Part 9

It's Just Insurance
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Author's Note: Subscribe, Upvote, and leave me wonderful comments because I love hearing what you have to say. I also answer (or try my best to)! That really sounded demanding... Holy .

     “Attention everyone; if you all look to your right you can see the rare image of the cute Lee couple cuddling late into the morning.” Kyuhyun’s voice radiated throughout the bedroom. “Oh pay careful attention now folks! I think they might be waking up!” Kyuhyun continued to narrate while Jin-A laughed in the background.

     “Huh?” Hyukjae said as he sat up in his bed. “Dude! Get the out of my house!”

     “Hyuk what’s going on?” Donghae asked as he did the same. Do you really need to shout this early in the morning? Oh my god what the !” Donghae exclaimed as he quickly gathered blankets to cover himself up.

     “We now watch as the frightened couple try to hide themselves from watchful eyes.” Kyuhyun continued to narrate. “Watch as the embarrassed try their best to hide underneath the covers.”

     “Okay that’s it.” Hyukjae said as he crawled out of the bed and began walking over to the doorway where Kyuhyun was standing.

     Jin-A covered her eyes. “Ah, Shirtless Hyukjae! My innocent eyes!”

     “I think you have overstayed your welcome.” Hyukjae said as he grabbed Kyuhyun by the hair and dragged him through the house. “Donghae might tolerate you and your antics around his daughter, but I hope you remember for the future that she is my daughter too now and I am NOT dealing with this .” Hyukjae ignored the younger’s pleas to let go of his hair and opened the front door. “Have a nice day.” Hyukjae said as he threw Kyuhyun outside and slammed the front door making sure to lock it afterwards. “Now you…” Hyukjae said as he walked up to Jin-A and crouched down in front of her. “Consider yourself lucky that I am only going to ground you for a week and not the rest of your life.”

     “But Hyukjae!” Jin-A pleaded, “I didn’t think he would actually do something that stupid!”

     “I don’t care,” Hyukjae said as he rolled the girl to her bedroom. “You were a part of it so you will take responsibility.”

     “You are not going to keep me locked in here all day are you?” the girl asked with her best puppy dog eyes.

     “Oh don’t make it sound like what I am doing is criminal.” Hyukjae said as he was exiting the room. “You’re just being grounded so act grounded not like you were thrown in jail. Wait a minute,” Hyukjae said as he walked back over to the girl. “Give me your phone.”

     Jin-A reluctantly handed it over and began to pout as Hyukjae left the room. “Hyukjae!” she shouted while the other was still in earshot. “I think your underwear look dumb!”

     “Yah!” Hyukjae shouted from out in the hall before walking back into his room. “Donghae do my underwear look dumb?”

     The other, who went back to bed, just grunted and didn’t bother to move. “Yes.” Donghae finally answered. “Can I go back to sleep now?” Donghae whined once he felt Hyukjae crawl back into bed.

     “But I want to cuddle.” Hyukjae replied as he wrapped his arms around Donghae’s waist.

     “Excuse me?” Donghae said as he turned around to face Hyukjae. “Did you just tell me that you want to cuddle?” Donghae asked. “I am afraid I must have heard that incorrectly because every single time that I go to cuddle I always get a ‘Donghae, what are you doing’ and other complaints.”

     “Okay then,” Hyukjae said as he let go of Donghae and turned his back to him. “We don’t need to cuddle.” The two laid in silence and pretended to sleep while ignoring the each other. Suddenly Donghae’s arm’s wrapped around Hyukjae’s waist and his face pressed against the other’s neck. “Donghae, what are you doing?” Hyukjae asked with a smile on his face.

     “Oh shut up Hyukjae.” Donghae groaned before falling back asleep.


          ~                  ~                  ~


     “Donghae wake up.” Hyukjae said as he nudged the sleeping man that was still out cold on the bed. “It’s past noon, you really need to get up now.”

     “But Hyuk I don’t want to.” Donghae whined as he tried to cover himself with blankets and hid underneath them.

     “Lee Donghae, I made food for once so you will get your out of this bed, change and go eat it. You hear me?” Hyukjae said as he threw the blankets off the bed and onto the floor giving the other no choice but to get up. “Come on Donghae, let’s go.”

     “No!” Donghae said as he hid his head under a pillow.

     “What are you, five?” Hyukjae asked as he walked over to the bed.

     “Technically I am your husband- hey what are you doing? Put me down Hyukjae!” Donghae squealed as Hyukjae picked him up and threw him over his shoulder. Hyukjae put me down right now; this isn’t funny!”

     “If you would have j

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I know you all probably think I died but it is soon finals and I got occupied. Trying to write a good update! I'll aim for the end of the week I swear!


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166 streak #1
Chapter 35: 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 13: Congrats on winning the bid!
Chapter 35: I love it. The story is so fluffy and light, thank you for writing this story author-nim 👍💙
Chapter 35: Ahhh so I didn't expect the plot twist in the end at all. Although I don't think it's possible but i'm happy that they don't have to be separated. This is a great story. The relationship dynamic is flowing nicely and makes me happy. Thank you for sharing such a nice story. I hope one day you'll come back here and read all the comments I left here ^^
Chapter 27: lol they are so stupid and cute. Seriously, they are so lucky to have Kyuhyun to run their errand while they were playing game just to see who is the top? come on hyuk, let donghae top you once in while. lol
Chapter 18: This is so fluffy and I really admire Jin-A for being so mature and accepted her condition. She even sensed that Hyukjae felt bad for her and assured him that she was fine. She is a nice girl.
Love the last part where they talked with each other. Their relationship is so precious.
Chapter 15: I legit thought that the gift was really going to be toy. Well... but ring is super sweet and lovely and it lead to Hyukjae's love confession.
When I started to read this ff, I was a bit scared that what if Hyukjae actually loves Donghae from the beginning but didn't tell him and he accepted Donghae's idea to get married because he secretly wanted it? I was worried he would be hurting himself in the process because the love was one side love. I'm thankful you made this fic into a fluffy type and Donghae seems to be the type that is easy going and goes with the flow. He accepted their love relationship easily. That's a good thing.
Chapter 13: Donghae and Hyukjae in office together is just so cute. I love how Hyukjae messed around donghae and 'disturbed' his husband. This is so cute and my heart is melting.
Hyukjae is very understanding and reliable. Now I feel so jealous of Donghae. I want someone like Hyukjae too. So lovely.
Chapter 11: hahaha the first part of this chapter is so funny. I thought Hyukjae was enjoying from Donghae. It's so funny when I found out it was only feet massage. hahaha
Then I like it when Hyukjae secretly jumping up and down while clapping. So cute like monkey. lol
Chapter 4: These 2 idiots seriously were thrown to jail on their first date? lol This story amused me and made me cackle. Love these 2 idiots couple. I really love how they acted like idiot but still show great care towards each other deeply. How sweet.