First Date and Kidnapped??

Our Love Is Beyond My Imagination


“Unnie! Are you sure you don’t wanna follow me going back to my dorms and meet other unnie?” Sohee asked.

“Nope. I will be fine. I don’t mind staying here alone. Im used to it.” I answered. Actually I have a different plans.

“Araso. I go first.” She hugs me and kiss me on the cheek. and then she left. Now there is only me in the dorm. The other girls have go back to their own dorms too.

After that I prepared myself. I wore a one piece white dress . I just let my hair free.  Simple make up. Basic compact powder, lipgloss and thin eyeliner. Ouh a light blusher.  Then I wear a frogskin glasses. As a covered, to avoid fans ofcourse.

I was locking the door when I received a text messages from Junho.

We are going to eat. Come and join us! Junsu-hyung cooked today! SNSD will come too.

Omo. How am I going to reply this.

Oppa. Mianhae. I have a meeting with my manager. Next time okay! Tell Junsu-oppa I heart him! Kekeke. ^^

I put my phone inside my bag. As I was about to walk to the elevator, Suju’s dorm door opened.

“______!!” Siwon shouted happily. Then I saw a few members more behind him.


“Ehh, where are you going honey? Come and join us! We are going to have some fun!” Eunhyuk said to me.

“Yah! Since when she is your honey?!” Shindong glared at him.

I chuckled. “ Emm, oppa..mianhae but I have meeting with Lea-unnie.”

“Lea? Your beautiful manager?” Yesung suddenly become so excited.

I nodded.

“Can I follow you?” He move closer to me.


“Emmm, oppa.. Not that I don’t want too but..”

“Yah! Yesung-hyung! Why so busy body?” Donghae said to him.

“But I just..” Yesung just stopped his words.

“Aishh. What took Kyuhyun and Heechul hyung so long? We’re late already!” Siwon look at his watch.

“Oppa.. will you excused me too? I am already late.” I said to them politely.  They understand and I walk away but I heard them whispering and giggling at my back. I just ignored it and get it the elevator. Suddenly the elevtor stopped at BigBang’s floor. They were waiting for the elevator and I greet them when I saw them.

“Dating?” Daesung ask me as soon as he entered the elevator.

“No..oppa. beside I don’t have boyfriend.” Okay, I lied to whom I already thought as family and they always considered me part Of their family too.

He chuckled. But then GD ask me.

“Then, where are you going now, alone?”

“Meeting Lea.” I said.

“Lea? But she’s back to _______(your country) this week right? You told us before. Because she need to manage something about her passport of something right.” Taeyang look me in the eyes.

I avoid his eyes. Damn. How could I fogot that I told them about Lea’s going back to my country for two weeks? I am the most idiot liars. “Emmm, uhmm.. she cancelled..ahh, no.” I came out with a better idea. “She wanna meet me before she’s going. Her plane is at 6pm.”

“Then why you wear so pretty? Just to meet her?”

Aisshhhh! This Choi Seunghyun! Why so… ughhh! But I cant be mad to them. Aigoo. “Why cant i?”

He shrugged his shoulder.

“Hey! Wanna follow us? We are going to shopping new outfits!” Seungri said.

“No, Seungri. I have no time. Lea’s in hurry you know. Sorry.” I really hope they could asking me so I wont lied anymore. Ughhh. And why is everybody keep asking me out?! I am not free! Before this when Im always alone on weekend why you guys never asked me out?! Only today when I have important things to do, everyone keep asking me out!

The elevator reached the groundfloor. BigBamg offered me a ride but I refused.  I told them I will go there with taxi. Another lie.

“Yahh.. what took you so long?” He ask as soon as I hoop in his white Audi.

“Sohee took so long packing her things, Junho texts me to go to 2PM’s dorm, your brothers asking me out  too and BigBang too. They make me took my time.”

“Who ask you to be sooooooooooooo popular?”

“Yahhh. Are you trying to fight with me? I am so tired covering us and you keep babbling to me. You are supposed to…”

A pecked on my lips. I blushed. He pulled the seatbelt for me.

“Ready to go for our first date, princess?” He adjust his seatbelt and his hands already on the steering wheel.

“Whatever.” I pouted.

“Whatever? Are you sure?”

I keep pouting. A peck on my lips again.

“Yahh.. don’t do that. What if someone see us?”

He just giggled. “Anyway, you look so pretty in that dress today. Extra pretty!” He said and he start the engine.

I grinned and look at him. He look at me. Grinning too.

“Thankyou. Lets go now.” I wiped his lips wuth my thumbs since there was a stained of my lipgloss on his lips.

He smirked. “My princess really loves to get compliment, huh?”

