5. Kim Jonghyun. (Completed)

One Shots

[A/N: I have been on many Korean articles sites that I will not mention and reading the comments that "fans" leave have disgusted me. One of the many negatives say that Jonghyun is "ugly" and I just had to write myself a story. It might not even reach him or any idol, but I just want to spread my own thoughts in this story with things I can only dream of telling my biases and any other Idol who has been called ugly.]


"He was pacing back and forth in the living room again. You could just hear his footsteps then a pause every now and then along with a deep sigh.Your best friend, Kim Jonghyun, had come to your house in the middle of the night because he needed to escape the suffocating air of being an idol. You told him you were going to sleep and that he could make himself at home like he always did, but now, you regretted leaving him alone.

 He is letting the comments get to him again. Damnit Jonghyun. You couldn't take it anymore. You slipped out from under the covers of your bed and walked out the room to find him. "Jonghyun, come on.. lets get you to bed, okay?" You had a small frown on your face, it only deepening when you saw him. 

He was sitting on the couch now, his head hanging and resting in his palms of his hands. "I am ugly." 

You could hear his words, although they were only a whisper. You quickly walked over to him and sat next to him, "What? How can you say that about yourself, Jonghyun?" 

"Because it's true. Everyone thinks so... Shawol... What do I do..?" 

He had given up on everything, and his voice cracked. His tears began to stream down his cheeks and you couldn't stand to watch him like this.You pulled him into your arms, holding him so tightly to you. You tried whispering soft, kind, and caring words to him. "Jonghyun... You can't listen to those people.. They don't know you. You don't know them. Their words shouldn't matter."

This couldn't stop him from letting everything out. His face was hidden in the crook of your neck and you felt the tears just falling from his eyes onto your shirt. You held onto him and ran your fingers through his hair. His hair was soft and smooth as always. You lifted his chin and wiped his tears away, "Its okay, Jonghyun. I'm here... You can cry all you need to. I'll always be here for you.."

Seeing this side of Jonghyun made your heart crack more. You wanted so dearly to keep him smiling, to remove all the evil that made him sad. You wanted his smile to never go away, but most of all you wanted him to have more self confidence in himself. You wanted so badly for him to see just how perfect he is. His imperfections made him the man you love.  He looked at you with those eyes that you once so dearly loved to see filled with joy, but they were now clouded with sadness, sorrow, emptiness.. His bags became more prominant and his skin much more pale. You always loved him, not for his appearance because of who he is.

Jonghyun was always known as the y idol, and mantaining that image is incredibly difficult when standards change. You never cared about his apperance, though. All you cared about was whether he was smiling and proud of himself. You always made sure to tell him just how proud you were of him, but tonight..That didn't seem to matter to him. Nothing seemed to matter to him. He was broken. He felt no hope and nothing would fix him.

"Jonghyun.. I know its hard to ignore those people, but.. You have me.. Isn't that something good? You have the rest of SHINee.. They and I... we are here for you. You don't need those comments. Jonghyun, if only you knew just how perfect you are.. Just how amazing you are... Just how handsome you are.. If only you knew how much I loved you.." You words coming out as a whisper reached his mind and were as loud as a bullhorn. 

"Y-You... love me?" You heard that small, defenseless voice speak up. Then you felt his head raise up from your shoulder, "You... Think I'm handsome?" 

You felt your breath hitch. You just confessed your feelings to him. And he heard you this time.  "U-Uh.. Well.. I mean.. yeah I mean... Why wouldn't you be amazing. You took a stand against Child Abuse... Jonghyun.. You aren't ugly. You are far from it because of who you are. Appearance isn't everything.. In fact it means nothing to me.." You looked away, now embarrassed that he knew how you felt about him. You sighed, "But I know you don't feel the same way about me.. I mean how can you? You don't even know I exist sometimes. But I don't need to be your girlfriend to be happy... I just need to know that you are happy and smiling.. And most importantly, proud of yourself. If I know that you are okay, smiling, happy... That's all I need.. Just.. Just don't let those people get to you.. Just remember... Shawol-ssi Loves you... ""

Jonghyun looked up from the laptop screen. Someone... Feels this way about me? They care this much about me, to write a story about me...? 


[A/N: So what did you guys think about my little story? Did you get it? Please comment if you understood what I tried to do.. It's kinda a play on roles. Haha... But um... yeah... lemme know if you liked it ^^]

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Chapter 4: When will you complete it???
Chapter 4: Waiting for it to be complete
fyteenwold #3
Chapter 5: KYUNGSOO ................
Chapter 6: Ohhh it's awesome so far!
My feels!
I look forward to what will happen next ^.^
Once it's finished I'll link it to Emelie ^.^
Beware, she will crazy fangirl o.o
Sooooo if I were to to request a Suho x OC one shot for a sick little friend of mine would that be okay? These are awesome btw :)