Chapter 2: Jealousy

Before Midnight Strikes
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Baekhee walked in her homeroom class. Luckily, Chorong and her had the same homeroom, so they walked together into the class. The first thing she saw were desks full of people she barely knew. She walked towards a desk near the back, and Chorong sat right beside her. Although she was nervous, she was glad to see Taehyung in the same class as her. Taehyung looked tired, and walked in with a dull expression. However, once he saw Baekhee, his smile brighten and waved  while walking towards her. Baekhee smiled and nodded as Taehyung sat beside her on the other side.

"You know, if you guys need some time alone, I'll just leave and find someone else to talk to." Chorong started getting up, but Baekhee shook her head.

"No, it's okay. Stay." Baekhee just said while avoiding eye contact with Taehyung. Taehyung smiled at the sight of her being embarrased.

"Aigoo Baekhee,  how's the first day? To be honest I was a little suprised to see you here so early." Taehyung said with smiling, showing off his dorky square smile. Baekhee just sighed.

"Honestly, I was a little suprised by myself as well. I couldn't even believe that I was able to-" Baekhee was cut off as the loud sound of a ruler banging on a desk rang through the entire class.

"That got you kids' attention. Okay, well hello! I will be your new homeroom teacher for this year. My name is Ms. Lee. I may be new to this school, but it doesn't mean I don't know about any of you." Ms. Lee eyed the classroom sending shivers down everyone's backs. "Now, since it's the first day of school, I'll just let you mingle around and talk with new friends! I need to check my emails..."

Taehyung smirked. "Lucky to have her as homeroom right? I heard one of the teachers are Mr. Kwon. Like damn Mr. Kwon has a high pitched voice. Is it higher than yours?" 

"Aish Kim Taehyung" Baekhee said while flicking Taehyung's forehead.

"Ow! What was that for?" Taehyung whined. Baekhee just smirked. She was about to speak when someone flew open the door. The door nearly broke the wall as it slammed into it, but the guy standing there seemed like he didn't care at all. Baekhee saw Ms. Lee raise her eyebrow.

"And why are you late Mister-" She looks through the class list and finds the name she was looking for. "-Min Yoongi?" 

"Aw teach, you're new aren't you? Hello! Welcome! I hope you have a wonderful year at this school!" Yoongi said with a fake smile. Ms. Lee just shook her head.

"Thank you for the welcome, but don't think i don't know anything about you. I've read your report card already. You go by the name Suga? How interesting."

Suga looked shocked for a moment and his face turned a light shade of red. He just swore under his desk and walked up to an empty seat right behind Baekhee. Baekhee's face turns red and tries to hide it, but Taehyung had already noticed. He glanced to Yoongi to find him flirting with the girls he barely knew. Taehyung scowled.

"You like that jerk?" Taehyung whispered into Baekhee's ears. Baekhee nodded slightly.

"I'm just like any girl in the school. Even Chorong liked him before." Baekhee whispered back. Taehyung's eyes widened slightly as he glanced towards Chorong. Chorong just brushed it off.

"Not until I realized that he's such a ." Chorong just said while rolling her eyes. Baekhee sighed.

"You guys would never understand. Yoongi is just so handsome." Baekhee squeals as Taehyung and Chorong roll their eyes at the same time. Taehyung couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy of the way Baekhee felt towards Yoongi. If only Taehyung was like Yoongi, maybe then would Baekhee like him back. 


So far, the day passed like a blur. Baekhee discovered that she had five classes with Taehyung, two classes with Yoomi, three classes with Jungkook, and all her classes with Chorong, except for music. Great. She thought. I'm going to be such a loner at music class. Baekhee sighs once more before closing her new locker. She heads to her last next class, which was coincedently music. As she walks, she sees Yoongi staring at her. Baekhee suddenly blushes and walks away quickly. She could feel her cheeks heat up as she thinks about Yoongi. Why was he staring?

In music class, Baekhee sat alone. Because none of her friends were with her, she had nothing to do but listen to her teacher speak. During the entire time, Baekhee barely listened as she silently drew on a sheet of paper. She was sketching a rough drawing of a rose.

Once the teacher finished speaking, a girl walked towards Baekhee. 

(Yes, I had to use Krystal Jung)

"Hi! I'm Hana. What's your name?" The girl named Hana asks Baekhee. Hana was really pretty and was considered quite popular in the school.

Baekhee shrugs as she says "My name's Baekhee."

"That's a pretty name! Are you new?" Hana asks. Baekhee just shakes her head and sighs.

"Popularity really does make a difference doesn't it? I've been here since I was a freshman."

Hana's eyes widen as she quickly apologizes. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! It's just because I never saw you before and I thought you didn't have any friends."

Baekhee looks up and stares into her eyes. "My friends ar

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Chapter 2: Annyeong ceindrina :). Nice to meet you~ Maybe I'm the first person to write the comments^^? I love how u wrote the story plot<3. It's very well written & interesting:D. Keep writing & fighting:D.

P/S: I ship Baekhyung (Baekhee and Taehyung)<3.