Bathing Suit Blues

The Cabin: Volume 3



With Tuesday half over and almost all of the packing done, Wendy was excited for the next day but was also panicking. Instead of just being happy to be leaving in the morning, Wendy’s nerves were churning as she stared at the bathing suits she’d laid out.

She was nervous to wear a bathing suit in front of Irene, and she wasn’t even sure why. Irene had seen most all of her before, but even though she knew that, a bathing suit was a different story.

She thought she knew why she felt this way, but hadn’t discussed it with anyone, including Irene. Even now, with their comeback successful, she didn’t want to tell the girls about the pressure the company had put on her to maintain her weight. Wendy glanced over at Seulgi who was fiddling with her own suit case.

“Seulgi, whish of these should I bring? These one pieces or bikinis?” She asked nervously.

“I don’t know, shouldn’t you be asking Irene?”

“She would just joke and tell me to bring the bikinis and no other clothing at all,” Wendy said matter-of-factly.

“Yeah, that’s true,” Seulgi said, “Hmmm, just take a couple sets of each, don’t worry so much. “

Good idea, Seul, I can’t help it, sometimes I don’t feel confident when I have to wear stuff like this.”

“I know, but you should be confident. You’ll look great in any of those suits, and the trip is going to be awesome!” Seulgi said.

“Thanks,” Wendy smiled.

“Better pack them quickly before Irene sees them and requests a fashion show,” Seulgi joked.

And like magic, Irene appeared in front of them with a bright smile. Arms crossed, she leaned against the doorframe, “Better do what before I see what?” she asked.

“You weren’t supposed to hear that,” Seulgi said regretfully as she looked to a surprised Wendy and back to Irene.

“I figured as much,” Irene chuckled, “Seul, why don’t you join Joy in the living room, I need to speak to Seungwan.”

“Yes, Unnie,” Seul sent an apologetic glance to Wendy and walked out.




“How much did you hear?” Wendy asked as she stared, red-faced at the bathing suits lying on the bed.”

“Most of it,” Irene said as she walked over to stand next to Wendy.

“Sorry,” Wendy said, unable to look in Irene’s eyes.

“What exactly do you have to be sorry for?” Irene asked gently, knowing there was no reason for Wendy to apologize.

“Well, we joked about what you might say to me about the bathing suits,” Wendy said carefully.

“Is that why you asked Seulgi instead?”

“No, not really, I didn’t really think you would joke about it. You know how I feel about revealing outfits, I thought it may be better to get a friend’s opinion,” Wendy said.

“We’re not friends?” Irene asked seriously.

“No, we’re more than friends. I just want to look good for you, and I didn’t want you to see me acting nervously about bathing suits, is that stupid?”

“No, of course not, but why would you feel nervous, I know you don’t like our revealing stage outfits but since it’s just us, what’s the matter?”

“I don’t feel confident sometimes…”

“Is this because of what the company told us about maintaining our weight, baby?” Irene asked.

Wendy looked stunned, “How did you?…”

“They didn’t just tell you, they told all of us,” Irene smiled.


“Yes, but forget about them, we’re leaving tomorrow and we’re going to relax and not worry about anything.  Seulgi was right baby, you have every right to feel confident, I love your body, is that what you’re worried about? You were confident the other night.”

Wendy blushed, Irene put her hands around Wendy’s waist and looked her in the eyes, “A healthy you is more important than any number on a scale or otherwise. I need you to take care of yourself. We’re going on vacation together, and I’ve seen you before with much less than a bathing suit.”

“I know,” Wendy said.

“I know you and Seulgi were kidding but I would never joke about your body or whether you look better in a bikini or one piece. You decide what you want to wear, based on what you like, not what I or anyone else might like more.”

“I just want to be my best in front of you and my family and Joy and Seulgi on this trip, I want it all to be perfect,” Wendy said.

“I hate to tell you this but no one is perfect. It’s just important that we get up each day and try our best. Don’t worry anymore about these bathing suits or this vacation. And don’t hide your feelings from me. Even when you don’t think I do, I see all your worries, and don’t let our company be the cause of any of those worries either.”

Wendy smiled at this, “Am I that transparent?”

“Yeah, pretty much, anyway, pack what you want to wear, I’m just ready to have fun with you.”

“Will you help me pick out suits anyway? I’ll have the final say, but I want to see what you like too,” Wendy said.

Irene looked the suits over carefully, picked them all up, but chose quickly, “I really like the one piece blue one, I think it would look really amazing on you, plus it’s totally practical.”


“Yes, baby, I would like to see you in the bikini, I can’t lie, but the blue one is really great.”

“Well, I’ll pack the blue one and maybe a surprise for your eyes only,” Wendy winked.

“You know, I said no one is perfect, and that’s true, but you’re pretty close,” Irene said, leaning in and kissing Wendy’s cheek, “No more worries?”

“Yes, Unnie,” Wendy leaned in and pecked Irene’s lips, “I’ll remember that Unnie.”




With the blue suit carefully packed, and the surprise suit hidden, Wendy sat on the couch and snacked on popcorn with the other three.

She was taking Irene’s advice and throwing her cares away. With Joy and Seulgi laughing at a commercial on the television, Irene grabbed Wendy’s hand, “Let me take care of you on this trip, will you let me?”

Wendy’s face reddened but she nodded.

“You take care of us so valiantly every day, so now it’s my turn.”

“You do take care of me,” Wendy whispered.

“I know, but I rely on you much more.”

“We agree with Unnie,” Joy cut in, done laughing at the commercial.

Seulgi nodded in agreement, “We’ll all be by your side, we’re going to have an amazing time on this vacation, you won’t need to worry about anything.”

“Let’s have fun,” Joy shouted.

“Thanks guys,” Wendy said, “I just have one more worry.”

“What’s that?” Irene asked.

“Can someone pop some more popcorn?” She took the bowl and turned it over, revealing its emptiness.

Seulgi and Joy stared at the empty bowl and quickly jumped up, “Roger that, Captain,” Seulgi said. Her and Joy bounced off to the kitchen, leaving Irene and Wendy.

“Did you tell them I was worried about the trip?” Wendy asked.

“No, well…not in those words. I just told them that supporting you when you get home is important to me, and they agreed,” Irene said.

“I’m glad, and I’m taking your advice, and throwing my worries out the window.”

“I thought I heard a loud noise earlier, so it was your worries hitting the pavement?”

“You’re silly,” Wendy laughed.

“And you’re beautiful,” Irene said seriously.

“Thank you, and so are you.”

The popcorn was almost done, and the girls would be back soon, but Irene snuck a kiss.

“I’m so lucky,” Irene said.

“No, we both are.”




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Chapter 20: love your story! looking forward for more from an amazing writer like you :)
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 2: FUNNY
ggstaan #4
1737 streak #5
Chapter 20: I've finished the three volumes in one go. And all i can say is that i love it so much. I was wondering, will it have volume 4? Coz im really willing to wait for that. Great story author-ssi! Looking forward to your other stories soon ^^
wenrene7743 #6
Chapter 20: Thanks for the story!
bknight2k #7
Chapter 20: Loved chapter 20
Chapter 20: Yay! Yeri is here everyone! :D Aww, of course it's gonna take more than a new member to throw the other girls off. Red Velvet is invinsible! OT5 fighting! WenRene fighting! XD haha