Chapter Two


As usual, when Kyungsoo passed the school gate, he quickly walked to his first period, his gaze lowered to the ground so as to avoid any eye contact. As soon as he reached the door of his English class, he took his usual place, right next to this guy he didn’t remember the name even though they had been sitting next to each other for over a trimester. “I believe his name’s JongIn… I’m not sure though…” Well, whatever anyway. He didn’t much care. Kyungsoo was slightly taken aback though when he caught sight of a new face entering the class after him and flopping down next to his other side. He observed him from the corner of his eye, trying to remember if he had ever met him before. People around them didn’t seem to care about the new student. That was weird. Like really weird. He was cut in his thought by the voice of the dude who’d been filling his mind for the past minutes.

            “Hello! Nice to meet you!” he greeted him joyfully.

            Kyungsoo didn’t respond. Was he talking to him? The nerd of the class? Really?

            “You okay dude?” the newbie asked him, a little frown on his face.

            “E-Excuse m-me, a-are y-you a-actually t-talking to me?” Kyungsoo stammered before blushing.

            The guy narrowed his eyes. “No, of course no. What do you think? I was talking to the chair you’re sitting on, you jerk.” he talked back.

            “O-oh... N-Nice to m-meet you too.” He replied before returning his gaze to his notebook he had just taken from his backpack. “I guess.” He mumbled.

            “Huh? What did you say?” the unknown guy asked.


            “Anyway, what’s your name? Mine’s Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun. You can call me Baek since I’m sure we’re gonna get along well together!” Kyungsoo blushed once again. It was the first time someone had actually talked to him so nicely since high school. “Have you ever been told you’re really cute whenever you’re blushing? Yeah, so cute! I want you as one of my friends for sure! We’ll be great friends, you’ll see!” he went on, speaking loudly without thinking he would disturb the other pupils in the class. The others didn’t seem to care though… They didn't even seem to notice him. Yeah, definitely weird. The unknown dude – well, Baekhyun – frowned again when the other didn’t respond.

            “Did you become mute or what?” he tilted his head to the side.

           “W-What? Oh I’m s-sorry. I spaced out…” he muttered. “My name’s Do Kyungsoo.” He finally answered shyly.

            “Aw~ What a cute name~” he cooed. “You’re cute too~” he said again, poking Kyungsoo’s cheek with his forefinger.

            Kyungsoo froze in his spot. The newbie was… touching him?

            “C-Could you p-please stop poking my cheek? It’s k-kind of embarrassing me…” he begged.

            “Well, since we’re gonna be best friends, you’ll have to get used to this kind of touch because I’m really – like really really – tactile with people I’m close to.” He shook his head while talking.

            Best friends? What the hell! Of course Kyungsoo hopelessly wanted a friend, a person other than his mother who would comfort him when he didn’t feel well, a person he could rely on at school, a person he could spend his lunch with, a person to talk to in class… But hey! He had just met this Baekhyun guy and he was already talking about being best friends with him. Wasn’t it a little too early to speak about those kind of things yet?

            Kyungsoo was about to protest but couldn’t as the teacher entered the class and began the lesson.

            “Weird… He’s not introducing the new student to the class… They always introduce new students though… Well, whatever. I’m just becoming paranoid because of the lack of sleep.” And with this thought, he brushed this odd feeling off of his mind and started taking some notes, occasionally peeking at his brand-new “friend” beside him. 


Geez... This chapter is soooo short too... TT I think I'll never manage to write a long chapter...

So anyway, what did you guys think about this chapter ? I'm freaking out right now because I asked one of my friends to read it and I'm sure she's like "what's this ?!" right now... '-' ...

I'm also really worried because I don't wanna disappoint you... Even though I'm sure nobody reads this story of mine, lol.

(Sorry again for the mistakes I've made >< Please tell me if you see any big mistake ><)

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waiting for an update ^^
Chapter 5: your chapter doesn't . Nothing you have written so far even comes close to . On the contrary, I love it. I was expecting bark to be a ghost, but the way you have written is very nice. I am so curious as to how you will continue the story. Is there no chance of them ending together?
jun-kiseob_b2uty #3
Chapter 5: uhm, at first when i discovered baek presence is weird, somehow i thought that baek was soo's imagination. i've tried to shove the thought but when i read this chapter, it's so obvious.. anyway, i wouldn't mind to see that baek is ghost -or not- as long soo have a friend.. and i'm pretty sure that i couldn't wait to see their happy and/or cute moments.. so, i can't wait for next updates!!
knditksbh #4
Chapter 5: Oh. Don't. Tell. Me. Baekhyun. Is. Truly. The. Ghost. Okay-okay this chapter give me some explanation huee baekhyunnnnnnnn (((TaT)))
knditksbh #5
Chapter 4: Srsly what is baekhyun im so curious lmao update soon kay :)
knditksbh #6
Chapter 3: That baeksoo moment was srsly the cutest, nervous soo and talkative baek :3
knditksbh #7
Chapter 2: This is so interesting aw forgive me for late reply but what is baekhyun lol/? Why is this dude turn to big mystery lmao
sehuneth #8
I'm really curious!! Why didn't the other students notice baek?!!!
Nowonderwhy #9
Chapter 3: no one notice baek? is he a ghost? i'm curious!!!