocket. His hand started to shake as he unlocked the lockscreen and noticed the new text message from an unknown number.



013XX-XXXXXX [19:20]


Yo MarjiMark! It’s Jackson here. The wild & y guy you met last Saturday, ya know?



A soft chuckle escaped Mark’s lips as he read the message. He thought some moments while he saved Jackson’s number until he typed an answer.




Mark [19:23]


I know who you are, Jackson.




Nearly instantly, Jack’s reply popped up on Mark’s phone.




Jacks [19:23]


Just kidding




Jacks [19:24]


Hey, I wanted to see you after school but Jinyoung told me you had to go home. Did something happen?




“Oh god,” Mark felt his heart pumping rapidly. He wasn’t sure what made him happier – that Jackson wanted to meet him or that he was worried about him. With sweating fingers, he wrote a reply.




Mark [19:26]


No kkk. My Noona visited us today. She studies in Beijing so we don’t get to see her very often.




Jacks [19:26]


Oh, I didn’t know you had a sister




Jacks [19:26]


Is she as pretty as you?




Mark couldn’t help but turn red after these words.




Mark [19:28]


She’s prettier




Jacks [19:29]


That’s impossible




Mark’s eyes widened in shock as he read Jack’s message again and again. They were only two words but they were enough for Mark. His fast beating heart pumped more and more hot blood to his head. He bet he looked like a tomato right now.


Unsure about what to answer he typed something but deleted it afterwards, as suddenly the music stopped. In the duration of the next two seconds his Noona sat right next to him what made him jump aside, startled.


“Noona!” He yelled, “You scared the living daylights out of me.”


Grace chuckled, “I’m sorry.” She pointed to the phone in Mark’s hand, a knowingly smirk on her lips. “Whit whom are you writing?”


Mark nervously locked his phone and shoved it under his pillow. How much did his sister see? And, how long was she already standing in his room?


“I wasn’t texting with anyone. Just looking something up in the internet,” Mark lied. He hated lying but there was no other way out.


“Whoa, what did you look up that you are this embarrassed?” She chuckled, pointing to his still blushed face.


“It’s none of your business,” Mark said sharply.


His sister lifted her hands protectively in front of her face, “Fine. Maybe I didn’t even want to know it. But why I am here anyway, your mom asked if you want to watch a movie with us.”


Mark nodded his head. He loved movies. So he went downstairs together with his sister and settled down on the couch in the living room. His mom was already sitting there.




The movie was quite interesting, only Mark’s phone was disturbing. It vibrated several times. Mark was sure that it was Jackson texting him but he didn’t want to reply him with his sister sitting right next to him. It was already enough that she smirked at him with an I-knew-it expression on her face. Mark just hoped she would loose her interest and wouldn’t stalk him to find out who the person was he wanted nobody to know about.





A/N.: There’s not really much happening, I’m sorry. But Grace visited! And she got curious about Mark and his love things. lol


I actually liked writing the text messages. But the conversation was too short ㅜㅜ 


However, I wanted to upload earlier but I have exams this and next week and eww…


Tomorrow I have my spanish exam and actually I should be studying (at least my mom thinks I do^^) 

I mean, I'm not the best in my spanish class, haha (but also not the worst!) 

Actually my exams are quite good but I can't memorize the vocabulary very well… ㅜㅜ


Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next will be more interesting, I promise^^ 


I try my best to upload soon^^


Comments, subs and votes would be nice^^


¡Adiós amigos!


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biito15 #1
Chapter 5: That's.......super CUTEEEEEEEEEE:))))))))))
pinkissmonsta #2
hellooooo? ;;
hominho #3
Chapter 5: So much fluff! Too cute :))
cchhuuchu #4
Chapter 5: can't wait for the next chapter T-T
Chrystiemallow #5
Jaackk_Jaackk #6
Chapter 5: They are so adorableeeeee!
Can't wait for the next update! Fighting Author-nim<3
Chapter 5: This is absolutely adorable! Their relationship is so cute!!
Chapter 5: this is just too adorable just like how first love story should be ^^
Kayuki #9
Chapter 5: I'm totally on Jinyoung's line here - I'd be fangirling (oh, well, in his case: fanboying) as hell if Mark would tell me about his date with Jackson <3<3<3<3<3
This chapter was soooooooo cute! Just the right thing I needed now ^.^