Soon, Very Soon

The Cabin: Volume 3



Sorry for the lack of updates, I’ve been busy with work and other matters, but I wanted to update this since it’s been so long.

This is the end of Part 2 and there are essentially 10 chapters left after this! I want to say that Red Velvet’s comeback has been awesome so far. ICC and Automatic are both jams and I can’t stop listening to them! The rest of the album is amazing as well.

Welcome to Yeri!!!  I fully support her as a part of this group and hope everyone else will too. In case you were wondering, Yeri will appear in this story, but it may not be until the last few chapters. I re-wrote those after I knew Yeri was confirmed to join the group. It was a little difficult figuring out where to place her within the context of this, but no worries, she will be in this story!  In any future stories besides these volumes, she will appear from the beginning. Enjoy this chapter and keep supporting Red Velvet!  A new update will be quicker than this one so please anticipate. Leave comments and subscribe! Thanks for reading!


Now on to the story...




Mrs. Son was proud as she gave a tour to Seulgi and Joy. Joy especially loved the furnishings and rich colors, a far cry from what she had been saying about cabins before they left Seoul. Seulgi smiled the whole way through the tour, she seemed to love the cabin as well.

Seeing the upstairs, Seulgi and Joy agreed they should stay on the couch bed. Wendy objected to this notion but then Mrs. Son took them to the office and it had transformed into another bedroom.

“Mom, when did you do this?” Wendy asked in English, as they walked into the new bedroom.

“Well, it’s been a while since you and Irene were here, I did it then.”

“It looks really great in here,” Irene said, “You’ve even set up a TV and video games?”

“Well, looks like Seulgi and I will be staying in here,” Joy said, excited to challenge Seulgi at video games.

“But…” Irene tried to say.

“Don’t worry you and Wendy can have the living room TV. And, if you really want to, we can have a video game tournament. Anyway, you’ll probably be too busy to even watch television,” Joy said.

“La la la la la la la la la la,” Mrs. Son jokingly sang, her hands covering her ears.

“Happiness,” Joy shouted, making a V sign.

Seulgi laughed, “Good one, Joy, good one.”

"That joke was a team effort, Joy, you can't take all the credit," Mrs. Son said seriously.

The four girls looked at her alarmed as she got ready to leave.

She suddenly turned around and also did a V sign, "Just kidding, ladies," she cackled and walked away, leaving them staring.

Joy laughed, and the other three joined, "Your Mom is awesome, we're going to get along just fine," she said.




With their clothes arranged and everything settled, Mrs. and Mrs. Son prepared to head back home.

“If you ladies need anything, don’t hesitate to call,” Mr. Son said.

“That’s right, the fridge is stocked, but we’ll be here if you need us,” Mrs. Son said, “Just call.”

“Thanks, Umma,” Irene said, “and you’ll be back soon right?”

“Yes, we’ll be back on Sunday, so get ready to have fun,” Mrs. Son replied.

“We’ll be ready Mrs. Son—I mean Wendy’s Mom—I mean Umma,” Seulgi  said nervously, then bowed in apology.

Mrs. Son laughed at the flustered bear, and walked towards her.

“No worries, Seulgi-ah, we’re all family here.”

“Thanks,” Seulgi smiled her trademark smile and lifted from her bow.

“I love your members, Wendy, we need to see them more often,” Mr. Son said.

“I think we all agree on that, Dad.”

“Well, we better get going, fix some lunch, and relax, you ladies deserve it,” Mrs. Son said.

“Thanks mom, we’ll see you on Sunday.”

Wendy’s parents gave a farewell hug to each girl and walked to the SUV, leaving the girls by themselves.




After lunch the girls relaxed and talked about the activities they would do: first to catch up on sleep, then to eat junk food, and then outdoor activities. They watched TV for the rest of the afternoon, and no one moved a muscle.

When dinner rolled around, Wendy and Seulgi made pasta, they all ate together, content to share the meal, and promised that the real fun would begin in the morning.

“I’m glad we’re all here together,” Joy said.

