Day (2)

5 Days of Love
*** Sandara's POV
it's already late in the afternoon and I was fidgetty while on my way to the park. I've been bugging myself since last night with thoughts of Hae and his invite to meet me again. I kept thinking if its a joke or not but I finally gave up and decided to go. Upon arriving at the park, I saw him sitting at the same bench yesterday, looking deep in thoughts with his notebook infront of him. He looks so vulnerable with his hair  being blown by the wind. I slowly made my way to the bench.
'Penny for your thoughts?'
'Oh Sandy! Thanks for coming! I thought you'll ditch me.' his face lights up and I cant help but smile.
'Sorry I just had some things to do.'
'It's ok, at least you're here. Come join me.'
'Sorry to disturb your peace.'
'Nah, I'm just thinking of writing a new song.'
'You're really talented. I wouldnt be surprised one day you'll be an idol.'
'Nah, I'm too shy to be one. Unlike you, you're going to be a star.'
I was surprised to feel how we already know that much about each other.
'Big words Hae. By the way, why are we here again?'
** Donghae's POV
I've got sunshine, on a cloudy day..
I came early at the park to try to write something but my mind doesnt seem to work. That song keeps popping out of my mind and all I can think of is Sandy. I wonder if she'll show up today. Then I hear someone asking me and I look up to see her smiling down on me. Yes, she came! 
'Why are we here again Hae?'
To be honest, I dont have any idea. It's just that when she was leaving yesterday, I dont want to see her go and the words just came out of my mouth.
'Actually, I just thought that since its your last week here, why not spend it in some places you'll surely miss while you're away. Just a random idea of mine.'
'And what makes you think I'll go along?' 
Gulp. Its really a stupid idea, I said to myself.
'Gotcha! haha. Of course I'll go along. I've got some things as well that I'd like to do before I leave. And since all my friends still have classes, I bet having you isnt a bad idea. Come on, we better keep going! Where are we going first?'
Sandy excitedly get up and grab my hand to leave. I was astounded by the energy of this girl and I just cant keep up. this is going to be a truly unforgettable day. or week.
*** Sandara's POV
'Wait, what are we doing here?'
We just arrived at one of the largest skating rinks in the city and I was suddenly nervous. I only ice skated once in my life and its not a good memory.
'We're here to ice skate of course. I havent done this in a while and thought this should be fun with you.'
'Uhmmmmm.' I said while biting my lip. 
'Wait, you dont like it? Or you dont know how to skate? Are you afraid Sandy?' he asked, almost laughing at me.
'Of course I know how to skate! Come on! Maybe its you who's afraid!' I suddenly retort then run to the skates station. He was laughing and shaking his head as he follows me. We wore our skates and made our way to the rink. 
'Come on Sandy show me your skills.'
Im so busted. 'No you go ahead, I'm still adjusting to the temperature. Its been a long time you know.'
'Okay.' He then proceeds to the center of the rink and starts gliding like a kid. He is fascinating to watch and I find myself watching every move he makes. 
'Miss, can you move?' a couple of kids behind me said and I didnt realize I'm still stuck in the entrance. 
'Ah, you go ahead kids.'
'You have to move to the side Miss so we can pass along.'
Oh my god, my feet are stuck and cant move. What did I get myself into. Waaaah.
'Let's go Sandy, you better start moving! Come on I'll give you a kickstart.' He holds my arm while guiding me towards the side and I try my hardest to balance. Waaaah. 
'Come on Sandy let's race!'
'What? No dont let go of me Hae!'
'Ouch! I hate you Hae!' I turned red as I slipped on the ice and I can feel everyone looking at me. 
** Donghae's POV
I decided to bring her to one of my favorite places growing up which is the skating rink. I love skating as it gives me the freedom to move and I feel like flying. She was surprised that we end up here and gazing upon her reaction, I think she doesnt know how to skate. But she's a toughie and played brave so I decided to get along. 
'Ouch, I hate you Hae!'
I heard her cry and I hurriedly get back to her and guided her to stand up.
'Dont touch me.' she yells so I released her immediately.
'Stupid Hae! I really really hate you!' 
I want to laugh real hard but I know she'll get more upset so I just hitched her up again and guided her to the rails. She was so red and looking angry and unruly but she still looks cute. 
'Alright I'm sorry Sandy. Forgive me?'
'I dont know how to skate.' she confesses. 'I want too but I couldnt get it together.'
'Do you want me to teach you how?'
'You wouldnt make fun of me?'
'I promise.'
We spend the next hour learning the basics of ice skating. Even the kids helped us and I can see that Sandy really enjoyed it. She looks like a kid gliding around the rink. Her laugh was like music to my ears and I suddenly want to be the one to make her laugh. 
If only I can. And she's also leaving in a week.
'Come on Dara, you're already freezing. Lets go get some ramen!' I get back to hear and tried to erase all thoughts I had awhile ago.
*** Sandara's POV
I never thought ice skating willl be this fun! After skating, Hae and I grabbed some hot tea as he walked me back to the park. It seems like we've known each other for long with how comfortable I already am with him. And my heart just always skip a beat whenever he holds me or when he flashes that smile of him. 
'I really had fun today. Thanks Hae.'
'It's my pleasure. I'll see you again tomorrow?'
'Yeah, same time, same place.'
'I'll be in this bench.'
'Bye Hae.'
'Bye Sandy. I look forward to tomorrow.'
I find myself giving him a hug, then I run away to the park.
*** Donghae's POV
I was stuck on my feet with the biggest smile plastered to my face as I see her form disappearing. She just hugged me. This feeling I have is so new and light and refreshing - I dont have the words to describe it. Being with her just brings out all things bright. Still on a high, I noticed my phone blinking stating I got a couple of messages. I deleted all them without reading and finally moved to go home. Silently hoping that nothing can keep me from this feeling.
A/N: Hi guys! Thanks for taking time to read my fic, hope you're liking it so far. :) I was thrilled to see all my beloved subscribers and I certainly appreciate all your comments! ❤️️ Feel free to send in your messages or just show some love. xoxo.
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Chapter 7: End?

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! Waeeeee? I'm ginna kill that Jessica with my bare hands! Arrggghhhh!
yura_chan #2
Chapter 7: Make it happy ending please.. >.<
jetpitchblack #3
Chapter 7: yaaahh... jessica such a b***h.... i wanna kimchi slap her out of the car... aaahhh... hope that faith will give them one more chance... pretty please.... kekekekke....
Chapter 5: you can involve the family for alittle twist but still happy ending :) update soon!
jetpitchblack #5
Chapter 5: whoa! that was good... it makes me giddy... kyaahh! happy ending juseyo!!!!
shiniheiji #6
Chapter 5: Aww, the kiss <3 Just make a happy ending authornim. Dont break your and my heart. Kekeke~
LilMissSanShine #7
Chapter 3: Oh-oh!!! Not good, not good at all :(
jetpitchblack #8
Chapter 4: i want to break something.... maybe jessica will do.... kekekkee... arrange marriage really ... donghae run after dara.. leave jessica alone... kekekeke... and kyupidd... yay, have you seen the darahae fancams at Gaon???? ^u^ my delulu side cant handle it... kekekeke... thanks for the update thor.... \(*v*)/
kapoyani #9
Chapter 3: oh were the msgs from jess oooh
Chapter 3: Kyaaaahh my darahae feels.. Dara & Donghae came to Gaon and my heart so dugeun dugeun.. I'll waiting for next chapt ^^