I just smiled.



We went to his favourite restaurant. Luckily not many people or fans there.  We eat and talk about so many things. It is like getting know each other. He even ask me a little bit about my so-famous past relationships. I just told him what he wanna know. He was quite open.  He told me that before me, it’s been two years before his last break up.

After eating we walk around the park. He never let go of my hands. And sometimes he old my waist or my shoulder. We are so happy at the moment. Although it is just a normal date but it is so meaningful to us since we can go date as normal people and not as a celebrity. We walk to a street were a famous designers brands boutiques and shops located. He asked me whether I wanna go shopping or not. but I don’t  feel like to. He then stopped at one famous jewelry shop. He ask me to wait for him outside the shop. I just nodded.

“Jungsoo-ah, don’t be too long.” I said.

“Araso.” He said and went inside the shop.




She waited for him. It already took him 15minutes. She look at people surrounding bluntly. Not many people though. But at the moment she feel uneasy. She feel like someone was watching for her. She looks a round again. No one suspicious. Besides, she can even count how many people were actually on the streets. Suddenly her phone ringing. Unknown number. She hesitated to pick up at first but later on she still pick it up.

“Hello….” She wonders.



Suddenly someone caught her from her back and covered before she can yell. Her phone slipped from her hands. She struggled but that person was a man and he is way to strong than her. She barely can see his face since he was covering his face. Then she realized that actually there were 3 man that she struggled with.

“______-ah! Keep quite. I don’t wanna hurt you!” He whispered. But his voice sounds familiar.

“Yah! Pickup her phones!” The other guy ordered his mates.

Suddenly a van came and they get ________ inside the van.





I finished paying all the things and went outside the shop. I was surprised that _______ was not there. I called her names a few times and look around. I take out my phone and dialed her number.

“Hello, _____-ah! Where are you?” I asked as soon as I heard the phone was picked up.

“Ahh~ Teuk..”

“Yah! Pabo! Turn off the phone!”

I heard a guy voice. More than one. Quarelling on my girlfriend’s phone? Eyhh, this is weird.

Suddenly someone attacked me from the back. Before I could do anything, I was covered with a cloth. I can barely heard them talking before I passed out.

“Yah! They should put this to _______ before to let her faints! If she hurted, we might die if our ‘big boss’ know!”

“They are stupid. Just lift him to the van now.”



Well, a short update. Maybe? Hehe

I will start to put a REAL TITLE on every chapter now. will edit the previous one later on. ^^

Anyway,, how was your holidays?? Hope you have fun! 2012 is coming! :D

*comments replies*

AyameEeteuk : i always imagined how Teuk can be cute if he had a girlfriend. Hehe! and Updated! ^.~

Gina33 : i am happy you are happy! hehe. <3 here is my twitter acc. tell me it is you when you follow me okay! =D!/fira_lee :D

sapphirebluesuju : hehe! glad you love it! another update! hehe. ;3

ihanchul : heechul just being heechul like always! hehe. wait for surprise in next chapter! i am sure you will love it *hopefully* hehe :D

MayMadiha : hehe. you can cheat on kyu but please cheat on him with another guy and not my teuk. LOL. ;)

nerdkpopgirl : haha. indeed! heechul are sneakyy! wait for his special surprised next chapter! hope you will love it! =)


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Chapter 50: OMG! OMG! OMG! DAEBAKKKK~ Author-nim *bows* I AM YOUR FAN #1. THIS CHAPTER MADE ME CRY & SOB LIKE A RIVER! JungSoo how could you?!? Anyways to the sequel ->
Chapter 37: Poor Seunghyun :'(
Chapter 29: OK. THIS.IS.THE.BEST.CHAPTER.EVER!! Author-nim you are the best! *applause*
Chapter 24: OMG!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!! *fangirling so hard* and i want TOP & her comeback together ... *to the next chapter*
koreaboo_trash #6
hiii!!~ I was wondering if I could like revise this story for you!
and like you can repost each new revised chapter on a new story thing. I'd also like to post this story on quotev, too! ^^
if not, it's ok! I'm not trying to say this story is bad considering english is not your first language, it's great, really also considering it's your first fanfic!
I would have sent this message to you privately on here, but I to be honest, don't know how so yea.. XD
hyo-jin #7
Chapter 50: Love it!!!!
Chapter 50: Thank you for the wonderful story. :)) I will be reading the sequel. ^^
kwangx #9
it amazing
Chapter 50: Omg I can't even. Leeteuk u....
I started out with reading the first 6 ch of the sequel and u said ur English is bad but it's better than the other stories I've read by non fluent English speaking authors
Anyway your story is just amazing