Blondes and Boxes

Silent Protectors

Jae-in kicked open the door to Seoul's hunter home, and by home it is was more of a old, gigantic and creepy looking castle. 


"Cha Hakyeon!" She yelled, voice echoed in the dark corridor. 


The man in question came running down the entranceway only a few seconds later. 


"What is it?" Hakyeon asked visibly panicked, halting to a stop in front of Jae. His short black hair was messily tasseled and he presented himself only in boxes. 


Jae-in didn't blink an eye as she shoved the body from her back onto the floor harshly.  


"Oooohh what's this? Our own baby Jae bringing home a man." Wonshik spoke in a husky voice as he emerged from his room, curious as to what all the yelling was about.  


"Never thought I would see the day." Hakyeon agreed, staring down at the blonde hair boy passed out on the floor.  


She glared at both of them before saying "He saw me hunt, so I knocked him out."  


Wonshik poked the boy with his foot, much to his dismay, the boy didn't move at all. "You sure you didn't kill him?" Wonshik asked, poking the body a little harder.  


"I'm starting to wish I did." Jae replied, signing loudly.  


"Ew what smells like human?" Jaehwan spoke loudly as he crawled from his nest and into the hallway, joining the mini crowd forming around the poor unsuspecting blonde. A loud dramatic gasp was heard as Jaehwan noticed the female, whom was still glaring holes at the body still on the floor. 


"Jae baby, you came home!" Jaehwan the proceed to yell, launching himself at her. Alas, before he could even put a finger on her, his body was flung to the opposite end of the corridor. He let out a loud 'Ooooof' as he collided with the wall and ever-so-gracefully slid down it.  


Wonshik started laughing, full tears-coming-out-eyes laughing. 


"I heard Jaehwan's body slamming against the wall." Hongbin muttered tiredly as he poked his head out of his own room, making his grand entry in nothing but boxers, which seemed to be the uniform of the current reunion, and a shirt that looked suspiciously like Wonshik's. 


"You should know better then to touch our princess." Hakyeon tutted to Jaehwan, as Jaehwan recollected his dignity and jumped up from the floor, perfectly fine.  


"Call me princess again, and it will be the last word to ever leave your mouth." Jae said, lifting her glare to Hakyeon.  


"Aww you don't mean that." Hakyeon said, roughly grabbing her and rubbing his cheek against her hair, much like an animal would do to scent their children.  


"Yah! Get off me!" Jae struggled to set herself free, but was tackled by Jaehwan from her other side. "What the hell?! Weren't you at the other end of the hallway?" Jae demanded, to which Jaehwan ignored and just rubbed his cheek on Jae's. 


With her face mushed against Hakyeon's chest, Jae turned to the two half-awake bystanders with pleading eyes. 


Wonshik shook his head at her and mouthed 'Let them have their moment.'  


'Your death wish is my command.' Jae mouthed back.  


"Is no one going to anything about the unconscious human boy in the middle of the entrance to our home?" Taekwoon spoke, appearing with a frightfully dark aura surrounding him.  


A few moments later and Wonshik and Hongbin were gently carrying the blonde boy into one of the empty guest rooms in the hunter's house-castle-thingy, slightly afraid of the glaring cat trailing behind them.  


Taekwoon stopped beside Jae and put his hand on her shoulder. "Its good to have you back Jae." He spoke softly. 


Jae-in snorted as she took in his appearance, unlike the others he was in a grey tracksuit with matching grey slippers, glasses and was that a ing newspaper? 


"Ah yes grey. It compliments your cold glare, newly coming in grey hairs and oh? Is that wrinkles I see? Well  I might as well call you grandpa from now on." Jae said, meeting his stare head on. 


Hakyeon popped his head around the corner with a frown. "Jae you have literally been home for 15 minutes, chill it. Plus, my Taekwoonie does not have grey hairs." 


Jae signed loudly. "It just pains me to see that while I was running free in meadows of flowers you boys were sitting in this house, making poor fashion choices." 


"Meadows of flowers?" Hongbin asked, confused.   


"Poor fashion choices?" Hakyeon asked at the same time, gasping with his hand over his heart. 


"You heard me." She said raising her brows, challenging.  


"Sleep here tonight." Wonshik said, re-appearing from the guest room (Now with an actual guest in it for the first time in a millennium) and breaking the tension.  


"How about no. This place creeps me the out." Jae said, which was nothing but the truth. She had never really felt comfortable in the hunter's home-castle-thingy so instead opted to stay in a small apartment across town. Honestly, the castle made weird noises at night and don't even get her started about the creepy crawlies .  


Hakyeon and Taekwoon then simply began to drag the complaining girl through the house, and dumped her in front of her old bedroom, which had not been used in quite a while and most likely had a layer of dust on everything.  


"Sleep." Taekwoon grandpa said before offering her a small smile. Hakyeon then shoved the ice cat out of the way and gave Jae a hug that cut off her air supply for a solid minute. He smiled as well, before pushing her into the room and shutting the door behind him.  


"Hey Taekwoon! Where's my goodnight kiss?" Jae heard Hakyeon yell, followed by loud running footsteps.  


Jae-in rolled her eyes but made no further complaints as she crawled under the covers of her bed. Yeah it felt good to be home, she thought as the sun began to rise from the horizon. 






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mistressofsecrecy1 #1
Chapter 4: hey! haha lovely chapter! :D lol I love when N gets all scary ... :P haha and was that Leo? the one in Sanghyuk's room?

anyway welcome back! ^^ its great if you are less busy now ^^ relax and write and yeah haha thansk for the update!! :D
joanna20 #2
Chapter 4: Welcome bk
Thank you so much for updating! I fell in love with this story already! Sassy Jae is the best.
mistressofsecrecy1 #4
Chapter 3: awe haha is the 'blonde boy's sanghyuk? lol
poor jaehwan and then him and hakyeon's double attack. she probably likes it in some deep deeeep corner of her heart lol

haha Grandpa Taekwoon and Hongbin coming out after hearing Jaehwan's crash
I love it ...more and more!! hehe

thank you for the update!
yogurt3200 #5
Chapter 3: ohhh this is interesting XD
so they're monster hunter something like that and human can't see them
but that boy's hyuk right XD
and I saw Rabin hint!? awwwwwwwwww XB
can't wait for next chapters and our Jae is freaking sassy! I like her!

ps. taekwoon has grey hair here?? or I just misunderstanding because of lacking of english LOL
joanna20 #6
Chapter 3: The blond boy is hyuk. :)
Chapter 3: Ohhh it was Hyuk jzjshdhfjhd
mistressofsecrecy1 #8
Chapter 2: so interesting!! :D excited for the next chapters! really like the action so far...wonder who the boy is :D
I like her sassy character hehe *thumbs up*
Chapter 2: The boy is Hakyeon right????
joanna20 #10
Chapter 2: interesting. ;)