Part 11

It's Just Insurance
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Author Note: I must now go watch the Walking Dead!

     “Uhh, Donghae that feels so good!” Hyukjae said he tilted his head back and closed his eyes. “Please don’t stop.” He continued to groan as Donghae’s hands continued their ministrations.

     “Maybe I should stop just to piss you off.” Donghae snickered as a smile appeared upon his lips.

     He began to move his hands slowly making Hyukjae whimper at the loss and beg for more. “Hae please, it’s not fair.” Hyukjae propped himself up on his arms and glanced down at the other. “I promise I’ll make it up to you…” Hyukjae began, “I’ll have you wriggling around on the bed begging for more.”

     “Is that so?” Donghae teased as he started up his hand movements again making sure to apply the right amount of pressure in all the right places.

     “Oh yeah.” Hyukjae said his voice deep and slightly husky. He gasped as Donghae’s hand gripped harder. “Hae,” he whined, “please stop teasing.”

     “You sound as desperate as a teenage boy getting his first hand-job under the lunchroom table at school.” Donghae teased again. “Does it really feel that good? I mean you have had this happen before, right?”

     “I have but,” Hyukjae voice trailed off as he let out another moan of pleasure, “I think the reason it feels so great is that it’s you.”

     “If I’m that good maybe I should do this for a living.” Donghae suggested as he bit his lip nervously.

     “Are you ing kidding?” Hyukjae shouted at him. “There is no ing way I am letting you do this for a living! You’re mine!”

     “Why the hell are you getting so defensive?” Donghae shouted back as he stopped his ministrations and stood up. “It’s just a god damn foot massage!”

     “If that is what your hands can do with just my feet I wonder what they could do to the rest of my body.” Hyukjae smirked as he sat up and leaned forward grabbing Donghae by the edge of his shirt and pulling him forward onto the bed. “And I’d prefer if we didn’t find out what they do to others.”

     “The only reason you even found out is because you kept whining about how much your feet hurt from working all day and I just happen to be nice enough to suggest a foot massage.” Donghae defended as Hyukjae’s arms wrapped around him.

     “Allow me to repay the favor then.” Hyukjae smiled before pulling Donghae closer and slamming his lips against the others.

     Trying to catch his balance from being pulled forward, Donghae wraps one of his arms around Hyukjae’s neck while the other braces himself against Hyukjae’s chest. Hyukjae squeezed Donghae’s sides causing the other to gasp. “ing cheat.” Donghae breathed while Hyukjae took the opportunity to sneak his hands under Donghae’s shirt and pull it off.

     “It’s worked on you every time so far babe,” Hyukjae smirked as he switched positions and placed Donghae down on the bed. “Thought you would have caught on by now.”

     “Oh shut up.” Donghae huffed as Hyukjae sat down on his legs. “What are you doing?” Donghae asked when Hyukjae reached to grab something from on top of the night stand.

     “I told you,” Hyukjae said as he waved the bottle of lotion he grabbed in front of the others face before putting some on his hands. “I am repaying the favor.”

     Donghae closed his eyes and gasped when Hyukjae’s hands started applying pressure to his stomach and sides. “Ah, Hyuk…” Donghae tried to say without letting out a moan. “N-no fair! You kn-now I-I’m sensitive th-there!”

     Hyukjae leaned down so his face was hovering above Donghae’s. “But are you enjoying it?” he whispered before placing a kiss on Donghae’s cheek. “Because all that matters,” he said as he placed another kiss upon Donghae’s nose, “is that you are.” Donghae snuck one of his hands up Hyukjae’s back and to his head gripping his hair and pulling him down for a proper kiss.

     Hyukjae’s hands continued to massage and travel over Donghae’s sides causing him to moan into the kisses they shared. Their tongues poked and prodded at one another until Hyukjae pulled away to allow for some air. “Hyuk,” Donghae moaned as Hyukjae’s lips eagerly attached to his neck, “I think we should stop.”

     Hyukjae stopped his actions and sat up. “What?” he asked a little dumbfounded.

     “I think we should stop.” Donghae said again as he began to catch his breath.

     “Why?” Hyukjae questioned.