“Really?” Seulgi asked, faking disbelief.

“Even this stone cold soul of mine feels something every now and then,” Joy said seriously.

They all looked up from the pasta and stared at Joy.

She smiled.

And then they broke out in raucous laughter.




That night, with the promise of exploring the grounds tomorrow, the four separated into pairs and went into their bedrooms.

After getting ready for bed, and tucking herself neatly in with Irene, Wendy lay silent for a while until Irene spoke, “I feel your mind racing, baby, talk to me, you need to tell me what you’re feeling.”

“It’s difficult…”

“You can tell me anything,” Irene said.

“I know, it’s just that it’s about my par—“

“Your parents, whom you love, who should have been with us at the performance, right?”

“Y-yes,” Wendy said.

Irene grabbed Wendy’s hand and entwined their fingers, “Your problems, needs, thoughts, I want to take care of them, let me know them, let me help you.”

With Irene’s reassurance, Wendy finally opened up to Irene about her parents missing their performance.

“I feel a lot of regret that my parents were left out at the venue, why couldn’t they just let them in? Just to spite us?”

“I know, baby, I wanted them to be there too, but don’t blame yourself for this, I won’t let you do that. It could have been because of our relationship, we can’t be sure. They’ll probably never tell us the reason.”

“That’s really frustrating to be treated this way and not be told the reasons for it. I just don’t know when they may get to see us perform,” Wendy said, “And that makes me sad.”

“Don’t be sad, they’ll get to see us someday. I’m really proud of you, though,” Irene said.

“Proud of what?”

“Proud that you didn’t lash out at Manager Unnie, even though everyone would’ve understood if you had done so.”

“I wanted too…very badly,” Wendy whispered softly.

“You handled it in the right way; I wish I could be that strong, you’re wonderful. Don’t worry, we’ll figure out a way for them to see us perform. You told me the other night that you may be hurt again. I know I can’t make assurances that you won’t be hurt anymore, but I can promise that I’m going to try my hardest every day to be strong, and to be here when you need me.”

“Thanks baby,” Wendy said. Her arms wrapped reassuringly around Irene and a calm and comfortable silence surrounded them.




Ideas swirled in Irene’s head as she looked up at the ceiling. She wondered how she could make up the missed performance to Wendy and her parents, but soon her thoughts were broken by Wendy’s own  voice, “So just one more thing…about the other day, we still haven’t talked about it.”

“Talked about what?” Irene wondered.

“What did you and my mother talk about the other day? You’ve been really quiet about that, but I haven’t forgotten,” Wendy grinned.

Irene smiled, “Even through the drama and everything that’s happened, I knew you wouldn’t forget about that van ride.”

“How could I forget? My mom literally pushed me out of the way to sit next to you, and said she had some “things” to discuss with you.” Wendy said.

“Someday very soon I’ll tell you what we spoke about, but not tonight, tonight I have no comment,” Irene smirked, thinking she would get away with not talking for now.

She knew Irene would never keep secrets from her, this was a “special” secret that didn’t need to be revealed yet. A secret worth waiting for.

Wendy, already lying on her side staring at Irene’s side profile slipped closer to her.  Her hand gliding across Irene’s stomach, “Are you sure?” She asked, the cool air from her whispery voice blowing onto the shell of Irene’s sensitive ear, “Are you sure you can’t tell me?”

The hand moving across her stomach and the feel of Wendy blowing lightly on her ear made Irene shiver in anticipation, “I’ll never keep secrets from you again, but this time I must, even if it’s just for a few days. I promise I’ll tell you soon, is t-t-that okay?”

This time Wendy moved even closer, right next to Irene’s ear, she nipped the lobe and lightly around Irene’s entire ear.

Irene gulped. She was losing. And losing was okay if it meant she lost this way.

“It’s fine for tonight, baby, I trust you” Wendy whispered again making sure the air hit Irene’s ear where she had just it, “Just……let me see you.” Wendy kissed Irene’s ear then, the hand that had been on Irene’s stomach moved to Irene’s chin, gently turning her head so that they were looking in each other’s eyes.

