Phone Calls

The Cabin: Volume 3


“Unnie, Unnie…”

Irene heard a faint voice, still on the threshold of awake and dreaming.

“Unnie, Unnie,” Seulgi said sleepily as she lightly shook Irene’s shoulder.

Irene felt warm, she felt someone on one aide wrapped around her and felt someone else on the other side shaking her shoulder. Irene opened her eyes after hearing her self being called again. She look up and saw a tired-looking bear.

“Seugi-ah?” Irene asked raspy, her voice unrecognizable.

“Unnie, I’m really sorry, but someone’s called on the phone for Wendy,” Seulgi said as she stuffed her cold hands in her hoodie pockets.

Irene glanced over at Wendy, was parted, breathing slow, in a deep sleep that Irene was sure she would not want to be awakened from. Underneath the covers, Wendy’s legs were entwined tightly around Irene’s own legs like the roots of a tree. Irene knew she wouldn’t be able to get up and answer the phone on Wendy’s behalf without waking Wendy up first.

All this thinking about how she should get up, got Irene wondering, “What time is it Seulgi?”

A look of dismay flitted across Seulgi’s face, “It’s 6:25, unnie, “I should know, Joy kept me up until 4 watching movies.”

“I’m going to guess it’s 6:45 in the morning, not night?”

Seulgi nodded, “Yes, unfortunately.”

“Did they say who they were?” Irene asked.

“No,  just that they needed to speak with Wendy. Their Korean wasn’t very good though, if that’s a clue, they said it’s important.”

“Hmm, well I’ll try to wake her up, you may want to leave just in case, I promised she could sleep in and once she’s awake, she’ll stay awake…and probably blame me. Go to the phone and tell them to wait a moment.”

Seulgi nodded and tip-toed backwards until she was out the bedroom door. She smiled at Irene, mouthed, “Good Luck,” and turned to run away.




Irene turned to Wendy’s sleeping face and wished she didn’t have to ruin the sweet rest she was getting. “Baby,” Irene whispered, took her hand and rubbed Wendy’s upper leg softly, “Baby, wake up.”

After a few moments, Wendy could feel Irene’s touch on her leg. Her eyes slowly opened to see Irene with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes, “I’m so sleepy,” Wendy mumbled, “What time is it?”

“Baby, I know I promised we could sleep in, but someone’s called for you on the phone.”

“You didn’t mention the time,” Wendy said.



“It’s only, well,” she looked to the clock, “It’s 6:48, whoever it is has been waiting for a few minutes now.”

“Tell them to call back, please, I just want to lie here,” Wendy begged softly.

Irene felt regretful, “I didn’t answer the phone, it was Seulgi.” She gulped.

“Then tell that big dumb bear to take a message,” Wendy whined.

Irene gathered her courage, “Seulgi said it’s important. There’s nothing I want more than to stay here in this warm bed with you, but let’s go answer the phone, then come back in here and go back to sleep.”

Irene heard a groan, but was surprised by what came next.

“Okay,” Wendy whispered.

“Okay? Really? No fuss?”

“No fuss, you asked nicely, let’s go now before I change my mind,” Wendy said.

Irene looked down as Wendy unwound her legs from her own, “Do you want to put some pants on?” she asked, blushing.

“No, Joy and Seulgi will just have to see me like this,” Wendy said, determined to get back in bed as soon as possible.

“Alright, let’s hurry, maybe Joy is still asleep.”




“Look, it’s the No Pants Unnies!” Joy laughed, she was sitting on the couch near the phone, Seulgi beside her, both wide awake.

Irene blushed again.

“Shut up Joy, Seulgi phone,” Wendy said in English. Seulgi handed the phone over stood up, and pulled Joy with her.

“Hello,” Wendy answered as she sat on the couch where the other two had been, the phone slipped as from her hand as she greeted the person and crashed to the floor.

Irene winced, Seulgi bit her lip, and Joy held back laughter.

Wendy picked up the phone again, “Hello?” she said, this time fully composed.

A faint mumbling could be heard on the other end, and the three girls not on the phone listened carefully.

“What?” Wendy asked in English, baffled.

The trio looked confused as well.

“Really, are you sure?” Wendy said in English.

