Part 10

It's Just Insurance
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Author's Note: If you haven't realized I like writing in a realistic view, and realisticly you cannot have a preteen without a little trouble involved. I wonder how EunHae handle the parenthood...

     “Today is the day Donghae.” Hyukjae said as he paced back and forth in front of the man who was sitting on the edge of the bed. “Today is the day you go out there and be the man you really are! Are you ready?” Hyukjae shouted in encouragement as he stopped and turned to Donghae.

     “Yes!” Donghae shouted in reply as he stood up. “Today is the day I go out there and… and… Oh Hyukjae I can’t do this.” Donghae sighed before sitting back on the bed again.

     “You can do this Donghae,” Hyukjae said as he got down on his knees and looked the other in the eye. “You need to do this for her, and more importantly you need to do this for yourself. I believe in you.”

     “But what if she hates me Hyuk?” Donghae whispered in fear. “I don’t want her to hate me and think that I’m a horrible person.”

     “This is your job,” Hyukjae continued to say as he grabbed Donghae’s hands and held them tight. “She is going to hate you for a while but that is an unfortunate part of parenthood. The girl will come around after a few days and will realize why it needed to be done.”

     “I’m scared.” Donghae said as he looked up at Hyukjae and pouted. “I’ve never done this before.”

     “Donghae, do you remember when we were throwing snowballs at the side of your house trying to see who could get more of the snow to stick on the siding?” Hyukjae asked.

     “Yeah,” Donghae replied. “And my mom open the back door and shouted, ‘You two boys better stop that before you break a window!’ and we didn’t listen to her.”

     Hyukjae shook his head and laughed a little. “I still can’t believe we actually broke a window, but the point I am trying to make is what happened after we broke the window.”

     “We got grounded for weeks.” Donghae said. “I was so pissed at my mom because I was stuck inside for the rest of winter break.”

     “But did you ever stop loving your mom?” Hyukjae asked.

     “What? No!” Donghae shouted as he stood up. “I would never do that!”

     “And Jin-A will never stop loving you. You are her father, Donghae, now go out there and do what you have to do!” Hyukjae cheered as he gave the other a supporting pat on the back.

     “You’re right!” Donghae shouted proudly. “I’m going to go out there and ground my daughter!”

     Donghae walked out into the living room with Hyukjae following behind for extra moral support. Once stopped in front of the couch where Kyuhyun was sitting talking to Jin-A he turned to Hyukjae who gave the ‘fighting’ sign. “Hey Donghae.” Kyuhyun said as he began to stand.

     “Sit your back down and shut up.” Donghae said causing the younger to sit back down immediately and stare at him.

     “Little too harsh.” Hyukjae said from the corner.

     “Oh sorry,” Donghae said before turning his attention back to the two people in front of him. “The only reason I called you here is so we can set down some ground rules regarding my daughter.” Donghae said more to Kyuhyun than Jin-A. “First off if I see or hear that you are around my daughter for the next month without either Hyukjae or I’s permission you’ll wish that you have never met me. Do I make myself clear Kyuhyun?” Donghae asked.

     “What is this you are not my mo-“ Kyuhyun began before he was cut off.

     “I said do I make myself clear Kyuhyun!” Donghae shouted over the younger.

     “Yes! Reading you loud and clear! Holy …” Kyuhyun shouted back quickly making sure to whisper the last part.

     “Now Jin-A,” Donghae said a little quieter but still with just as much seriousness. “Hyukjae’s already grounded you for a week, but because of the stunt you pulled last night I am extending that grounding for another two months.”

     “What!” Jin-A shouted. “Dad that’s not fair!” She looked to Hyukjae for support. “Hyukjae tell him that’s not fair!”

     “Don’t you look at him,” Donghae said as he squatted in front of his daughter. “I am the one talking to you so you will look at me.” Jin-A turned her glance back to her father and crossed her arms trying hard not to look him in the eye. “Give me your phone and your iPod right now.” Donghae said as he held out as his hand. “If you don’t do it I will just take it myself and if I have to do that it’s going to be three months instead of two.”

     “Fine!” Jin-A spat before digging in her bag and pulling out her phone and iPod to hand to her father. “Take them, I don’t care.”

     Donghae stood back up with the devices in hand. “Since you don’t care I guess I will take your laptop, too.” Donghae said as he shrugged. “Now go to your room and stay there until Hyukjae or I tell you that you can leave; I will be there for your computer in a few minutes.”

     Shocked and clearly angry at her father’s actions, Jin-A cursed under her breath as she wheeled herself back to her room. Only when they heard her bedroom door slam did they continue the conversation. “Now it’s time for your talk.” Hyukjae said as he walked over to join Donghae in the stare down. “And I would be very careful with what I’d say if I were you; I didn’t like you much from the beginning and this is not helping your case.”


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I know you all probably think I died but it is soon finals and I got occupied. Trying to write a good update! I'll aim for the end of the week I swear!


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165 streak #1
Chapter 35: 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 13: Congrats on winning the bid!
Chapter 35: I love it. The story is so fluffy and light, thank you for writing this story author-nim 👍💙
Chapter 35: Ahhh so I didn't expect the plot twist in the end at all. Although I don't think it's possible but i'm happy that they don't have to be separated. This is a great story. The relationship dynamic is flowing nicely and makes me happy. Thank you for sharing such a nice story. I hope one day you'll come back here and read all the comments I left here ^^
Chapter 27: lol they are so stupid and cute. Seriously, they are so lucky to have Kyuhyun to run their errand while they were playing game just to see who is the top? come on hyuk, let donghae top you once in while. lol
Chapter 18: This is so fluffy and I really admire Jin-A for being so mature and accepted her condition. She even sensed that Hyukjae felt bad for her and assured him that she was fine. She is a nice girl.
Love the last part where they talked with each other. Their relationship is so precious.
Chapter 15: I legit thought that the gift was really going to be toy. Well... but ring is super sweet and lovely and it lead to Hyukjae's love confession.
When I started to read this ff, I was a bit scared that what if Hyukjae actually loves Donghae from the beginning but didn't tell him and he accepted Donghae's idea to get married because he secretly wanted it? I was worried he would be hurting himself in the process because the love was one side love. I'm thankful you made this fic into a fluffy type and Donghae seems to be the type that is easy going and goes with the flow. He accepted their love relationship easily. That's a good thing.
Chapter 13: Donghae and Hyukjae in office together is just so cute. I love how Hyukjae messed around donghae and 'disturbed' his husband. This is so cute and my heart is melting.
Hyukjae is very understanding and reliable. Now I feel so jealous of Donghae. I want someone like Hyukjae too. So lovely.
Chapter 11: hahaha the first part of this chapter is so funny. I thought Hyukjae was enjoying from Donghae. It's so funny when I found out it was only feet massage. hahaha
Then I like it when Hyukjae secretly jumping up and down while clapping. So cute like monkey. lol
Chapter 4: These 2 idiots seriously were thrown to jail on their first date? lol This story amused me and made me cackle. Love these 2 idiots couple. I really love how they acted like idiot but still show great care towards each other deeply. How sweet.