Chapter One


Before meeting this boy, Kyungsoo was nothing. He had no friends, except those people he would sit next to during class. And even them weren’t really his friends. He didn’t even speak to them. Of course he was one of the best students of the high school but actually he wasn’t really interested in studying. He studied hard only because he had nothing beside it to do when he was at his home – and well, he was always at his home when he wasn’t at school. No friends meant no one to go get fun with so nothing to do beside studying. Kyungsoo wasn’t someone whom people could qualify of really social moreover. He was pretty shy which complicated tremendously his relationships with other people than his mother. Every time someone spoke to him, he would stammer some incoherent words before blushing madly and lowering his gaze to his hands.

            His daily life was pretty boring. Every day, he woke up, got dressed for school, and then went down the stairs to eat breakfast with his beloved mother. Then he left for school: some hours in front of his desk, some notes scribbled down in his notebook, a lunch spent on his own, another few hours, another few notes and he was back to his home.

Kyungsoo’s mother was really proud of her son. She was sure he would end up being someone really important in the society. To her eyes, her son was a little genius! What she didn’t know was that he felt really sad about being so friendless. She was persuaded Kyungsoo told her everything; she therefore had no idea about his situation.

            Kyungsoo’s mother was really the only person he had no trouble to talk with. He told her almost everything. The only thing he kept from her was his problems to make friends. He just didn’t want her to worry too much about him. Beside this little point, he told her everything. And when I say everything, I mean it. The first time Kyungsoo had an , he told her. The first time he watched a ographic movie, he also told her. And all those other embarrassing things about him, he told her. And she listened to him quietly, without judging him or making fun of him. That’s why he loved his mother so much. Being so close to his mother may be a little weird for a teenage boy of his age but not for him. He thought it was just normal. And he cherished his relationship with his mother a lot.

            This morning was like yesterday morning, and the morning before yesterday morning, and all the other mornings before this one. His alarm clock rang at 6:00 a.m and like all the other days, he turned it off before staying in his bed for twenty other minutes, just enjoying the warmth of his blanket. After deciding he had enough of the heat, he got up and went into the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror above the bathroom sink. “Another boring day Kyungsoo, huh?’ he mumbled to himself. He quickly washed his face and combed his hair before returning to his bedroom to get dressed into his school uniform. His uniform was really dull, ugly. It was all grey. He really hated it but well, he had no choice. Kyungsoo promised himself that if one day he became headmaster, he would make sure the school uniform is a little prettier.

            He put on his school grey jacket and went downstairs.

            “Hello mom!” he greeted his mother.

            “My little Soo! Did you sleep well?” she asked.

            “Yeah, as usual. And you mom?”

            “Me too. Are you hungry my dear? I’ve made some pancakes.”

            “Oh god. I was craving for some pancakes!” he exclaimed before taking a seat. He put one pancake in his plate, covered it with a lot of maple syrup and shoved it in his mouth.

            “Thank you so much mom!” he thanked her, taking another pancake.

            “I’m glad you like them dear.” She smiled sweetly at him. “So, what are you gonna do after school today?” she put her elbows on the table and rested her head on her hands, watching her son eating.

            “Hm… Nothing, I guess. I’ll just come back home right after school. Why you asking?”

            “We’re gonna have a new neighbor so I was planning on going greet her. It would be nice if you could come meet her with me.” she explained.

            “Sure I’ll come with you.” He answered, taking a umpteenth pancake. “What time will we go?”

            “Hm, what about right after you come back from school?” she inquired.

            “Yeah okay.” He agreed. “Well, I gotta go now, I’ll be late for school.”

            He then grabbed his school bag and swung it over his shoulder. Just before getting out, he went to his mother and kissed her on the cheek. “See ya later mom, eat well at noun, ‘kay?”. And with this, he left for school.

            While walking to his bus stop, he thought about his new upcoming neighbor. “It would be great if she had a son… Maybe I could finally befriend someone…” 


Wow I'm so disappointed of this chapter... It is soooo short moreover. '-' You guys must be disappointed of this chapter too... '-' What do you guys think about this first chapter ? Does it ? Or does it a lot ? x)

Anyway, I'll try to do better for the next chapter. >< I promise it's gonna be more interesting in the next chapters. >.< Please look forward the next update. >< 

Once again: I'm really sorry for the mistakes I've made. >< Not a native speaker... Moreover I'm only 14 years old so I don't speak English very well. TT  So please, don't hesitate to tell me if you guys see really big mistakes.

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Love ya~ ♥

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waiting for an update ^^
Chapter 5: your chapter doesn't . Nothing you have written so far even comes close to . On the contrary, I love it. I was expecting bark to be a ghost, but the way you have written is very nice. I am so curious as to how you will continue the story. Is there no chance of them ending together?
jun-kiseob_b2uty #3
Chapter 5: uhm, at first when i discovered baek presence is weird, somehow i thought that baek was soo's imagination. i've tried to shove the thought but when i read this chapter, it's so obvious.. anyway, i wouldn't mind to see that baek is ghost -or not- as long soo have a friend.. and i'm pretty sure that i couldn't wait to see their happy and/or cute moments.. so, i can't wait for next updates!!
knditksbh #4
Chapter 5: Oh. Don't. Tell. Me. Baekhyun. Is. Truly. The. Ghost. Okay-okay this chapter give me some explanation huee baekhyunnnnnnnn (((TaT)))
knditksbh #5
Chapter 4: Srsly what is baekhyun im so curious lmao update soon kay :)
knditksbh #6
Chapter 3: That baeksoo moment was srsly the cutest, nervous soo and talkative baek :3
knditksbh #7
Chapter 2: This is so interesting aw forgive me for late reply but what is baekhyun lol/? Why is this dude turn to big mystery lmao
sehuneth #8
I'm really curious!! Why didn't the other students notice baek?!!!
Nowonderwhy #9
Chapter 3: no one notice baek? is he a ghost? i'm curious!!!