More mumbling sounded from the phone.

“Why have we not heard about this?” Wendy said, surprise ringing in her voice.

Another answer.

Wendy’s mood seemed to completely change, “I’ll have to double check this information, but if so, I’ll see you soon? Okay,okay, bye.”




Wendy hung up the phone in a much better mood than when she’d answered. The trio looked on, slack jawed. Eventually Joy returned to normal, appearing uninterested and bored, “So, who was that?” she asked.

“I’ve got one more call to make, and then we’ll talk,” Wendy said. She picked up the phone again, and dialed a new number.

After a few rings someone answered, “Hello,” they said brightly and loudly.

“Mom, it’s Seungwan,” Wendy laughed.


“Yeah, Mom, it’s Wendy,”

Irene, who’d remained quiet during these proceedings, rushed from her position next to Seulgi to sit next to Wendy, “Umma, I’m here too, we miss you so much,” she shouted.

Seulgi and Joy were surprised by Irene’s show of emotion, but stood still to listen.

“My Joohyun? Mrs. Son asked in Korean.

“Yes, Umma, it’s me,” Irene answered enthusiastically, her ear next to Wendy’s.

Wendy switched to English, “Mom, is it true?...but how do you know before us?....really? But it’s still a surprise, yeah she called and asked but I had no clue.”

Irene grabbed Wendy’s hand that wasn’t holding the phone. Wendy smiled at the gesture.

“I know, I’m excited Mom, I can’t believe it, the company hasn’t told us anything…yeah, sounds like they wanted to surprise us….no, Mom, it’s okay, we would have found out today anyway. I’m glad it’s from want to tell Unnie? Okay, don’t forget in Korean, we’re working on her English but…okay, here she is.”

“It’s for you, Irene Wnnie,” Wendy said.

Irene took the phone from Wendy, “Hello, Umma? Yes, Umma, a surprise?”

Mrs. Son mumbled.

And then Irene’s mouth fell open in shock, “Really? It’s 100%? This is great news. Yeah, I’ll be sure to tell them, I can hardly believe it myself.”


“Okay, yes Umma, we love you too, bye!”

“I love you, Mom,” Wendy shouted in English before Irene hung up.




The bear still stood quietly, waiting for an explanation on why they’d been awakened so early in the morning. Joy, who’d feigned disinterest, now stood at complete attention, also waiting for an explanation.

Irene and Wendy stood, satisfied, “Should we tell them?” Irene asked Wendy.

“Maybe, but let’s get a little more sleep first,” Wendy whispered, but still loud enough for Seulgi and Joy to hear.

“Agreed,” Irene said.

The pair linked arms and walked to the bedroom, looking back one last time at the shocked Joy and Seulgi, they stepped through the door and shut it.

Seulgi and Joy stood dumbfounded as they watched the bedroom door shut. They had no clue that inside Irene and Wendy were laughing, waiting for Joy to storm in begging for answers.




Joy glanced at Seulgi and motioned to the bedroom with her head. They took one last look at the closed door and ran as fast as they could to get the information.

As the door swung open, Irene and Wendy, who were sat on the side of the bed, looked up to see the ferocious pair.

“What do you girls want?” Irene asked lightheartedly.

“Just spill the beans,” Joy said, Seulgi nodded in agreement.

Wendy laughed light, Irene nodded to her.

“Looks like we got the vacation we wanted, we’re going to Canada, ladies,” Wendy shouted cheerfully.

Seulgi and Joy gasped, Irene threw her head back in delighted laughter.



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Chapter 20: love your story! looking forward for more from an amazing writer like you :)
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 2: FUNNY
ggstaan #4
1737 streak #5
Chapter 20: I've finished the three volumes in one go. And all i can say is that i love it so much. I was wondering, will it have volume 4? Coz im really willing to wait for that. Great story author-ssi! Looking forward to your other stories soon ^^
wenrene7743 #6
Chapter 20: Thanks for the story!
bknight2k #7
Chapter 20: Loved chapter 20
Chapter 20: Yay! Yeri is here everyone! :D Aww, of course it's gonna take more than a new member to throw the other girls off. Red Velvet is invinsible! OT5 fighting! WenRene fighting! XD haha