Chapter Five


“Finally! Oh my god, I think those classes were even more boring!” Baekhyun sighed as he walked beside the shorter teenager, his arms crossed behind his head.

            Kyungsoo silently nodded in agreement as he took his books out of his locker and stuffed then once again in his bag.

            “What about you?” he asked out of the blue.

            Baekhyun cocked an eyebrow: “What do you mean?”

            “What do you usually do after school?”

            “Oh~ So you wanna continue the game? Fine, that suits me! Hm… I don’t really know. It depends.” A small laugh escaped his lips. “When I lived in Busan, I used to walk along the harbor a lot with my friends.” He responded. “But since I moved here, in Daegu, I don’t do anything special. Besides, I haven’t got a lot of friends here…” he sighed then bent forward to Soo’s left ear, “You’re my first friend, Little Soo, you should be honored.” He burst out laughing when the other harshly pushed him away, mumbling something about being embarrassed because of him.

            A small silence fell between the two of us yet it was awkward at all. It was relaxing. They remained quiet until they reached the school gates. While Kyungsoo thought the other would just waved at him then left to his home, Baekhyun kept walking beside him.

            “A-Are you f-following me?” he widened.

            “What?” he frowned then laughed again. “You’re really funny, ya know?” he poked his cheeks. “I guess we live near each other! Isn’t it great!” he exclaimed, “I’ll be able to sleep over at your home a lot!” he grinned genuinely.

            “Y-Yeah, that’s great!” he smiled but almost immediately, a confused frown crossed his face, “But… You just moved in the neighborhood, right?” he made sure.

            “Yeah, why you asking?” he shrugged.

            “Would he happen to be the son of the woman who just moved right next to our home?” he mumbled to himself.

            “What did you say?” he asked him to repeat as he couldn’t hear him.

            “N-Nothing.” He replied.

            Another silence fell and the both didn’t utter a word until they were just a few meters away from the shorter’s place – and so, only a few meters away from his new neighbor’s home.

            Baekhyun bit his lower lips a little before excusing himself: “W-Well… I’ve just remembered I had to pass by the grocery shop for my mother. So, I gotta go, Soo. See ya tomorrow!” he awkwardly turned around and rushed down the street so fast that Kyungsoo didn’t even get time to tell him that the nearest grocery shop was in the opposite direction. He frowned but decided to brush it off as he pulled out his keys and unlocked the front door.

            “I’m here mom! Shall we meet the new neighbor now?” he asked as he made his way to the kitchen while humming a song. He opened the door or the fridge and picked a green apple. Her mother entered the room and greeted her son.

            “Yeah we’ll go as soon as you’ve finished eaten, okay?”

            “’Kay.” He nodded. He climbed the stairs two per two to reach his room, his apple still in his mouth. He dropped his heavy bag on the floor then flopped on his bed and closed his eyes. He munched his apple and recalled all what happened this day.

            “My first friend, right?” he told himself then grinned widely.

            A few minutes passed by and finally he heard his mother call him: “Kyungsoo! Did you finish eating yet? Can we go now? I wouldn’t like to come back home too late.” She shouted from downstairs.

            “I’m coming!” he shouted too.

            Kyungsoo and his mother got out of their home. His mother locked the door then put the key in the front pocket of her pants. They knocked on the door of their brand new neighbor then waited for her to answer.

            “Good afternoon!” the both greeted as the door opened on a middle-aged woman. “I’ve learnt you have just moved here so my son Kyungsoo and I went to meet you!” she went on.

            “Oh that’s so sweet of you!” the woman cooed. “My name’s Byun Jihyun.” She introduced herself. “Oh please don’t stay outside. It’s getting cold, come in!” she insisted as she opened the front door widely.

            “Funny, she’s got the same family name as Baekhyun…” he frowned.

            Jihyun brought them to the living room and offered them a tea.

            The three made themselves comfortable in the couch as they took a sip of their warm drink. Nobody spoke for a few minutes before Kyungsoo finally dared to ask him a question: “D-Do you have a son, Ma’am?” He immediately regretted as he saw a hint of sadness in her eyes.

            “I used to…” she answered after a few seconds. “My husband and my son died two years ago… In a car accident.”

            “Oh my… I am so sorry for asking.” He felt horribly guilty for reminding her of such awful memories and her mom discreetly threw him an angry stare for making the woman almost cry.

            The middle-aged woman sadly smiled and quickly changed the topic, afraid she might fall apart because of the bad memory.

            They went on speaking joyfully for a while before the two returned to their home.

            “She’s really kind.” Her mother smiled as she started cooking the dinner.

            “Yeah sure.” Her son agreed. 


Wow... This chapter so mcuh... '-' What did you think about it?

Finally I'm still stuch at my home because of my ing fever which doesn't want to disappear... I don't know yet when I'll update the next chapter (I hope it won't as much as this one anyway... TT). As I told you guys previously, I've got a big exam next week and I HAVE to pass it... :( 

Sorry again for the mistakes I've made.

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waiting for an update ^^
Chapter 5: your chapter doesn't . Nothing you have written so far even comes close to . On the contrary, I love it. I was expecting bark to be a ghost, but the way you have written is very nice. I am so curious as to how you will continue the story. Is there no chance of them ending together?
jun-kiseob_b2uty #3
Chapter 5: uhm, at first when i discovered baek presence is weird, somehow i thought that baek was soo's imagination. i've tried to shove the thought but when i read this chapter, it's so obvious.. anyway, i wouldn't mind to see that baek is ghost -or not- as long soo have a friend.. and i'm pretty sure that i couldn't wait to see their happy and/or cute moments.. so, i can't wait for next updates!!
knditksbh #4
Chapter 5: Oh. Don't. Tell. Me. Baekhyun. Is. Truly. The. Ghost. Okay-okay this chapter give me some explanation huee baekhyunnnnnnnn (((TaT)))
knditksbh #5
Chapter 4: Srsly what is baekhyun im so curious lmao update soon kay :)
knditksbh #6
Chapter 3: That baeksoo moment was srsly the cutest, nervous soo and talkative baek :3
knditksbh #7
Chapter 2: This is so interesting aw forgive me for late reply but what is baekhyun lol/? Why is this dude turn to big mystery lmao
sehuneth #8
I'm really curious!! Why didn't the other students notice baek?!!!
Nowonderwhy #9
Chapter 3: no one notice baek? is he a ghost? i'm curious!!!