     “Because I am feeling a little hot and stuff and I just think that we should stop before something happens.” Donghae explained as he propped himself up on his elbows.

     “So you want to stop because you are feeling ?” Hyukjae said. “I’m afraid I am not getting what you are trying to say here.”

     “I’m saying that I don’t want to have with you!” Donghae shouted.

     “Okay, umm…” Hyukjae hesitated as he got off of Donghae. “Well that was a big mood killer. Pretty much just a big slap to the face in general really.”

     “,” Donghae cursed as he got up from the bed and walked over to Hyukjae who was leaning against the dresser with his arms crossed. “Hyuk I didn’t mean it in that way; I meant it in a ‘not at the moment’ kind of way.” Donghae explained. “Because let’s face it, I am clearly going to be the bottom whenever that happens and I am really not ready for that to be put there.”

     “So you mean that eventually it could happen?” Hyukjae asked as the look in his eyes brightened.

     “Eventually…” Donghae said as he looked away trying to hide the blush that was covering his cheeks. “I said I liked you Hyukjae but I am also your best friend.” Donghae pointed at the other, “That means you will need to try if you want me to fall for you!”

     “Is this a challenge?” Hyukjae asked as he took Donghae’s and entwined it with his own.

     “Damn right it’s a challenge.” Donghae responded. “But please try to see it from my point of view.” Donghae watched as the other ran his fingers across his chest. “I was married before… to a lady… so I’m kind of new to the gay thing.”

     “And what makes you think I’m not?” Hyukjae asked quickly.

     “Hyukjae,” Donghae began, “We’ve been friends for how long?” Donghae watched as Hyukjae shrugged. “Yeah see, so long that even you don’t remember. Out of all the time we spent together did you think that I wouldn’t notice that you have never had a girlfriend or even shown an interest in girls?”

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I know you all probably think I died but it is soon finals and I got occupied. Trying to write a good update! I'll aim for the end of the week I swear!


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165 streak #1
Chapter 35: 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 13: Congrats on winning the bid!
Chapter 35: I love it. The story is so fluffy and light, thank you for writing this story author-nim 👍💙
Chapter 35: Ahhh so I didn't expect the plot twist in the end at all. Although I don't think it's possible but i'm happy that they don't have to be separated. This is a great story. The relationship dynamic is flowing nicely and makes me happy. Thank you for sharing such a nice story. I hope one day you'll come back here and read all the comments I left here ^^
Chapter 27: lol they are so stupid and cute. Seriously, they are so lucky to have Kyuhyun to run their errand while they were playing game just to see who is the top? come on hyuk, let donghae top you once in while. lol
Chapter 18: This is so fluffy and I really admire Jin-A for being so mature and accepted her condition. She even sensed that Hyukjae felt bad for her and assured him that she was fine. She is a nice girl.
Love the last part where they talked with each other. Their relationship is so precious.
Chapter 15: I legit thought that the gift was really going to be toy. Well... but ring is super sweet and lovely and it lead to Hyukjae's love confession.
When I started to read this ff, I was a bit scared that what if Hyukjae actually loves Donghae from the beginning but didn't tell him and he accepted Donghae's idea to get married because he secretly wanted it? I was worried he would be hurting himself in the process because the love was one side love. I'm thankful you made this fic into a fluffy type and Donghae seems to be the type that is easy going and goes with the flow. He accepted their love relationship easily. That's a good thing.
Chapter 13: Donghae and Hyukjae in office together is just so cute. I love how Hyukjae messed around donghae and 'disturbed' his husband. This is so cute and my heart is melting.
Hyukjae is very understanding and reliable. Now I feel so jealous of Donghae. I want someone like Hyukjae too. So lovely.
Chapter 11: hahaha the first part of this chapter is so funny. I thought Hyukjae was enjoying from Donghae. It's so funny when I found out it was only feet massage. hahaha
Then I like it when Hyukjae secretly jumping up and down while clapping. So cute like monkey. lol
Chapter 4: These 2 idiots seriously were thrown to jail on their first date? lol This story amused me and made me cackle. Love these 2 idiots couple. I really love how they acted like idiot but still show great care towards each other deeply. How sweet.