Chapter 84

Baby Don't Cry

Only the light of the moon comes shining through the dark and empty room. A lone body lying on the cold floor, a lone body full of bruises and scratches.Taeyeon just lied there, letting lone tears escape her already bloodshot eyes, she wanted to stop it but the pain she feels emotionally is much more painful that what she feels physically. 

She doesn't want to cry, not especially when her dad's around. 

She doesn't want to come back, but she doesn't have anywhere to go.

She doesn't to feel this kind of pain anymore, but she knows she can't run away with it. 


She uickly jolted up upon hearing her father's voice calling her name, she wiped her tears away not wanting him to see it. Looking through the mirror, Taeyeon sighed as she walked towards the door and is about to open the knob when her door bursted open. 

"I'm calling you!" Her father shouted right at her face causing Taeyeon to stumble backwards. "I'm sorry dad.. I--" 


"Save it! Go out and buy me a drink you useless kid!" Taeyeon's father shouted and Taeyeon nodded her head as she limply walked out of the room and towards the front door. Without even turning back, Taeyeon opened the door and gently closed it. 

Walking towards the streets, Taeyeon looked up at the sky as she let out a heavy sigh, looking down, Taeyeon shook her head as tears tried to escape her eyes. Quickly wiping it away, Taeyeon took a deep breath. 

I hope you're here mom, Taeyeon thought. Maybe dad won't treat me this way, she added. 

It was the truth, her dad changed when her mom died. He blamed it all on her, he lost his own sanity and that made him treat his own daughter badly. Taeyeon can never blame him though, because she kept in mind that her dad just loves her mom so much that it made him lose himself when he lost her. 

Stopping her pace, Taeyeon entered the store and walked around inside it trying to find what her father wants. Picking up a small basket and stopping at the fridge full of beverages, Taeyeon opened the door and picked up several bottles when she suddenly felt uncomfortable. Turning towards her side, Taeyeon saw an old lady looking at her. 

"Is there anything I can help you grandma?" Taeyeon asked kindly. "You're Taeyeonie?" The old woman asked and Taeyeon furrowed her brow trying to remember if she knows this old woman and indeed she does, letting out a small smile, Taeyeon gave the old lady a polite bow. 

"Yes grandma.. it's me" Taeyeon said and the old lady walked closer sandwiching Taeyeon's face in between her hands before giving her a tight hug causing Taeyeon to wince in pain because of the bruises she had. Trying her best to hide it, Taeyeon faked a smile. 

"You've really grown.. I've never seen you around here for a while" The old lady said with a frown and Taeyeon scratched her nape. Truthfully, she's really close with the old lady that she bumped into just now, the old lady knows everything around her and the old lady is the only person that's brave enough to help Taeyeon when her father beats her up when she's younger. 

"That's because I left to study grandma.. but now.. I think.. I'm back for good" Taeyeon said as she faked a smile. For good? She doesn't think so, she thinks her situation back in Seoul is way better than her situation here. After all she got Yoona there and she got no one here. 

"For good eh? I wish you just stayed there for the rest of your life, I hate seeing you get beaten up by your own father" The old lady said with a frown and Taeyeon forced a smile even when she's really broken and hurt inside, the old lady's words made her realize that someone still cares for her. 

"I can't grandma.. my father still needs me" Taeyeon said and the old lady chuckled as she lightly patted Taeyeon's cheek but then retreated back when she saw a forming bruise beside Taeyeon's lips. "What happened to you? Did you get beaten up again?" The old lady asked with worry and Taeyeon looked down trying to avoid the gaze that the old lady is giving her. 

"Uhh.. no.. this is nothing grandma" Taeyeon said forcing a smile at the same time. Shaking her head, the old woman sighed. "I know you better than that.. come at my place and let me treat your wound" The old lady said and Taeyeon nodded her head before making her way towards the counter and buying the drinks her father wanted. 

After doing so, the old lady immediately dragged Taeyeon towards her house.

"Grandma.. I should probably go now" Taeyeon said or more like pleaded when the old woman was done treating her scrapes. Looking a her with a stern yet worried look, the old woman just sighed as she shook her head and rubbed Taeyeon's arm. 

"You shouldn't have gone back home" The old woman said and Taeyeon smiled weakly. "This is still my home grandma.. no matter what" Taeyeon said and the old lady just nodded her head not knowing where all of Taeyeon's patience and kindness towards her dad is coming from. 

"I just hope that your father will stop treating you badly. I've seen how you've grown into a beautiful young lady and I know that you don't deserve all the treatment that's coming from your father. I like you too for being such a good daughter and trust me.. you deserve more" The old lady said with a warm smile on her face and Taeyeon smiled sadly. 

Does she? Because she felt like worse, she felt like she doesn't even deserve to be called hre father's daughter. She felt worthless. 

She felt like she's a failure. 

A mistake. 

"Thank you grandma.. and.. as much as I want to stay here my dad waits for me" Taeyeon said getting up from her seat and the old lady halfheartedly nodded her head. She knows she can't meddle with Taeyeon's business with her father but all she wants is for him to treat his daughter right. 

"Alright.. I'll pray that he won't hurt you anymore" The old lady said and Taeyeon smiled weakly before nodding her head. 

"Thank you grandma" Taeyeon said and the old lady smiled and walked towards the door, opening it for her. 

"Be safe" 


A/N: Hey there guys.. 

I apologize for not updating yesterday and the other day. I was.. kinda caught in a small accident and I just gained full conciousness last night. I was running around the house yesterday trying to get all my things done before I leave for a party when I suddenly slipped backwards and banged my head on the floor >< I remained lying there for a few seconds slipping out of conciousness when I heard my sister shout my name and then heard sobs soon after. I was closing my eyes when I heard my grandmother telling me not to close it so I did and tried stay awake so I tried to push myself up saw some scrapes and scratches then I reached out for the back of my head then I guess you already know what happened next >< 

Soooo.. I'm still trying to regain my strength back but I think I'm fine now. Maybe I'm still a bit shocked with what happened but then again I'm glad that I didn't break any bones and only gained scratches, some small bruises a banged head and yeah.. unfortunately a braced neck ><

Freaking goodness, I thought I'm not going to be able to wake up anymore.. 

Thanks for reading~ and thanks for taking up the time to read my note 


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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 29: Tae is me..
KimHyunaTaeyeon #2
Chapter 5: Kinda reminds me of 10 things I hate about you
ziualhaq #3
Chapter 100: such a great story, but in the end of the story you're not tell us about how's baek and taeyeon make it up? hehe
oh ya you should give some space if you want to move to the other line.
but you've worked hard.. thank you, I think I miss baekyeon. as always
this book is daebak authornim
byunxotae #5
I love this fanfics, you are so daebak authornim!!
Chapter 23: fluffffffffffffffff
juiflifi #8
Chapter 100: Omg. This is amazing, i cried . . . ㅠㅠ. This is the best story I've ever read I think
Chapter 100: Omgg I cried many times ;( one of the best stories I've ever read! Good writing skills and ideas :))) keep up the good work!
Chapter 69: OMGGG so cheesy kekekeke