The Question

The Cabin: Volume 3



They had to say their goodbyes at the entrance of the bustling airport, moments that seemed so far away from when they arrived were now here staring them in the face.

Mrs. Son began to cry thinking of how they’d be separated again and so far away from each other. Wendy hugged her tightly and didn’t want to let go even though she knew she must.

“Don’t cry, Umma,” Irene said, during her turn to hug Mrs. Son, “One of these days, you’ll be coming to see us and everyone will be together again. Maybe you can come meet my Mom…and talk to her for me.”

“I’d be glad to meet with your mother any day,” Mrs. Son said.

Irene leaned back and smiled.

Seulgi and Joy were emotional as well, they weren’t ready to go either, having loved every minute at the cabin.

“Before we showed up here, I said some rude things to Wendy about the cabin,” Joy said, “I really regret that now, and I hope to be back soon. I had a really great time.”

“We appreciate your hospitality and kindness you’ve shown to us while we were here,” Seulgi said, “I hope you’ll come to Seoul soon, I want to cook for you and take you around.”

“We’ll see what we can do about that,” Mr. Son said.

“Mom, Dad, I’ll miss you, but we’ll be together soon, okay?” Wendy squeezed her parents’ hands.

With one last round of hugs, the girls hurried off to meet their manager unnie who was waiting inside. Wendy turned around one last time, and waved brightly at her mother, who returned a smile, “I love you,” Wendy mouthed to her.

“I love you too, see you soon.”

They met up with their stylists and manager unnie, who looked just as refreshed as they did.

“Did you girls have fun?” One of the stylists asked.

“Yes!” Joy shouted, “How about you?”

“We had a great time, and spent some money at the stores and restaurants. That list Wendy texted us was really helpful.”

“Good,” Wendy smiled.

“Let’s go check in, we’re early so we can go relax before we have to get on the plane,” Manager Unnie said.




On the plane, Irene and Wendy held hands for the last time in public, the whispered to each other and knew that stepping off the plane would put them in another world than what they’d grown accustomed to for the past week and a half.

“What we talked about last night will remain true whenever we’re apart,” Wendy said.

“I know, my love for you won’t change, if you’re in the next room or another country.”

Wendy smiled, “Same.”




The trip through the airport was a little different than their trip through the airport in Canada. Cameras flashed, and people shouted for them. It was a surprising change from the peace and calm they had just experienced at the cabin.

Irene was a little scared, and wanted desperately to grab onto Wendy’s hand, but knew she shouldn’t. Wendy touched the outline of the pendant on her necklace that hung just beneath the shirt she was wearing. It gave her hope and strength as fans yelled out for them.

Outside finally, they were ushered to a van and hopped in as fast as they could. Back to idol life, back to dorm life. The crazy hours would need some getting used to again, but they were ready for the challenges ahead of them.




They entered their dorm, tired and ready for showers. Wendy was surprised to see some of the lights on in the dorm, but didn’t make comments on it, figuring a manager had stopped by to turn them on before they got back.

Irene told Wendy to take a shower and meet her in her single bedroom, which had Seulgi and Joy smirking, but Irene remained oblivious, she just wanted someone to cuddle with…really.

As Wendy, and her roommates began to unpack some of their luggage, they heard a bone-chilling scream coming from Irene’s room. The three rushed from their shared bedroom and down the hall into Irene’s.




“Baby, what’s wrong?” Wendy asked as she saw Irene shivering. The only light on in the room was a nightlight that had magically appeared out of nowhere. An item that Irene needed but never got around to buying.

“Something’s in my bed, I just saw it move.”

“Why is there a night light in here?” Seulgi asked.

“Yeah, I’ve never seen that before,” Joy said.

Wendy flipped the overhead light on and sure enough they all saw a lump on the opposite side of the bed.

It began to move faster, and Irene got scared and clung to Wendy’s side. Just then, the covers on the bed were thrown back by whatever was underneath them, and a small, sleepy voice spoke, “Hey Unnies, are you back?”

Everyone gasped.




The first to awake from shock was Joy, “Yeri, is that you?”





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Chapter 20: love your story! looking forward for more from an amazing writer like you :)
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 2: FUNNY
ggstaan #4
1737 streak #5
Chapter 20: I've finished the three volumes in one go. And all i can say is that i love it so much. I was wondering, will it have volume 4? Coz im really willing to wait for that. Great story author-ssi! Looking forward to your other stories soon ^^
wenrene7743 #6
Chapter 20: Thanks for the story!
bknight2k #7
Chapter 20: Loved chapter 20
Chapter 20: Yay! Yeri is here everyone! :D Aww, of course it's gonna take more than a new member to throw the other girls off. Red Velvet is invinsible! OT5 fighting! WenRene fighting! XD haha