Delving into the Soul

Between Black and White
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Hello everyone! Sorry for the wait~ I have 4 exams this week and I lost my previous draft to this chapter :/ aigoooo… Anyway I have re-written it again although I’m not sure if it’s as good as my first draft. Also I know there is a lack of JeTi. I promise I'll add a special chpater for them later on today. I hope you all enjoy it nevertheless! Again feel free to leave me a comment~ it really makes me want to update faster when you all engage a conversation with me~ Thank you all for reading!

Yuri POV


Everything was white when Yoona kissed me.

I felt lighter than air as our lips moved together in a sweet melody of what I could only describe as love.

She clutched on to me desperately and I took her in my arms.

One hand was pressed to the middle of her neck and the other hand was caressing her face.

The doe-eyed woman opened slightly in a moan.

I took that as an opportunity to explore the inside of .

It was sweet and warm.

Soon I felt myself leaving my body and transcending to another realm…


Yoona was not with me in this world.

My surroundings were pitch black.

“YOONA!” I called out but received no answer.

A light appeared before me, appearing meters ahead of me.

I ran towards it, hoping that it was My Lady.

But as I approached the white light, I soon realized it was a beast.

A giant pure white dragon stood in front of me with its teeth bared.

I immediately knew who this was.


He chuckled, sending a deep rumbling sound like thunder.

“Kwon. Yuri. Welcome to my reign.”

“Where am I?”

“To answer your question young one, I must show the past.”

The scene changed and I found myself in the middle of a small village.

A young woman made her way to the center of town with a baby in her arms.

She approached the town alter, a typical ritual to accept a newborn into a community.

I stepped closer to peer down at the infant.

To my surprise I was met a familiar set of brown doe-eyes. The same color and the same depth.

This was Yoona.

A shaman made his way to the altar. He took one look at the infant and immediately fell to his knees.

The scene shifted before me.

My view was nothing short of a bloody massacre; the once peaceful village was destroyed.

All around me lay the bodies of the lifeless villagers.

From their wounds, I understood they had been attacked by a pack of demons.

They feasted on both the flesh and souls of their victims.

A large pack of wolf-like creatures fed on a single villager. Vulture-like beasts swooped in for the remainder of the corpses.

It was a gruesome sight.

But where was Yoona?

The sounds of sobs brought my attention to the village altar.

A small girl was sitting on the ground.

She was crying profusely as she held the hand of her lifeless mother.

“Mama… w-w-why won’t you wake up?”

I took a step closer and saw to my relief that it was Yoona.

Suddenly her whole body began to shimmer..

Spheres of light started to leave the body of the fallen villagers and joined together with Yoona.

They danced around her as if to say farewell.

“N-No… don’t leave me please! I don’t want to be alone!” called out the little girl.

But light spheres flew towards the sky leaving her by herself.

The demons now noticing their preys’ souls had left, turned to their remaining victim.

They growled and prepared to pounce.

Yoona covered her ears, her eyes wide with fright.

“No! Please I d-don’t know- I WANT to help! But I don’t know how!”

I assumed she was seeing the countless number of souls stuck within the demons.

It was a sight that only she could see.

As the alpha wolf prepared leap at Yoona, another apparition appeared before the young girl.

The beasts all cowered back and retreated shortly.

The apparition formed into a large white dragon.

It was Hakku.

“Why do you cry dear one?”

“I-I… Who are you?”

“I am Hakku, celestial beast of the Heavens. Now I ask again, why do you cry dear one?”

“N-None of the villagers believed me when I said I saw the bad monsters coming. N-now they are all d-d-dead.”

“Do not fret dear one. I am here to help you.

“H-Help me?”

“Yes. I can give you what you want. I can give you strength. Strength to fight and strength to avenge.”

Yoona looked from Hakku to the body of her fallen mother.

Her eyes changed from the eyes of a frightened child to those of a determined woman.

“I… I will fight.”

“A wise decision indeed dear one.”

Hakku sprang at Yoona and everything became white.

All I heard was the sound of My Lady’s scream.

The scene shifted again and I was back with Hakku.

“Now you have seen what I am to Yoona. I am her strength. I am her heart. I am a part of her and she is a part of me. What are you to her Kwon Yuri?”


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Palmtree123 #1
Chapter 8: Please update again!! I really want to know more back stories and the progress of events at present! I enjoyed reading this :)
Chapter 6: Tan lindos... espero actualizacion
When will you update author?
YoonYulIsFvckingReal #4
Chapter 8: hyoyoung background is interesting to read.
SHARK4427 #5
Please update more often i love ypur stories !!!
YoonYulSeulRene #6
Chapter 8: wow the background story of HyoYoung <3
hkinki #7
Chapter 8: Enjoyed the background story a lot. Thank you author !!! Love yoonyul !!!
Chapter 8: Fight fight fight fight
Chapter 8: That was an interesting read! Well done author! Can't wait to read more :3
SaberZero #10
Chapter 8: Acccccckkk!! What an amazing background story for HyoYoung! This could be a story in itself!