Irene reacted then and turned fully on her side and moved her hand to Wendy’s waist. Wendy smiled at the contact. She loved being this close to Irene, and knew that Irene loved it as well.

Wendy stared at Irene’s lips and moved as close as she could to them, their noses touching lightly. She desperately wanted to kiss Irene, but loved the moments beforehand. The warmth, Irene’s eyes, the feeling of anticipation.

They waited.



Irene’s hand stayed on Wendy but moved to her back to push them even closer. Irene’s fingertips brushed lightly across Wendy, and she trembled. After several more moments of intense and suggestive staring Irene leaned in and finally kissed Wendy on the lips.




The air around them was electric. Even in the darkness, she knew how Irene looked. Her eyes would be deeply dilated, her cheeks tinged with pink, her lips starting to swell as they continued to make out. Wendy needed a picture of this, this act of love, adrenaline, and desperation. The faint taste of mint, and something distinctively Irene whirled as their lips touched, and Wendy was beginning to lose touch with her own mind and began working on instinct. She imagined what this meant since they were only kissing. How much deeper could this feeling go if they moved forward, past the line they had set for themselves? The deep emotional connection pushed to the limit. With this thought, Wendy deepened the kiss further, and began to move so close to Irene that she wasn’t sure where she began and Irene ended.  Or vice versa. Her hands began to move as well, downward from Irene’s face, and closer to the hem of her pajama shirt.

With this sudden change, the feel of Wendy’s hands moving under her shirt, Irene hummed with need and wanted to continue but used better judgement and moved away from the precipice they both wanted to fall over. She tightened her grip on the imaginary rope that tethered them to reality. Irene’s control was the only thing that kept them both from going further than they had gone yet. She wanted, no greatly needed to wait for the right moment.

“—Okay,” Irene interrupted Wendy’s movements suddenly. Her voice tight, and out of breath, she whispered, “Okay, no more, we must stop, or I won’t be able too.”

Wendy whined, and Irene stuttered, “I-I need you too, just a little longer, just a bit more.”

Wendy let herself be brought back by Irene, warm Irene whom she loved. Irene slowly kissed her, not asdeeply as before, but sweetly if only to relax them and bring them both back from the edge.

When Irene finally stopped her ministrations, Wendy’s breath was still ragged. She couldn’t speak which seemed odd to the both of them. Beautiful, talkative Wendy, unable to form a sentence.  She only leaned in once more and kissed Irene again, a gentle, honeyed kiss that finalized their evening before they would sleep.  And then Wendy was Wendy again. She buzzed and laughed and chattered about nothing, and Irene looked at her with admiration.

Eventually as they both grew tired, the silence returned, but it was still comfortable. They clung to each other, both still desperate for one other, knowing that when they were ready, it was going to be otherworldly. Irene gently brushed Wendy’s cheek softly and even in the darkness, Wendy could see Irene’s smile.

“Soon,” Wendy breathed, her voice hypnotic, “Very soon…”

At this short statement, Irene groaned.

“I’ll be yours,” Wendy completed her statement.

“You’ll be mine and I’ll be yours, “Irene replied.

And for now, that was enough.





End of Part 2



Thanks again for reading! Please subscribe and check out my other stories! Be back soon!







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Chapter 20: love your story! looking forward for more from an amazing writer like you :)
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 2: FUNNY
ggstaan #4
1737 streak #5
Chapter 20: I've finished the three volumes in one go. And all i can say is that i love it so much. I was wondering, will it have volume 4? Coz im really willing to wait for that. Great story author-ssi! Looking forward to your other stories soon ^^
wenrene7743 #6
Chapter 20: Thanks for the story!
bknight2k #7
Chapter 20: Loved chapter 20
Chapter 20: Yay! Yeri is here everyone! :D Aww, of course it's gonna take more than a new member to throw the other girls off. Red Velvet is invinsible! OT5 fighting! WenRene fighting! XD haha