Chapter 86

Baby Don't Cry

"We can still think of another way to search for her Baekhyun, you know that" 

"No.. I don't want anyone's help Kai. I want to do this on my own" Baekhyun said still standing firm with his decision. He knows he may not be able to find Taeyeon but neither he wants to use the power he has to search for her. No, he doesn't want it to go that way, he wanted to look for her by himself and show her that he's sincere. 

"Then at least let me help you" Kai begged further and Baekhyun sighed, placing his hand over Kai's shoulder Baekhyun smiled and shook his head. "You do your own thing and I do mine. Besides, you still need to get Yoona back right?" Baekhyun said and Kai sighed as he frustratedly ruffled his hair before breathing deeply. 

"I don't even know if she still wants me" Kai said and Baekhyun smiled weakly. "It's all because of me.." Baekhyun saod remorsefully and Kai shook his head. "It was mine.. I shouldn't have asked you to do that stupid deal in the first place" Kai said and Baekhyun smiled weakly. 

"Don't blame yourself anymore. It's already done, just try to have Yoona back again? Maybe it's not too late" Baekhyun said and Kai nodded his head. Getting into his car, Baekhyun waved one last time before driving off. He doesn't know what will happen, he doesn't know what the outcome will be if he sees Taeyeon, he doesn't know what to exactly do but all he's sure is that he won't leave unless Taeyeon forgives him. 

That's what he's going to do. 

You're useless.. 

Taeyeon's tired of it already, she's already used to hearing it a thousand times but it seems like her mind doesn't want to stop yet. If she can, she already told her mind to shut up but that won't happen and she knows that, she hates hearing those words play inside her mind because as long as it does, it just makes Taeyeon realize how useless she really is. 

She's battered, she's broken, she's bruised. 

But no one cares, no one did. She walked down the streets, not knowing where her father had gone. She wanted to stop him, she wanted to let him know that she cares for him but he shut his heart close. He doesn't want Taeyeon in his life anymore, his life only revolved with drinking, gambling and hruting his only daughter, blaming her with her mother's death. 

Looking at her hands, Taeyeon sighed as scratches, bruises and wounds cover up her arms. She felt so weak, she felt so much pain but it didn't stopped her to look for her father. She still cares for him, she still cares even when he did nothing but to hurt her. 

Looking up, she noticed that the sky is getting darker already. How long has she been out? She doesn't know, she just got beaten up this morning, didn't have any food at all and no out in the streets looking for her father. Oh, how good life is to her, Taeyeon thought as she chuckled sarcastically. She pitied herself. 

Walking limply, Taeyeon stopped walking when she heard a car engine just beside her. The car was unfamiliar and the window was tinted, getting scared, Taeyeon fastened her pace thinking that something might happen to her. She doesn't know who's inside it neither there are people at the streets that hour. 

But since she's weak, Taeyeon failed and her knees gave up. Falling down on the pavement, Taeyeon pushed herself up and before she knew it, a pair of hands already held her arms and helped her stood up. She winced in pain but as soon as she opened her eyes, she instantly froze in place. 

"W-What.. are you doing here?" Taeyeon asked barely audible but instead of answering her, the person scanned her face with brows scrunched up. "What happened to you?" The person asked in worry and Taeyeon pulled hereself away from the person's grip. 

"I asked you first" Taeyeon answered coldly. "I'm here for you Taeyeon" 

"Baekhyun.. stop please.." 

"What happened to you?" Baekhyun asked before reaching out to Taeyeon's arm only to cause her to wince in pain again. "Just please let me alone" Taeyeon said and Baekhyun sighed, before shaking his head and taking Taeyeon's wrist and dragging her towards the car. 

Opening the door, Baekhyun pushed Taeyeon inside and slammed the door close. Before walking towards the driver's seat, if this is the only way for him to make sure that Taeyeon's alright then so be it. He's worried about her and he's not going to let her go without knowing how she really is. 

"Just please.. let me leave. Baekhyun.. please" Taeyeon begged but Baekhyun already locked the doors and drove away. "No.. not until I make sure that you're okay" Baekhyun said sternly with his eyes focused on the road. His grip on the steering wheel tightened, he knew how this happened to Taeyeon and he's not going to forgive the person that caused her to be like this.

"I'm okay" Taeyeon answered, weakly.

"Okay? How can you tell me you're okay when you're like that?" Baekhyun asked still focused on driving. "I'm really okay" Taeyeon retorted and Baekhyun sighed before slamming the steering wheel hardly causing Taeyeon to flinch. "Stop lying to me.. don't you know how it hurts me to see you like this?" Baekhyun said turning his head to look at her and Taeyeon only sighed. 

"How did you even know I'm here?" Taeyeon asked trying to divert Baekhyun's attention. She doesn't want to answer him, not when they're still a blur, not when they're still in a mess. 

"Where else would you be? Just take a rest.. I'll wake you up when we arrive at the hospital" Baekhyun said and Taeyeon looked down before nodding her head. She knows that there's not point if they argue again, besides, she's already weak and she doesn't want to waste her remaining energy anymore. 

She doesn't want to arque with him. 

She hates arguing with him.


Baekhyun's voice broke the train of Taeyeon's thoughts. Nodding her head, Taeyeon rested her back on the seat and leaned her head on the window before closing her eyes. 

Thinking that's already asleep, Baekhyun reached his other hand out to Taeyeon and removed the fringe that covered Taeyeon's face. Caressing her cheeks, Baekhyun sighed as he smiled weakly before looking back into the road and retreating his hands back, Taeyeon on the other hand slightly opened her eyes and heard him say..

"I'm sorry.. I really am" 


A/N: Update~ 

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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 29: Tae is me..
KimHyunaTaeyeon #2
Chapter 5: Kinda reminds me of 10 things I hate about you
ziualhaq #3
Chapter 100: such a great story, but in the end of the story you're not tell us about how's baek and taeyeon make it up? hehe
oh ya you should give some space if you want to move to the other line.
but you've worked hard.. thank you, I think I miss baekyeon. as always
this book is daebak authornim
byunxotae #5
I love this fanfics, you are so daebak authornim!!
Chapter 23: fluffffffffffffffff
juiflifi #8
Chapter 100: Omg. This is amazing, i cried . . . ㅠㅠ. This is the best story I've ever read I think
Chapter 100: Omgg I cried many times ;( one of the best stories I've ever read! Good writing skills and ideas :))) keep up the good work!
Chapter 69: OMGGG so cheesy kekekeke