Thirty Four

My SM Journey
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Dang! What should I do now? Why wouldn't this door move?!?! Open up! You idiot! I kept pushing the door forward but it refused to open up to me. I knocked on the door several times, hoping that someone inside would unlock the door for me but it was to no avail.

I am going to miss Chanyeol oppa. He's going to leave without me. He's going to hate me. No. No. No. I can't let that happen.

"Urgh. Damn it, open up! Stupid door! Open sesame! Like, NOW! " I screamed and cursed as I kicked the door frantically until someone, who was standing behind me, asked, "Noona, what are you doing?"

"I want to see Chanyeol oppa but this door wouldn't let me!" I cried in frustration without turning back to see who that person was. "I have to say sorry. I have to apologise to him. He's going to hate me for not sending him off properly."

"Noona! Noona! Look at me." That person said calmly as he spun me around and looked at me in my eyes. It was then that I found out that person was Jongin. "Noona, you have got to calm down!"

"Jong-jongin-ah, what are you doing here? Weren't you on the stage just 5 minutes ago? Did everyone leave already? Have I missed Chanyeol oppa again?" I asked with teary eyes. I was frustrated and confused.

"Uh, yeah. Our rehearsal kind of just ended and we were just about to head back to the dressing room. But I heard some noises coming from here. I got curious and I followed the sound and found you standing here and shouting at the solid door." He laughed loudly as though my actions were a mere joke to him.

I glared as him without saying anything as his laughter slowly died off when he saw how angry I was. "Sorry noona, I hate to tell you this. But the door says 'pull' not 'push'. You were pushing it all the while, that was why it didn't budge or listen to you. The door is not at fault. It's you."

I turned quickly and stared at the label that was on top of the metal handle. "Oh." I muttered, embarrassed. "Uhm. Thanks." I pushed down the metal bar once more and pulled the door backwards. It actually opened. "Thanks..." I repeated again.

Now, what have I done?

Gee. How am I going to face Jongin again?

All the commotions for nothing.

I am such an embarrassment.

"You're welcome, Noona." He smirked before heading back to where he was supposed to go before, taking long confident strides each time.

"And oh, before I forget. Chanyeol hyung should still be hanging around at the back of the stage with Kwangwook hyung. He has another solo stage performance for the concert. They are discussing." Jongin winked before disappearing around the corner. "And don't need to feel too grateful to me. I am just telling you because you are my friend."

"Thanks, Jongin-ah!" I shouted into the empty corridor, turning bright red from embarrassment.

Stop being such a bimbz. I scolded myself before heading to the back of the stage. The room was dark and dimly lit. There were many stage crews running around, trying to make sure that the rehearsal is conducted smoothly. I jumped and avoided all the tripping hazards - wires, sound systems, etc - lying around on the floor, searching for signs of Kwangwook oppa or Chanyeol oppa. However, my night blindness was not of much help for my frantic search.

I grabbed the arm of the one of the staffs running passed me, stopping her middle of her work. "Hey, have you seen Kwangwook oppa or Chanyeol oppa?"

She shook her head and gave me an annoyed look before rushing back to her work.

Oh gee. Thanks for the help.

Where on Earth is Chanyeol? Is he on the stage? I searched high and low at every corners of the room but I couldn't find the guy who was taller than any one of the crews here.


Chanyeol oppa. I spun around immediately, following the familiar deep and y voice that I have missed so so much. There he was, standing in front of me with his hands in his pockets, looking extremely good in his concert outfit. We stood there in silence, just staring at one another.

He still looked pretty much the same as what I remembered. Maybe even better. The American air must have changed him somehow for the better. I could feel a wide smile creeping back onto my face after three months as I continued to stare at him, from the top of his head to his feet, taking him in visually. Happiness would be an understatement to describe my emotions.

It felt surreal. It felt like a dream. At that moment, the world seemed to have slowed for us. Time stood still and all I could see, is him... The backgrounds blurred and the crews disappeared. We were in our own world.

"Oppa!" I screamed in excitment as I rushed forward to hug him, nearly tripping over the untapped wires on the ground. "Chanyeol oppa, I missed you." I inhaled his cologne and his scent. He smells just like how I remembered. He smella like home.

He put his hands around my waist hesitantly and held on to me tightly. He rested his chin on top of my head and sighed deeply.

"Chaeyeon-ah, I have missed you too." He said, not letting go. We stood there for another 5 minutes before he finally let his hands fall back to his sides reluctantly, breaking the reunion hug.

"Chaeyeon-ah, we should catch up during dinner. I have another schedule to rush for right now. We are going to film for our first American TV show appearence on 'The Ellen DeGeneres Show' tonight. I really want to stay but I can't. I am sorry. I will text you again!" Chanyeol said in a rush before gathering his belongings and left, leaving me behind in the middle of the backstage. Alone.

What? That's it?

So much for the grand reunion I was d

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Chapter 51: authornim ur story is daebak.i luv it.
Chapter 50: OMG its finished!! is there gonna be a sequel? if not its fine but really hoping for a sequel.
XauXeloola #3
Chapter 40: Umm authornim~~
I know youve finished the story but i wanted to ask something. did u ever go to maldives? cause the definitions are just too good!!
Im a maldivian so its awesome to see such a awesome scene in ur story!
dinarizqi #5
Chapter 49: omg you've done a great job authornim! i love this story!! do you live in maldives btw?
KiseopandEli #6
So many things I have to say.. BUt they all boil down to GREAT JOB
nelaeppo #7
Chapter 46: waaaaaa :D love the story. great job authornim ;)) keep writing! have a good day <3
nelaeppo #8
Chapter 46: waaaaaa :D love the story. great job authornim ;)) keep writing! have a good day <3
Chapter 46: Loved your story!! :)
Chapter 46: i loved your story. it was perfect