Flashes of Color

The Cabin: Volume 3




After quite a long rehearsal, the girls found themselves relaxing in a dressing room backstage.

It was 4:15 and they would go onstage at six. It turned out that a lot of business men and women would also be at the event, along with the people conducting the auditions. Wendy had believed they would be supporting the people actually auditioning but that wouldn’t start until later on the weekend. This was one more strange thing she needed to talk with Irene about tonight.

Wendy wanted to ask Manager-Unnie about the auditions but decided against it. They were still performing in her home town and she was proud.






The only problem with their dressing room was that there was a huge clock hanging on the wall, constantly ticking. To add to the nervous energy and the clock, Joy asked incessant questions that everyone tried to ignore.


“Wonder what’s going on in Korea?”




“How many people are going to be here tonight?”




“Are we the only people performing?




“Are there any snacks?”




“I hate performing in these cheer outfits!”




“What’s for dinner?”




Finally, Seulgi grew tired of the tick tock of the clock and pulled it down, taking the battery out.

Wendy took it upon herself to answer all of Joy’s questions at once: People are getting ready for work. 1,000 people. No, a band is here too. There’s a vending machine down the hall. We’ll have to change into our suits for Be Natural. My mom is cooking dinner but I’m not sure what it is.

Joy smiled and nodded at the nervous Wendy, “Sorry,” she mouthed. Wendy laughed and smiled in return.

With an hour left, the nerves were still coursing through their veins, but it would be those nerves that would get them through it.






At 5:30, they were ready to perform. The girls remained on the couches and warmed up their voices. In the distance they could hear the murmur of the audience. Perhaps not an audience they would normally perform in front of, but one they were delighted to perform for.

The minutes passed by quickly then and 5:30 turned to 5:45. 5:45 sped onward to 5:50, and then they were holding hands in a circle directly beside the stage. They said  encouraging words to one another, and When 5:59 hit they were in formation for Happiness. The tropical beat hit, the stage lights flashed, and at 6:00 they began their performance.






After they had finished and gone back to the dressing room, most of the performance developed like snapshots in Wendy’s brain.

Flashes of the green, tangerine, and pink of their outfits flitted past her vision. Bright lights landed on her as she sang her “Shine on Me” line. A swift run they’d made to change into suits came into view. The smell of sweat and cherry blossoms as the curtain closed and Irene grabbed her hand.

As if in a daze, Wendy’s mind recalled all these moments, and then she was awakened as Manager Unnie appeared to congratulate them on a job well done.

“Where are Wendy’s parents?” Seulgi asked, collapsing on a couch.  At the mention of her name, Wendy’s eyes opened wide.

“Yes,” Irene said, "Where are they?"

“We need to greet them, are they still in the audience?” Joy asked.

“I’m not sure,” Manager Unnie said reluctantly, “Were they here?”

“Of course they were here, the company invited them,” Irene said.

Manager Unnie and the stylists look dismayed.

“I…don’t think they…were invited to this…I was told that today on the phone,” Manager Unnie stuttered.

Now Wendy was fully alert, “What do you mean they weren’t invited?” she said in English, trying to stay calm.

Irene startled at Wendy’s use of English with their manager, knowing she wouldn’t understand Wendy.

Though she only captured a few words, their manager made a quick reply, “This….event was for shareholders, and those holding the auditions, the public was not invited,” Manager Unnie said, her voice strained.

“My family is no ordinary member of the public,” Wendy said, her face showing anger. Seulgi stood up then readying herself for a probable shouting match, but it never came.

Instead Wendy remained cool, and Irene knew that this quiet side of Wendy was worse than if she had screamed, “Where’s my phone unnie? I need it now,” Her voice ghost-like.

“It’s in my bag,” Manager unnie rushed to retrieve the phone, “Please Wendy, I had to go along with this because of the company, I’m sorry, I just found out today.”

“Phone,” Wendy said, manager unnie handed over the phone, and Wendy only needed to glance at it,“My parents have tried to call for hours, why did you not just let them know they weren’t invited? I knew something was wrong when they showed up in that stupid purple van to pick us up,” Wendy said, her voice still calm, and then she whispered, “All of it, a bribe to butter them up, do we even get to stay here after this?” She looked ready to panic.

“Of course, Wendy. We’re all staying, it’s just this one piece of the puzzle that didn’t go as planned.”

“Excuse me, I need to go call them and explain this,” Wendy said, on the verge of tears.

Irene grabbed Wendy’s hand, “I’m going with you.”

Wendy smiled through the pain and shook her head, “Not now, I want to be alone for a moment,” She squeezed Irene’s hand and took her leave. Irene watched Wendy until the door shut.






“That was a really low down and dirty move, Unnie,” Joy said to their manager.

“I know, we thought they would be allowed to come, that’s why I let Wendy’s parents know about our arrival, the company called me when I was checking on the van and told me about this news.”

“Is this because of Wendy and I?” Irene asked quietly, “We both know that you know, are you holding it against us?”

“No, well not me or the stylists, I’m happy for you two,” Manager Unnie said, “This decision was from higher up the food chain.”

“Wendy was looking forward to performing in front of her parents, who knows when or if we may be able to come back,” Seulgi said, “This is unbelievable.”

“At least we’re still here for the rest of the week,” one of the stylists said.

