Day (4)

5 Days of Love

*** Sandara's POV

'Hey Dara, I havent seen you lately! And you're leaving in a few days! How could you do this to your best friend?'
I arrived at my dorm to find my best friend and roommate Bom waiting for me. I jumped in her bed and hug her.
'I'm so sorry Bom, I'm just doing some last minute touring of our city. You know I'll miss it once I leave. And I dont want to bother you since you had your exams.'
'But we have to at least do something before you go! Wait how about we go pamper ourselves tomorrow with the girls? I'll message them right now!'
I hugged her as I started texting our girl friends Minzy and Chaerin. I felt sad and it starts dawning in me that I'll be leaving in a couple of days.
'I'm going to miss you Bommie. Hurry up and follow me, understood?'
'Of course! And then those French guys will be at our mercy. Bwahahaha.'
'Nah, you can have them all.'
'Wait, wait what's the spirit of the Ssangpark sisters? Park Sandara do you already have a boyfriend? Is that where the stuffed toy is from?'
'Noooo! I just met someone.' Bom was speechless, so I took the opportunity to leap to my bed and hug Haru. 'I'm already sleepy Bommie, talk to you tomorrow!'
'Gaaaah Dara prepare for our interrogation tomorrow! We'll need to know this guy!'


*** Donghae's POV

+++ flashback +++
'What do you want, Jessica?'
'Why Donghae, can't I pay my boyfriend a visit?'
'Seriously Jessica, I am not your boyfriend. You already know we are just following are parents' orders.'
Jessica pouts and I just ignored it, I'm already used to her spoiled brat attitude.
'Fine, but you have to accompany me tomorrow. I need a dress for the dinner celebration of our companies recent project. I'll tell my mom if you wont accompany me so she'll tell your mom. And you know how she'll react.'
'Fine.' I resigned. 'Can you just leave? I'm tired.'
'Bye Donghae. See you tomorrow. I'll pick you up okay? You cant escape me.'
+++ end of flashback +++

I am stupidly knocking myself out for agreeing to this. Really, who goes to a mall and shop at every store? I've just decided that I wouldn't let this affect my perfectly happy mood since last night. All I can think of is the way Sandy feels in my arms and that feeling when she said that she liked me. These feelings are new and strange to me and it scares me. Sandy will be leaving in a couple of days, and now this problem with Jessica. I tried to erase the negative thoughts and just look forward to meeting her again this afternoon.
'Donghae, I just need to go to this spa to schedule my appointment, this is the last stop, dont worry.' Jessica smiles while trying to get my attention.
'Why don't you just go yourself Jessica?'
'Why so grumpy, my dear Donghae, didnt you miss me?' Jessica pouts as she circled her arms around me.
'Stop it.'
'Hmp!' Jessica sighs. 'We're here baby, I'll just speak with the receptionist.'
We enter the spa and I was greeted by the face I've been dreaming of since last night - and then hope that this is just a nightmare.


*** Sandara's POV

'I love it! Thank you girls!'
I cry as my beloved friends Bom, Minzy and Chaerin gave me their 'going-away' gift. We just finished our pampering sessions and is now enjoying some tea courtesy of the spa. We hugged each other and I can feel them getting teary-eyed too.
'Don't forget us Dara, okay? Don't replace us with those French girls that you'll meet.' Minzy said.
'You better not Dara! 2Ne1 is FourEver!' Chaerin said after Minzy.
'And you email me and us everyday okay?! You have to tell me everything!' Bom cries.
'You silly girls! Of course nothing will change. I'm still your rabbit. Enough with the tears okay? I'm getting really sad just thinking about leaving you all. I suddenly felt scared, I dont know if I want to do it anymore.'
'Is it because of us or of a certain someone?' Bom retorts.
'Oh there is someone? Why aren't you telling us? We're hurt!' Minzy and Chaerin cry in unison.
'Alright alright' I said and proceeded to tell them the story of how I meet Hae up to last night.
'I'm envious! How can you met someone like that Dara?' Minzy said.
'Aaaaw that's so sweet Dara. Hope you can still get in touch even when you're in Paris.' Chaerin exclaims.
'I don't know yet, we haven't exchanged numbers. But I'm meeting him again today so we better get going!'
The girls stood up in unison and we make our way out of the spa. A couple was entering as we exit and I feel my heart crushed into pieces as I see who it was.
'Who is she baby?' said the girl with her arms around Hae.
'Do you know this guy Rabbit?' Bom said, acting defensively.
'No. I'm just a nobody. Let's go girls.' I tugged the girls hurriedly and left a dumbfounded Hae with that girl. 

And when a heart breaks, no it don't breakeven..





A/N: Sorry for not being able to update for weeks, I've just been busy at work. By the way much love to my 37 subbies! And to my avid commenters, i look forward to your responses as always. I appreciate all feedbacks I'm getting. Hope to hear from you soon, let me know how you feel about this half chapter. I'll try to update soon :) Til next time! Xoxo.


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Chapter 7: End?

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! Waeeeee? I'm ginna kill that Jessica with my bare hands! Arrggghhhh!
yura_chan #2
Chapter 7: Make it happy ending please.. >.<
jetpitchblack #3
Chapter 7: yaaahh... jessica such a b***h.... i wanna kimchi slap her out of the car... aaahhh... hope that faith will give them one more chance... pretty please.... kekekekke....
Chapter 5: you can involve the family for alittle twist but still happy ending :) update soon!
jetpitchblack #5
Chapter 5: whoa! that was good... it makes me giddy... kyaahh! happy ending juseyo!!!!
shiniheiji #6
Chapter 5: Aww, the kiss <3 Just make a happy ending authornim. Dont break your and my heart. Kekeke~
LilMissSanShine #7
Chapter 3: Oh-oh!!! Not good, not good at all :(
jetpitchblack #8
Chapter 4: i want to break something.... maybe jessica will do.... kekekkee... arrange marriage really ... donghae run after dara.. leave jessica alone... kekekeke... and kyupidd... yay, have you seen the darahae fancams at Gaon???? ^u^ my delulu side cant handle it... kekekeke... thanks for the update thor.... \(*v*)/
kapoyani #9
Chapter 3: oh were the msgs from jess oooh
Chapter 3: Kyaaaahh my darahae feels.. Dara & Donghae came to Gaon and my heart so dugeun dugeun.. I'll waiting for next chapt ^^