They Actually Came

Indecisive Love

*Hana's POV*

My eyes opened to a dark room, ‘Where am I? Oh right…Taemin brought me here.’ Sitting up I recalled the incidents that took place earlier on in the day. "Taemin…why?" I turned my head and saw something shocking but decided to ignore it and limped out of the bedroom. With every step I took, my injured knee cap throbbed with pain. As I came close to the main area, I heard familiar voices quietly chattering.

"Hey Hana!" Jonghyun approached me when I stepped into the room, "How are you doing? Feeling any better?"

From his questions and concerned voice, I figured that Taemin had told everyone about the incident this afternoon. "A little better." I weakly smiled at him trying my level best to keep a grimace off my face.

"Oh let me introduce you to the members you haven’t met yet…this is our leader, Onew, he really loves chicken. Remember if you ever want anything from him, then bribe him with chicken.” Jonghyun gave a small laugh and helped me sit on one of the sofas.

Onew flashed a huge grin before playfully waving at me, “Hi, Hana, it’s finally nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you from Jonghyun.”

“This is Minho, our charismatic prince. Be careful of his charms because he’s good at making girls fall for him.” Jonghyun continued the introduction, and Minho gave a small bow while sporting a heart-melting smile.

“And my name is Key, I am known as the diva of the group. Nice to finally meet the girl that hyung has been talking a lot about. Now I can see why our mak-” Before Key could finish his sentence, Jonghyun whacked the back of his head. “Hyung, what was that for?”

“Don’t go cutting off your hyung when I’m introducing everyone. Don’t mind him, Hana, he likes talking way too much.”

“Whatever, hyung. Hana, are you hungry? We have pizza."

"Thanks but I really need to get home, my friends will be worried. I’m sure that they are already worried."

"Hana, there is no way any of us here will let you go back home in the dark, especially in your current condition." Jonghyun shook his head as the leader agreed with his dongsaeng.

"But oppa, I ne-"

"No Hana, we will not listen to any excuses. You are going to say here tonight and that is final." Jonghyun oppa’s stubbornness made me reluctant to listen to him because I was certain that I wouldn’t win against him.

"Hey, hyungs, what are-" A few men made their way into the room but stopped as soon as their eyes landed on me.

“Nuna? What happened to you?” Tao gasped before he and Chen rushed to me, “How did you get hurt?”

“Tao, don’t bother her right now. She doesn’t look like she is in the condition to answer your questions.” Suho oppa gave a small smile while patting his worried dongsaeng’s shoulder.

Kai walked towards Taemin and took a seat beside him as both of them quietly watched and listened to us. He seemed very down, most likely because of what I said to him this afternoon.

"Sorry, nuna. The atmosphere seems way too heavy…oh I know! Nuna, you wanna play video games with me and Chen?”

“Tao, Chen, your nuna is not in the condition to play any games." Jonghyun said in an unhappy tone as the two boys pouted.

"I can always watch you two play." I giggled at their cute pouts to which the two dongsaengs chorused a "Yay!" After spending two hours watching the two boys play video games, I walked out into the balcony to get some fresh air.

"Beautiful view, isn't it?" Jonghyun strolled next to me and leaned against the railing with the help of his elbows.

"Yes it is. I like the ocean view." The water, despite its darkness, shimmered in the moonlight while a slight breeze tickled our cheeks.

"When we got this house and saw the beautiful view, the five of us thought of you."

I gave him a confused look not understanding what he meant, “Of me?”

"You always use to stand in the balcony and enjoy the view of our garden." He was referring to my habit two years ago when I was with them. “Hana, can I tell you something?"


"You promise to listen?" He glanced at me from the corner of his eye to catch a nod.

"When you boarded the airplane that day, a few minutes later‒Taemin and Kai showed up."

My eyes widened but I remained mute waiting for him to continue, ‘They what?’

"They stood near the windows with their full attention on the plane. Neither one of them moved or said anything until your plane was out of sight. From their expressions, I could tell that they regretted their behavior towards you. That day Hana, they didn't come to say goodbye to you‒Taemin and Kai came to stop you…"

My gaze drifted from Jonghyun to the dark, shimmering ocean as my mind went back to Taemin’s room. When I arose from the bed, my eyes fell on a nightstand between the two beds. A pair of teddy bears, each holding half a heart with the words I Love You embossed on it, sat against the wall. I also saw a wand and spell book placed beside the teddy bears in the center of the nightstand. That wasn’t all because above the bed that I slept on hung a framed sketch of Taemin standing in the balcony gazing at the moon.

‘He kept all the gifts that I gave him…'

"Hana, you better get some rest."

"Jonghyun oppa, where-" I turned my head to see him gone, “He didn’t tell me where I am staying.” Sighing I headed back into the house hoping to find Jonghyun, Onew, or Suho but instead I found Kai. We stared at each other for a moment until I broke the silence and spoke, "Do you know where I am supposed to stay?"

He led me to the guest bedroom after which I awkwardly bowed and thanked him before heading into the room. Stopping at the door I spun about to face him, "You look good when you are smiling, but not when you are sad." Flashing a smile I went into the room hoping that he would at least cheer up a bit.  A few minutes later Taemin entered my room, marched up to me, and took a sit at the edge of my bed. He reached over to my injured knee and began unwrapping the bandage around my left knee. The entire time my eyes were glued to his flawless, handsome face as he remained focus on completing his job. After he finished replacing my old bandages with fresh ones, Taemin glanced at me.


*Yunho's POV*

‘Where could she be?' None of us had seen Hana for the whole day yesterday, and she refused to answer our phone calls. ‘I was getting very worried. I hope she is okay.’  

"Yunho oppa?"

Recognizing the voice I swiftly spun around, "Hana where-" the bandages on her left knee and her right hand caught my undivided attention, "Hana, what happened? Are you alright? How did you get hurt? Did-"

She placed her left hand on my mouth, "Oppa relax. I am fine. I tripped and hurt myself."


*Hana's POV*

I decided to skip the part about the three goons and Taemin because I knew oppa will get worried and possibly upset. He gently embraced me, "Don't ever disappear without tell at least one of us about your whereabouts. Do you have any idea how worried we were?"

"I am sorry." I returned his hug and rested my head on his shoulder, “I really am okay.”

"Don't let it happen again, please."

"Oppa, you care too much about me."

"How can I not care about you? You don't care about yourself, so there had to be someone who should care for you."

‘How can I even think about‒I hate you two very much, especially you, Taemin…'


*Yunho's POV*

Hana's grip around me got tighter as is she was afraid of losing me. I kept on getting the feeling that she is hiding something from me. "Hana is something the matter?"

She shook her head and loosened her arms around me, "Oppa, are you doing anything today?"

"Not that I know of…"

"Do you want to go somewhere?" For the first time since we meet, Hana had asked me if I wanted to go out with her; usually I would be the one asking her but for an unknown reason, she asked the question today. A smiled formed on my lips, "How about the beach?"

"I would love to go there."


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UknowAde #1
Chapter 11: so does it mean that Hana doesn't love Yunho at all? ouch. I feel the pain of Yunho is feeling right now...
awwww, so good!!!!
Chapter 3: KYAAAA that was so gooooood!!!!
Chapter 2: Update soon author-nim! I REALLY LOVE IT :D