“Yeah, that’s a great consolation prize for missing out on important moments with family,” Joy said.

“This isn’t your fault entirely unnie,” Irene said, “But we’ll be riding with Wendy’s parents’ home, it may be best to disregard the invitation for dinner.

Their manager nodded in agreement, “

 I’ll be responsible for the girls, we’ll keep in contact with you,” Irene said, “Enjoy the city.”

“Okay, we’ll leave you to change,” Manager Unnie said.

At this moment, Wendy walked back through the door.

“Is everything alright, baby?” Irene asked.

“As much as it can be, they’re still a bit upset, but they understand. They’ll be back to pick us up in a bit.”

“I’m sorry for the deception, this is the only lesson I’ll need, I won’t let you down again. The company forced this on me as well. I apologize,” Unnie said.

“Apology accepted,” Wendy said brightly, masking the pain. Her eyes red, but playful even now, “Just be glad my mom didn’t turn out to be a stage mom,” She laughed at her own thought.

“Stage-uh Mom?” Manager Unnie repeated.






The car ride home was very quiet. Wendy’s Dad was on his third trip that day. The first was dropping them off for the rehearsal, the second, getting rejected at the door, and now, driving the four back to his home for the evening.

He’d told Wendy to sit up front with him in the SUV, the other three crowded in the back. Thus far Mr. Son hadn’t said a word, but he looked contemplative.

Finally after several moments of silence he spoke up, “We were looking forward to seeing you live girls—“ He choked up slightly at the thought and couldn’t finish speaking. Wendy bowed her head.

“Appa, I’m sorry,” Irene spoke first, “We didn’t know anything about it. I should have asked more questions and found out the truth. We all wanted you there. No one wanted you and Mrs. Son there  more than Seungwan.”

Wendy’s emotions overflowed for a moment and she whimpered sadly.

“Thank you, Joohyun, we know none of you had anything to do with this,” Irene nodded and sunk back to her seat, “Wendy, look at me.”

With a few tears falling she looked to her father, “Wendy this isn’t your fault, we’ve played the fool for the company ourselves today and no blame is on you or the girls. Besides,” he said, “You’ve got a vacation ahead of you, enjoy it, and don’t be upset alright?” He smiled.

Wendy dried her face and smiled back. Even though her thoughts were still rampant with guilt and sadness.

In the backseat Irene held her tongue and kept her hands to herself. She wanted nothing more than to hold onto Wendy and comfort her.






At home, Mrs. Son was upbeat and bright, showing no signs of the evenings events. She’d prepared a delicious Korean meal and invited the girls to sit and eat while it was still hot.

There was no mention of the performance as they ate.






It was almost 10:00, Mr. and Mrs. Son bid the four goodnight and headed to bed. They promised to leave at 10:00 AM the next day for the cabin.

The ladies also decided to call it a night, splitting up in pairs. Seulgi and Joy headed left, Wendy and Irene headed right.






Wendy decided to shower first and left Irene alone in the room, after a few minutes Wendy emerged, and Irene went in.

When she finally got out of the shower and slipped back in the bedroom, Irene found Wendy on the bed, facing the wall. Irene changed quickly and eased into the bed beside Wendy, hoping to finally talk about the day with her.

“You smell so good, I love the soap you have here,” Irene said, she placed her hand on Wendy’s hip.

No reply.

“I’m glad we get to stay in your room,” Irene said.

No reply.

“Wendy please talk to me.”

“I-I-I Love you,” Wendy said, “There was so much going on today, I can’t believe we were fooled by them again.”

“I’m going to protect you, it’s my job now. I failed today, and now you’re hurt. I saw you hiding it from Manager Unnie, but you were hurt. I refuse to see this happen again.”

“Irene, no matter how hard you try, I’m going to be hurt again. It’s inevitable. Maybe it will be the company or one of our friends or Seulgi or Joy….or maybe you. I’m going to be hurt, but it will be enough for me if you keep trying. It will be enough to have you by my side. That’s all I need. All I need is you and my family and the girls. And right now I need you to hold me, will you do that?”

“Of course,” Irene leaned closer and wrapped her arms around Wendy.

“I won’t let this ruin our time here, tomorrow is a new day,” Wendy said, “It’s when our vacation officially starts, but tonight I need you close.”

“I’ll be right here beside you.”

“Good, and I’ll be right here too.”

A silence took over the room for a few moments until Irene spoke, “I have a question,” she said seriously.

“What’s that,” Wendy asked.

“What’s a Stage Mom?”

And at this Wendy had to laugh.





Thanks for Reading! I'll be back soon with chapter 9! 


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Chapter 20: love your story! looking forward for more from an amazing writer like you :)
Favebolous 12 streak #2
Favebolous 12 streak #3
Chapter 2: FUNNY
ggstaan #4
1730 streak #5
Chapter 20: I've finished the three volumes in one go. And all i can say is that i love it so much. I was wondering, will it have volume 4? Coz im really willing to wait for that. Great story author-ssi! Looking forward to your other stories soon ^^
wenrene7743 #6
Chapter 20: Thanks for the story!
bknight2k #7
Chapter 20: Loved chapter 20
Chapter 20: Yay! Yeri is here everyone! :D Aww, of course it's gonna take more than a new member to throw the other girls off. Red Velvet is invinsible! OT5 fighting! WenRene fighting! XD haha